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Monday, December 9, 2019

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Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
What is Rule 5?

The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: Monica Ruiz
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
EBL has: Rule 5 And FMJRA
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

On Thin Ice...

The Many Faces Of Fascism...

An Apology On Behalf Of The Swedish People For Greta Gone Wild...

Shhhhh.... Don't Tell Black People This....

Ok, You Can Tell Them...

‘It’s Time:’ Mexico Urges Pelosi To Act On North American Trade Deal

Mexico's President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador looks on during a news conference at the National Palace in Mexico City, Mexico.

MEXICO CITY (Reuters) – Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador on Monday urged U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi to make a decision about the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement, saying it was time to move forward with the trade deal.

Lopez Obrador said Mexican senators accepted changes to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) presented by the government on Sunday amid an intense back-and-forth between the countries as they hammer out final changes to satisfy U.S. Democrats’ demands.

The president said he “respectfully requests” Pelosi to take action on the deal, which was struck more than a year ago but must be ratified by legislators in the three countries before it goes into effect.

“It’s time, it’s the moment,” Lopez Obrador said during his regular morning news conference, adding that time was running short to avoid ratification of the deal spilling into next year’s U.S. presidential election race.

Mexican lawmakers earlier this year approved the USMCA, which would replace the North American Free Trade Agreement, or NAFTA. But Democratic lawmakers have held up U.S. ratification over concerns about how labor and environmental provisions would be enforced.

The United States added an additional request at the weekend, relating to how steel is identified as...

The Shadow Of Canine Prophesizes Four More Prosperous Solar Cycles...

Construction Workers Drown Out Chanting Climate Demonstrators

American workers aren’t too sympathetic to the left inserting their politics into their workplace.

A group of construction workers drowned out left-wing protestors who were creating an unnecessary ruckus in downtown Washington, D.C on Friday.

The workers activated drilling equipment and other machinery, drowning out the protestors. From the looks of it, the leftists, who were mainly going on about climate change, may have been blocking traffic, making their demonstration totally irresponsible and a burden on the general public.

Sources from the scene, reported on by Breitbart News, indicate that the raucous protestors paid no mind as to how their actions were harming commuters. One even told an incensed citizen that he hoped he was “inconvenienced” by the blockage of traffic.

One man who was blocked from going on his way by the climate stunt organizers told Breitbart News that he was on his way to a medical appointments. Attempts to block roads by progressives in deranged attempts to get attention often pose a serious threat to the livelihood and everyday needs of normal people. But it seems that progressives who have enough free time to stage elaborate stunts over supposed environmental concerns don’t care much for the plight of everyday people.

However, their public blight didn’t go unanswered. The workers’ equipment largely prevented the left-wingers from making their repetitive chants heard, securing the last laugh.

Watch a video of the spectacle here:

The leftists had to scream in order to make any of their talking points heard, but when buzz-saw was activated, it became clear that...

Make The Consequences Paramount...

Red Tide Rising

On September 21, a protest was held in Aurora, Colorado demanding abolishment of U.S. borders and the Immigration & Customs Enforcement agency. Over the last three years, a myriad of similar anti-ICE, open-border demonstrations have been held in cities across America, all of which have been encouraged and supported, tacitly or otherwise, by the Democratic Party.

One of several Democratic front groups that participated in the protest calls itself the Party for Socialism and Liberation/Denver. To make sure its Marxist ideology doesn’t go unnoticed, the group’s Facebook page reads “Building a Worker’s Paradise in the Heartland of World Imperialism.” PSL/Denver’s name includes the word socialism, but the communist flag flown at its Aurora protest shows that to this profoundly anti-American group, socialism and communism are heads of the same snake.

The open borders demonstration was also attended by members of Rocky Mountain Antifa and Denver Communists, two other openly Marxist Democrat front groups. In this video, a member of Denver Communists confirms that the protestors are demanding elimination of U.S. borders and an end to enforcement of U.S. immigration law. An image on the group’s Facebook page shows members carrying a banner demanding no borders and no nations.

A borderless world without nations represents the culmination of the communist dream of a world united under the banner of the hammer and sickle. For that dream to be realized, America’s sovereignty must be yielded to an international governing body run by the UN, a one-world globalist organization run by an international assortment of socialists-cum-communists. Those who call for a borderless world with no nations are effectively calling for a permanent end to the United States in favor of a “new world order,” a world where Americans would be indoctrinated to no longer see themselves as citizens of their country, but as Citizens of the World.

Occupy Denver is another anti-capitalist group that showed up for the demonstration in Aurora. Hundreds of Occupy affiliates are active in cities, towns and campuses across America. Like other Democrat identity politics groups, Occupy affiliates are openly pro-communist -- Occupy Denver’s Facebook profile picture contains an image of “the Raised Fist,” one of communism’s most recognizable call to arms. Like other Democrat front groups, Occupy Denver helps the Democratic Party advance its hostility toward the police by mocking and ridiculing law enforcement officers, as shown in this photo on the group’s Facebook. Another photo on the group’s Facebook supports the Democrats’ class warfare election strategy with an ‘us vs. them’ propaganda graphic declaring that the poor in America are exploited victims of...

Blowout Economic Numbers: