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Friday, March 17, 2017

No, It Wasn't Obama's House - Mysterious house explosion rattles Washington, DC suburb (VIDEO)

A house explosion that shook the Washington, DC suburb of Rockville, Maryland could be felt miles away. Authorities are still looking for the man who lived at the house, which was supposed to be auctioned off.

The first reports of an explosion came about 12:38 am on Friday, and calls were received from suburbs several miles away, Montgomery County fire officials said. It took 75 firefighters about 20 minutes to subdue the blaze that followed the explosion.

Pete Piringer, spokesman for Montgomery County Fire & Rescue Service, described the damage to the house as “catastrophic.”

“It’s just a pile of debris; it’s just a pile of bricks. There’s not anything left of the house,” he told reporters. “There is collateral damage to several nearby homes.”

Rescue crews accompanied by search dogs were still looking for the home’s sole occupant as of Friday morning, Montgomery County Fire Chief Scott Goldstein said. Utility crews that showed up to turn off power and gas to the destroyed home said there was no indication the explosion was caused by a gas leak.

“There is no concern about a gas involvement in...

The Hypocrisy Of Rabid Environmentalists...

Logic Puzzle: Birds Of The Same Feather...

A Lot of People Accused Trump of Not Paying His Taxes

A Group Of Baboons Is Called A Congress...

Monkey Vs. Man...

Bananas And Monkeys

Freedom Is Eating Steak Well Done With Ketchup

There really was a liberal media bubble, Nate Silver reports, and the only thing wrong with his assertion is that it's in the past tense. The lack of diversity among journalistic ranks—even the sort of racial and sexual diversity championed every day in the pages of the Washington Post and New York Times—makes it easy for consensus to form and harden into unshakable groupthink. The media is a crowd without wisdom. There is hardly any variety of opinion, independence of mind is mocked and ostracized, and reporters increasingly are twenty- and thirty-year-olds living in either New York City or D.C. who are addicted to Twitter, where they out-snark each other to determine who can assume the best pose of knowingness. "As a result," Silver concludes, "it can be largely arbitrary which storylines gain traction and which ones don't. What seems like a multiplicity of perspectives might just be one or two, duplicated many times over." Perspectives that Donald Trump is an oaf or Hitler or an oafish Hitler and Republicans are, in a word, awful.

The remarkable thing is the bubble did not pop or even tremble after the election was over and the unthinkable had occurred. Instead it hardened into a shell, an impenetrable dome of the sort that walls off Chester's Mill, Maine, in the novel by Stephen King. We moved effortlessly from a world in which Brexit would not happen and Donald Trump could not win to a world in which Putin colluded with Trump's henchmen to influence the election and the Trump presidency was on life support after only 50 days. The hysteria and mob-like denunciations that greet every utterance of this president, each step taken by his team, have become routine. What has been normalized in these first two months is not Trump but the paranoid bad faith imputed to him.

In Washington under Trump even so rudimentary an activity as eating has become politicized, weighted with aesthetic and class significance, put under the jurisdiction of social arbiters who declare what is woke and what is haram. "Actually, How Donald Trump Eats His Steak Matters," proclaims...

Woman Aged 90 was ‘Raped and Strangled’ by Teenage Immigrant in Germany

A 90-year-old woman in Germany was dragged into a courtyard and violently raped by a teenage immigrant, a court has heard.

The 19-year-old Spanish-Moroccan man is alleged to have asked the woman for money while she was visiting a church in Dusseldorf.

Prosecutors claim he confronted the elderly woman in St Lambertus Church and shouted ‘Money, money!’ at her.

When she said she did not have any money to give him, the man allegedly dragged her outside and carried out the appalling attack before strangling her and pulling her hair. She survived the ordeal and was hospitalized.

The alleged attacker is also said to have stolen the key to her house and written down her address, although there is no evidence that he ever broke in.

The man is accused of rape, bodily harm and...

Morning Mistress - Did You Knit That Yourself?

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Capture the Flag | He Will Not Divide Us - THE MOVIE


Shia Labeouf's 3rd attempt at #HeWillNotDivideUs Gets Defeated In Less Than 2 Days!

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Girls With Guns - Nice Bazookas!

A Moment Of Serenity - Snowy Trail Towards A New Morning...

A Moment Of Serenity - Dreaming Of Birds..

Rain is grace; rain is the sky descending to the earth; without rain, there would be no life.

A Moment Of Serenity - The Long Train...

Former Trump advisor says he was a victim of bizarre hit-and-run, suggests it was no accident

Former Donald Trump advisor and Florida resident Roger Stone was involved in a hit-and-run accident in Pompano Beach that he claims was no accident at all.

Stone claimed that a car with tinted windows so dark you could not see who was inside rammed his car and totaled it in Pompano Beach. “They just came at us full force. The driver then threw it in reverse and took off,” Stone told CBS4 News.

The former Trump advisor was reportedly on his way to a stop on his book tour when the accident happened.

“Out of nowhere we were T-boned essentially by a late model 4-door what I’m now told was a Pontiac,” Stone said.

Stone told CBS that his vision was a bit blurry, but that he is “bruised but OK.”

The accident was confirmed by a police report. CBS noted that the accident occurred at 10:45 am in Pompano Beach at NW 7th Avenue and 1st Street.

Stone, however, is not listed by name in the police report because he reportedly left the scene before police arrived to take the report. Police took a full 70 minutes to respond to the scene.

To prove he was there, the author supplied CBS with a copy of a receipt from an Uber driver who Stone called to pick him up at the scene of the accident.

CBS also interviewed John Kakanis, the driver of the car that was smashed by the hit-and-run driver. Kakanis is working for Stone during the book tour.

Kakanis said that the car that plowed into his vehicle was a grey, four-door sedan. He also said the accident seemed intentional.

Stone said that he thought the accident was meant to scare him off his...