90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Modern Day Muslim Slave Trade: Humans are reportedly being sold as slaves for $400 each on the front line of the migrant crisis

Humans are being bought and sold at modern-day slave auctions in Libya, according to an investigation by CNN.

The news channel found evidence of two separate auctions, held after dark at undisclosed locations in the war-ravaged country, which has become the epicentre of the ongoing migrant crisis.

Footage showed men, the majority from Niger, being auctioned off by local slavers for 600 Libyan dinar each — roughly equivalent to $400 or £300.

Reporters at CNN were given mobile phone footage showing one group of men being sold at an indoor auction, which they said they were able to independently verify.

Later they travelled to Tripoli, Libya, and were directed to an auction which they managed to film in person.

Reporter Nima Elbagir said she saw 12 men sold off in a matter of minutes by a...

Ex-Google Executive Registers First Church Of AI With IRS

Scientism is a religion started in the early 1800’s by French philosopher Henri de Saint-Simon, who called for a priesthood of engineers and scientists to administrate humanity. Both Technocracy and Transhumanism have deep roots in Scientism, so it isn’t surprising to see modern adherents trying to create a godhead out of Artificial Intelligence. ⁃ TN Editor

A former executive at Google has filed paperwork with the IRS to establish an official religion of technology. This religion doesn’t just worship scientific progress, but artificial intelligence itself, with the goal of creating a godhead.

The new church of AI will aim “to develop and promote the realization of a Godhead based on artificial intelligence and through understanding and worship of the Godhead [to] contribute to the betterment of society,” according to IRS documents.

The non-profit religious organization would be called “Way of the Future” (WOTF). According to the website (wayofthefuture.church), the movement is “about creating a peaceful and respectful transition of who is in charge of the planet from people to people + ‘machines.'”

“Given that technology will ‘relatively soon’ be able to surpass human abilities, we want to help educate people about this exciting future and prepare a smooth transition,” the site explains. “In ‘recent’ years, we have expanded our concept of rights to both sexes, minority groups and even...

REPORT: Time To Investigate Obama’s FBI

President Obama weaponized the federal government to punish his political enemies and further the agendas of his supporters. This climate of government intimidation and manipulation culminated in the 2016 Election that saw the FBI attacking one presidential nominee, Donald Trump, and favoring another, Hillary Clinton. Clinton was of course Mr. Obama’s former Secretary of State. Trump was a political outsider who didn’t even have the full support of the GOP but did have the support of tens of millions of voters both Republican and Democrat alike. This popularity made Donald Trump the single greatest threat to the D.C. status-quo and as such, became Barack Obama’s #1 target for political and personal destruction.

It is a scenario that has U.S. Congressman Mark Meadows demanding a full and independent investigation be launched into the Obama FBI and its connection to he false “Trump dossier” that was used as the justification for illegal surveillance of private citizens connected to the Trump campaign. (And likely surveillance of Mr. Trump himself and his family.)

For the past year, as our government has been mired in both an aimless and fruitless investigation into accusations of collusion between the Russian government and the 2016 Trump Presidential campaign, Democrats have insisted that Congress follow where the evidence leads in this investigation. My Democratic colleagues are absolutely right. Congress should follow where the facts lead. However, they’re leading in a very different direction than the mainstream media narrative might suggest.

…The fact that the Clinton campaign and the DNC paid intelligence officials in Russia for salacious and false information on President Trump is suspicious enough. But we’re also beginning to see evidence that raises questions about whether the Obama Justice Department may have inappropriately...

Robert Mueller Is the Cover-Up

Friendship is a beautiful thing, and it's really good to know that Robert Mueller, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper have known each other for many years.  They're loyal friends. 

Mueller is a former top FBI dude, who helped to clear Bill Clinton after that impeachment mess, and like Mr. Comey, he did his very best.  Clapper was the single most powerful man in the "intelligence" "community," a centralized directorate (as the Soviets used to call it), which was George W. Bush's principal response to 9/11/01. 

Now don't get me wrong: I'm sure all these brave men (or persons, I should say) made great contributions to the safety and welfare of all of us.  But here they are at the peak of their careers, each one of them, and Democrat candidate Hillary is suddenly exposed to the world with her email fiasco as SecState.  Violating the very first rule of intelligence and statecraft, to protect your country's secrets.  And she obviously sold secret and sensitive information to Clinton Foundation "donors" around the world, including old friend Vladimir Putin (who now owns 20 percent of U.S. uranium, or possibly more), the Muslim Brotherhood (friends of Huma), the Iranians (who sponsor half the terror attacks in the world), the Chinese (who want more of our secret high tech), and probably the French (who understand bribery and just wanted to get access to Hillary as POTUS). 

We've seen how Bill sold U.S. rocket-launching secrets to the Chinese for campaign money...or personal money.  It's so hard to tell the difference. 

Well, skip that. 

So the wife of the perp becomes a senator from the State of New York, which is well known for the purity of its politics.  Why did she become senator?  Was she a resident of N.Y. State?  Was she the best qualified person to represent the Great State (etc.)?  Or did the N.Y. machine just pick her and scare everybody else away? 

So Hillary has violated any number of laws all of her adult life, ever since she was hired by the Senate Watergate Committee to lynch Richard Nixon – which worked just as it was meant to.  Nixon resigned, but for the Democrats, he should have been hanged, drawn, quartered, waterboarded, and made to read the NYT op-ed page for extra punishment.  I know Democrats who still hate Richard Nixon with a hellish fury.  Nixon is the gift that keeps on giving.  Hillary's major role in the persecution of President Nixon – a duly elected POTUS – was to urge that all his constitutional rights be taken away.  That was the young Hillary right after law school. 

The major difference from Watergate today is that no sane and sentient human being believes the NYT or the WaPo anymore.  They have permanently blown their cover. 

And yet the Axis of NYT-WaPo tells us that Donald Trump is just suspected of nefarious dealings with the Russians, which presumably caused the Russians to break into Hillary's ridiculous emails and the DNC file system, sending truthful (but wicked) information to WikiLeaks, to be dumped at strategic moments of the election campaign. 

Notice well that nobody claims that the Hillary dumps were false.  They were true enough.  That's why they hate Trump and his imaginary Russian sources.  It's the truth that hurt Hillary. 

So that's their problem.  It's not that Hillary isn't a crook, as proven by an endless number of leaked sources, including her ridiculous email setup.  This was arguably treason by the U.S. secretary of state in a time of war – a war that the Bushes, Clintons, and Obamas refused to name, because that might kick in the constitutional provisions for declaring war and living with the reality of treason. 

So Trump catches wind of that swamp stink and fires Comey, Clapper, and Brennan.  Comey then plants a bomb in the media alleging that Trump had Moscow ladies of the night peeing on Obama's bed. 


That's what set off this whole witch hunt, and Oliver Cromwell would have been ashamed of these goofballs.  When the English witch-hunters went after suspects, waterboarding was the least of their methods of interrogation. 

Along the way, the Brits got involved in this story of high crimes and misdemeanors, because if you believe that that old MI6 guy Chris Steele didn't tell his fellow spooks over there about dumping Moscow prostitute stories into the FBI, the CIA, and the NSA, not to mention the top of the DNC, you'd better think again.  The U.K.-E.U. role in all this is never talked about – a mighty suspicious gap in the story.  Chris and his old MI6 buds probably passed the story around just for laughs. 

So Trump and Russia allegedly colluded, according to the Steele "dossier," which was freely passed around D.C. for months while no "respectable" news outlet would publish it. 

Now, that phoney-baloney "dossier" looked mighty suspicious to the Monsters of the Deep, like Comey, who instantly demanded a special counsel to pursue Trump and...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #80

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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Apple Fires Vice President of Diversity Following Controversial Statement

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Poland's Unstoppable Patriotism

Girls With Guns

Islamic Enrichment World Tour...

This Is Why Leftists Hate President Trump...