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Sunday, June 5, 2016

‘Screw for Denmark’ sex campaigns produce baby boom in months

A racy ad campaign, started only nine months ago, has really hit the spot for Denmark's campaign for more baby-making. The country now expects booming birth rates this summer.

According to research by Denmark’s Politiken newspaper, the summer months of June-August this year will produce 1,200 more Danes than last summer. In total, some 16,200 babies are due to be born.

“I’ve never experienced a boom like this in my time as a midwife,” said Ann Fogsgaard, who’s been on the job 33 years.

“Normally, there are more births during the summer compared to the winter, but an increase like this is crazy.”

It all started with cute appeals by Spies Travel to “give the world more babies” and “Do it for mom!” – which gave quite good data on how people tend to get groovier during a seaside vacation, as opposed to an alpine hike. The sad Danish grandmother who anxiously unhooks her own daughter’s bra as she’s about to get down with her boyfriend is made happy. Even the stereotypical, creepy introverted online gamer guy gets some at the end.

After the guilt-card ad, the capital emerged with its own campaign. The City of Copenhagen took a mildly more serious approach, saying you won’t be fertile forever. And the broadcaster DR hopped aboard the baby-making wagon with the aptly-named “Screw for Denmark” (Knald for Danmark) campaign.

“You probably can’t ascribe the increase in births to our campaign, but it’s definitely a feather in our cap if the campaign has had a positive effect,” Copenhagen’s deputy mayor for health, Ninna Thomsen, told TV2 News, adding that she was actually surprised to begin with that so many...

Crooked Hillary Clinton Won’t Say if Right to Bear Arms Is Constitutional Right

Hillary Clinton couldn’t definitively say Sunday that the Second Amendment of the Constitution guaranteed the right to bear arms during an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos.

Republican rival Donald Trump has charged that Clinton wants to abolish the amendment. While Stephanopoulos said he knew that wasn’t true, he pressed her on her gun views that have increasingly gone to the left.

“Do you believe that an individual’s right to bear arms is a constitutional right, that it’s not linked to service in a militia?” he asked.


“I think that for most of our history, there was a nuanced reading of the Second Amendment until the decision by the late Justice Scalia, and there was no argument until then that localities and states and the federal government had a right, as we do with every amendment, to impose reasonable regulations,” she said. “So I believe we can have common-sense gun safety measures consistent with the Second Amendment.”

Clinton then went into her gun control platform, but...

Empowerment Series: Women With Weapons #81

Rain: Both Beautiful And Dangerous...

For Those Who Like Rain...

Rain Apocalypse..

You Know That Smell, When it First Starts To Rain?

Like Tears In Rain...

Rain is Beautiful and Renewing

Midnight Creepy...

Saturday, June 4, 2016

Girls With Guns

Someday, ... Your Kind Will Pray For A Man With A Sword...

More Wrath:

..Sacrifice A Civilization For Strangers...

Culture Always Has Natural Character And Roots...

This Pretty Much Sums Up Today's Politicians...

All Liberty Is Rooted In Strength. All Bondage Is Rooted In Weakness...

Evil Preaches Tolerance Until It Is Dominant...

The Politician Is Probably The First Ruler In All History Who Runs No Risks By The Act Of Ruling...

The Truth Is Like A Lion...

Liberals Have Ravaged America...

Napoleon Smacks Down Obama...

What In God's Green Earth?

Coming To America: Non-Europeans surrounds Europeans and attack Europeans in London(2016-05-09)

The Zombie Voter Apocalypse: California Refuses to Admit Its Voter Fraud Problem

Hollywood has always loved making films about the walking dead, but in Southern California it appears they have a real life problem with “zombie” voters.

An investigation by CBSLA2 and KCAL9 found that hundreds of deceased persons are still on voter registration rolls in the area, and that many of these names have been voting for years in Los Angeles.

Julita Abutin, died in 2006 but voted in 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014.

For example, John Cenkner died in 2003, according to Social Security Administration records, yet he voted in the 2004, 2005, 2006, 2008, and 2010 elections. His daughter told the station that she was “astounded” and couldn’t “understand how anybody” could get away with this.

Another voter, Julita Abutin, died in 2006 but voted in 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2014. According to CBS, the county confirmed they have “signed vote-by-mail envelopes” from Abutin since she passed away. So either someone has been forging her signature or her ghost has quite an earthly presence.

The investigation revealed that 265 deceased persons voted in Southern California, 215 of them in Los Angeles County. Thirty-two were repeat voters, with eight posthumously-cast ballots each. One woman who died in 1988 has been voting for 26 years, including in the 2014 election.

This report comes 20 years after the contested election of Rep. Loretta Sanchez, D-Calif., from this same area. An investigation by a U.S. House committee found that hundreds of illegal ballots were...

Newt Gingrich schools two ignorant radical leftist college students

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