90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, January 8, 2019

The Zombie Plague in Downtown Los Angeles is a Consequence of Liberal Utopian Dreams

Monday, January 7, 2019

Reaction to Ocasio-Cortez "Dancing" Video Proves Intellectual Superiority... of Conservatives.

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:

The Other McCain has: Rule Five Tuesday
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
EBL has: Rule 5 And FMJRA
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

...Love This Hat...

AOC Finds Out Why We Don't Like Her...

Communism Always Leads To Starvation, Mass Incarceration And Finally Mass Murder...

What's The Worst That Can Happen?

Deep Thoughts With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #5...

Deep Thoughts With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez #4...

Lone Sheriff Battles Illegal Immigrant Crime in Small Texas County

In a small Texas county, a lone sheriff battles with crimes committed by illegal immigrants that include vehicle pursuits, drug trafficking, and dead bodies cast out by human traffickers.

Such criminal activity has become commonplace in Refugio County, leaving Sheriff Raul “Pinky” Gonzales to deal with the spiraling crime rates brought on by illegal aliens.

An illegal immigrant must travel through at least five counties beyond the U.S.–Mexico border to reach the small county of Refugio, with a population of around 7,300.

Most illegal aliens picked up by Pinky were on their way to Houston, just 165 miles northeast, said the small town sheriff, who is the only senior law enforcement official in the county. “Houston is like a staging area for them,” he said during an interview."And from there, some of them go to California, some go to New York, a lot of them go up north to Boston.

Vehicle pursuits are a common occurrence in Refugio County, which is just one of 254 counties in the state. On the day he spoke to The Epoch Times, Sheriff Gonzales said just that morning, two different groups of illegal aliens were captured.

In one instance, a vigilant driver saw a hand sticking out of the bed of a pickup truck and called authorities.

Nine illegal aliens and the smuggler, or “coyote,” were subsequently arrested.In a second incident on the same morning, a vehicle pursuit from a neighboring county entered Refugio.The chase ended when the vehicle, carrying nine illegal aliens and their...

When The Policies You Support Result In The Murder Of American Citizens...

Trump will visit southern border Thursday, White House says

President Donald Trump is going to visit the southern U.S. border with Mexico on Thursday, this amid his battle with Congress to provide $5 billion in funding for a southern border wall and border security.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted Monday, “President Trump will travel to the Southern border on Thursday to meet with those on the frontlines of the national security and humanitarian crisis. More details will be announced soon.”

President @realDonaldTrump will travel to the Southern border on Thursday to meet with those on the frontlines of the national security and humanitarian crisis. More details will be announced soon.
7,237 people are talking about this
No further details were immediately announced.

Trump on Friday had said he might declare a national emergency in order to build the southern border wall.

While speaking to reporters at the White House and asked if he would consider declaring a national emergency, he said, “We can do it. I haven’t done it. I may do it. I may do it,” the Washington Post had reported.

The government has remained partially shut down since Dec. 22, 2018 – entering its third week and now the third longest shutdown in U.S. history.

The main obstacle in garnering bipartisan approval for a federal appropriations bill has been the $5 billion Trump insists must be included for the...

Do You Support Child Sex Trafficking?

You Either Support The Wall Or You Support Child Sex Trafficking...

Remember The WALL!


Gardeners who talk to their plants are often dismissed as being a little potty,
 but now there is evidence that the plants may actually be listening 
  • Flowers can hear the buzz of approaching bees, researchers have found
  • Biologists at Tel Aviv University found flowers respond by making sweeter nectar
  • The study, published on the website BioRxiv, said it was the first evidence that plants can respond to sounds in ‘an ecologically relevant way'

Gardeners who talk to their plants are often dismissed as being a little potty, but now there is evidence that the plants may actually be listening.

Flowers not only hear the buzz of approaching bees, but respond by producing sweeter nectar, biologists at Tel Aviv University have found.

This entices the bees to visit more often, increasing the chance of the plant’s pollen being distributed.

When the scientists played recordings of flying bees to evening primrose flowers, the sugar concentration in the nectar rose by an average 20 per cent within three minutes....