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Friday, September 2, 2016

Hillary's Legacy...

Report: Child Rape Victim Lambasts Hillary Clinton for Defending Her Rapist

Motorcycle Vs. Car....

More Great Animated Gifs!


Selling This Pile To The American People Requires A Complicit Press...

The Mystery Deepens...

If You Know Hillary Clinton, You Will Probably Die Of Mysterious Causes Soon....

Hillary Clinton Is The Wolf At The Door....

- Mike Miles Quotes

Hillary Clinton is the wolf at the door,
the darkness and danger of the forest beyond
and the hordes of savages who will take everything
you know and love away from you, just a trek away.

Mommie Dearest - Hillary Clinton Will Be The Joan Crawford Of U.S. Presidents...

Trump's Galt-Right Movement

Ayn Rand’s classic novel, Atlas Shrugged, opens with the question “Who is John Galt?” It’s a question often repeated amid an ongoing quest to discover the answer.

John Galt is a man who opts out of a failed society, who rejects a nation near collapse, an eroding economy, escalating crime, and an authoritarian government for a better life. Galt then recruits society’s producers, smart, inventive people, the best of the best. They gather in a secret community, Galt’s Gulch, and set to work to rebuild what they’ve lost.

In Hillary Clinton’s “alt-right” speech, I see shades of Rand’s dystopian society, feelings over thoughts, words over action. Hillary went for the jugular of feelings with the most divisive, insulting, and damaging words in the Democrat lexicon. It’s frightening to realize her hate speech will reach a segment of voters because that’s not who Donald Trump is, not who his supporters are. We are not “alt-right”.

But then I was browsing Free Republic, an on-line conservative site, and saw this:

Donald Trump is the leader of the “Galt-Right”, a movement which rewards success, freedom and individuality.

Bingo! I’m with the Trump movement and believe me, this is who we are. Trump’s right when he says...

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