90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Dershowitz Uses Sports Analogy to Explain How Trump Team Is 'Playing' Mueller

Liberal activists are quivering with outrage over suggestions and rumors that President Trump might try to fire Special Counsel Robert Mueller, but they shouldn't worry about it, says former Harvard Law Professor Alan Dershowitz.

Trump told reporters on Sunday evening that he does not plan to fire Mueller, and that makes sense to Dershowitz, who explained the Trump strategy as "playing the refs."

Well, I learned about this from Red Auerbach, the great coach of the Boston Celtics who told me one day when we were sitting at a Celtics game that whenever he used to scream at an official and yell at the official, he'd always get the next call in his favor. Then I heard the same thing from a baseball player who said when he protested a ball or a strike he would get the next call.

I think that's the tactic that's being used here. You continuously attack Mueller. You bring up every possible issue, whether it be conflict of interest, hiring the wrong people, failing to get a warrant for the emails, using the dossier to get the national security warrant -- and Mueller, who's so concerned about his integrity and his reputation, may very well be inclined to lean over backwards to...

Leftists Waiting For Someone To Tell Them What To Be Offended About..

Clapper under fire for calling Trump a Russian asset: ‘He just accused the president of treason, essentially’

In another example of anti-Trump hysteria, CNN contributor James Clapper — the former National Intelligence director under Obama — suggested President Trump is a Russian agent who’s being “handled” by Vladimir Putin.

Former U.N. ambassador John Bolton responded by trashing Clapper’s over-the-top paranoia. “He just accused the president of treason essentially,” Bolton told Judge Jeanine Pirro. “He’s saying that he is an unwitting Russian agent. If he’s got evidence for that I would like to hear it!”

Bolton said this unsubstantiated narrative being pushed by liberal media has gotten out of control and is hurting the United States. And it’s time for...

In 1 Chart, What’s in the Final Tax Reform Bill

The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is the most sweeping update to the U.S. tax code in more than 30 years. The recently released conference report would lower taxes on business and individuals, and unleash higher wages, more jobs, and untold opportunity through a larger and more dynamic economy.

The conference report is a serious effort to reform a complex and badly broken system that provides significant tax relief to the vast majority of taxpaying Americans.

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #110

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Monday, December 18, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Wrapping Things Up
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

CNN - The Condensed Bullshit Soup...

Made With 100% Fake NEWS!

Can't Get Enough Fake News?

18 Questions CNN Needs To Answer After Getting Busted For Fake News

Photo: Winter in New York City. 1936

For a few minutes, forget your troubles, forget your worries, open up and take a journey...

Camels and burning Kuwaiti oil fields that had been blown up by retreating Iraqi troops, 1991.

Amazing Photos Collection #1
Amazing Photos Collection #3
Amazing Photos Collection #4
Amazing Photos Collection #5
Amazing Photos Collection #6 -or- Surreal picture of a Zeppelin under construction, circa 1935
Canal Street, New Orleans, circa.1910 or Photo Collection #7

Shock Revelation: Obama Allowed Terror Group To Smuggle Drugs Into The US All To Protect Iran Nuke Deal

A bombshell report from Politico Sunday revealed that the Obama administration let Hezbollah’s money-laundering and drug-trafficking operations slide in order to protect the Iran nuclear deal from collapsing.

The Drug Enforcement Administration led a campaign dubbed Project Cassandra that reportedly targeted the criminal activities of the militant group.

However, Justice and Treasury Department officials reportedly delayed or outright rejected the DEA’s requests for investigations, sanctions and prosecutions against members of Hezbollah.

According to Josh Meyer of Politico, these players included: “Hezbollah’s high-profile envoy to Iran, a Lebanese bank that allegedly laundered billions in alleged drug profits, and a central player in a U.S.-based cell of the Iranian paramilitary Quds force.”

In December 2011, U.S. attorney Preet Bharara filed a civil money laundering lawsuit against “Lebanese Financial Institutions That Facilitated a Hizballah-Related Money Laundering Scheme.”

The lawsuit claimed that “Lebanese Financial Institutions, Including Institutions Linked to Hizballah, Allegedly Wired Over $300 Million into the United States for the Purchase and Shipment of Used Cars to West Africa as Part of Money Laundering Scheme.”

The suit added that “Proceeds from Car Sales and Narcotics Trafficking Allegedly Were Funneled Back to ....