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Saturday, September 3, 2016

Girls With Guns

FBI: Clinton Ignored Cybersecurity Threats, Put POTUS at Risk of Being Hacked

Then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and her staff were regularly cautioned on the risks of using unsecured cellphones abroad, but that didn’t stop her from directly contacting President Barack Obama with one, which put him at risk of being hacked.

According to the FBI’s report released Friday detailing the agency’s investigation into Clinton’s use of a personal email server, she sent hundreds of emails — many of them classified — despite knowing that connecting to a local server provided an opportunity “for foreign adversaries to intercept voice and e-mail transmissions.”

While none of the correspondences between her and the commander in chief were marked classified, the president’s information was left vulnerable, as the server was not properly secured.

“On [redacted] occasions while OCONUS (Outside Continental U.S.), Clinton had direct e-mail contact with an e-mail address for President Barack Obama,” the report reads. “Of the [redacted] e-mails between Clinton and President Obama, [redacted] were sent and received [redacted].”

Clinton told investigators she wasn’t provided any information on how she should handle using the president’s email address overseas.

The investigation indicates in addition to Clinton, top aides often used ...

Too Soon? 2nd Place Winner In A Quick Draw Competition...


Sylville Smith: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

Hillary Clinton Answers “I Don’t Recall” 40 TIMES To FBI, Blames Concussion

Here’s a little role-playing you can do from the comfort of your own home:

Let’s pretend you’re being questioned by the FBI about your job – about things you need to know. You’re asked a question that you don’t know the answer to, so you say: “I don’t recall.”

Then you say it again: “I don’t recall.”

And again. And again. And again. “I don’t recall.” “I don’t recall.” “I don’t recall.”

And 35 more times.

And why not? Why can’t you remember pertinent facts about your job more than three dozen times? Because you fell down and bonked your head. And now you can’t remember things.

Folks, this is the woman who wants to be leader of the free world.

On July 2, the FBI interviewed Hillary Clinton about her handling of classified information.

She was asked “whether or not she was aware of the propriety of using her unclassified system to discuss.” She couldn’t recall.

She was asked if she ever received any training about how to handle classified information. She said no. But there’s a paper trail showing she says she did. Then the FBI report states:

That Time Harry Reid Sounded Exactly Like Donald Trump on Illegal Immigration

I was 1993. Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV) stood before the Senate in September to bolster his Immigration Stabilization Act just seven months after two CIA agents were killed at Langley headquarters by Pakistani illegal aliens and six months after the first World Trade Center bombing perpetrated by a group of Islamic terrorists that included illegals. Reid was on a mission to put an end to the immigration problem that was plaguing the United States. Some may say, after hearing his words, that he sounded exactly like Donald Trump does today. It has been Trump’s strong stance on fixing a completely shattered immigration system that has garnered him the most criticism. Illegal aliens pour into this country every day, mostly from Mexico, and with that bring financial burdens to American cities, not to mention crime and other maladies. The United States can’t support such a system for much longer. At one time, Harry Reid believed that, too. As he spoke from the Senate floor 23 years ago, Reid made his case before President Bill Clinton to end the “insane” birthright citizenship, clamp down on asylum seekers, like those who bombed the...

Morning Mistress

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Friday, September 2, 2016

Girls With Guns

Hillary's Legacy...

Report: Child Rape Victim Lambasts Hillary Clinton for Defending Her Rapist