90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, May 5, 2016

Midnight Movies: Milo Yiannopoulos Compilation: "Sunlight is the best disinfectant"

Taking it back.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Girls With Guns

Day 2 of The Trump Administration...


What Has Hillary Accomplished?


The Kid Lived But Who Died?

The Feral Irishman Found The Story HERE
His Blog Is HERE
More Amazing Animated Gifs:

The Tragedy Of Alcohol Abuse...

Social Justice Warriors Are Pathetic... #Trigglypuff

Trigglypuff is Pathetic. #vine


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I Wish Hillary Had Married OJ...

Funny, but frankly, there is no energy for electing Hillary, I would prefer to run against her than against Bernie, his people have energy. Trump supporters have energy, former Cruz supporters...not so much... With Trump, we have the energy advantage against Hillary.

John Kasich Drops Out of Presidential Race

Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, a moderate voice who tried to portray himself as the adult in the Republican primary field but failed to win any state but his own, is ending his long-shot quest for the presidency on Wednesday, according to two people briefed on his decision.

Mr. Kasich’s departure, a day after Donald J. Trump’s victory in the Indiana primary, leaves Mr. Trump as the only candidate remaining in the Republican race. His closest challenger, Senator Ted Cruz of Texas, dropped out Tuesday night.

A conventional candidate in an unconventional race, Mr. Kasich outlasted the other governors in the Republican field. But his longevity was largely a testament to his unbending refusal to drop out long after it became clear that voters were not flocking to his campaign.

He rarely wavered from his above-the-fray approach to his rivals, even as they racked up far more delegates. When his rivals attacked one another, Mr. Kasich struck a sunny tone and told people that they were made special by the Lord. When his opponents took...


There Will Be ‘Very Damaging’ Leaks From Hillary Email Investigation, Her Actions Reckless and Entitled

On Wednesday’s “CNN Tonight,” Journalist and author Carl Bernstein stated that there would be “very damaging” leaks from the investigation into Democratic presidential candidate former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email, and described her conduct as “what she did was an act of recklessness, and entitlement, that there’s no excuse for.”

Bernstein began by stating that in the general election “all bets are off,” including the usual GOP-Dem breakdown as an important factor, celebrity might be more important than ideology, and “TMZ, Drudge, new media, [are] going to have a huge role in this, much more than the usual, fact-based media.”

He further said that GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump’s campaign had expanded from a “nativist, almost neo-fascist campaign” to when where “there might be a kind of screw you vote, about Washington, about the process, that he could be the beneficiary of.” And that “a lot of Democrats around Hillary Clinton” that he had talked to were “very worried” about running against Trump, and that some “Republican regulars” who were part of the Stop Trump movement he talked to pegged Trump’s chances against Hillary at at least 25%.

Bernstein then said, “[T]he folks around Hillary, who are not the usual Clinton Kool Aid drinkers…they’re worried, they know that their candidate has...

Totalitarian Zealot, Claude Walker, the Democrat Attorney General Targets 90 Conservative Groups in Climate Change Racketeering Suit

The attorney general of the U.S. Virgin Islands is targeting dozens of conservative and libertarian organizations in a racketeering lawsuit against climate change skeptics that has been widely described as an effort to silence political opponents.

In a subpoena issued in March, the office of USVI attorney general Claude Walker demanded from Exxon Mobil copies of communications between the oil company and 90 different political and policy organizations “and any other organizations engaged in research or advocacy concerning Climate Change or policies.”

The subpoena was part of a national, coordinated legal campaign by state attorneys general and left-wing advocacy groups to use the legal system against companies and organizations that disagree with and advocate against Democratic policies to address global climate change.

The existence of the subpoena was first reported by the Wall Street Journal in April. A newly released copy obtained by the Washington Free Beacon reveals the names of the organizations targeted in the effort, which had previously been redacted.

Those organizations include some of the nation’s preeminent conservative and libertarian nonprofit groups. The AG is requesting Exxon Mobil communications with the Heritage Foundation, the Cato Institute, the Federalist Society, the Hoover Institution, the Reason Foundation, and the Mercatus Institute, among other groups.

One target of the subpoena, the libertarian Competitive Enterprise Institute, has already publicly responded to Walker. Its attorney called the attorney general’s subpoena “a blatant attempt to intimidate and harass an organization for advancing views that you oppose.”

“Your demand on CEI is offensive, it is un-American, it is unlawful, and it will not stand,” wroteAndrew M. Grossman, an attorney with the Washington firm BakerHostetler. “You can either withdraw it or expect to fight.”

Walker’s efforts will likely meet similar resistance from other organizations targeted by the subpoena, some of which have publicly denounced...

Ben Shapiro Destroys the Concept of White Privilege