90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, December 4, 2020

This Villain Is Dressed To Rule A Galaxy!

 Gosh, I Sure Hope She Doesn't Have A Brother...

When I was a child, I talked like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I set aside childish ways.


Sorry, My Inner Child Wanted Out...

The Agony Of The Feet....

Defeat? ..And The Knees, The Head, The Torso...

More Great Animated Gifs:

Fight, Flight Or Feint?

The Tragedy Of Alcohol Abuse...

More Amazing Animated Gifs HERE
Animated Gif Collection #2 HERE
Animated Gif Collection #3
Animated Gif Collection #4
Animated Gif Collection #5 -OR- Motorcycles And Bulls Don't Mix..
Animated Gif Collection #6 or Bet She Lost Some Teeth...
Animated Gif Collection #7 -OR- This Is What Happens When You Fall Asleep While Driving...
Animated Gif Collection #8 -OR- Fish: 1, Dog: 0
Animated Gif Collection #9 -OR-Out Of Control Bus -OR- 
Animated Gif Collection #10 -OR- How To Launch An Oil Truck Into The Air 
Animated Gif Collection #11 -OR- Man That Must Have Hurt 
Animated GIF Collection #12 -OR- This Is Brutal 
Animated Gif Collection #13 -OR- This Guy Was Inches From DEATH!
Animated Gif Collection #14
Animated Gif Collection #15
Animated Gif Collection #16 -OR- Make It Rain!


HUGE: Trump Team Has Dominion Machine from Small Georgia County – Shows Votes Flipped from Trump to Biden

The Trump team has obtained a Dominion voting machine in Georgia. The machine shows votes were moved from President Trump to Joe Biden. BOOM.

Yesterday on the War Room it was reported that the Trump team has obtained a Dominion voting machine in Georgia:

According to Fredericks, there were 37 votes that flipped in this small Georgia County on the machine. However, this represents only .26% of the Georgia ballots. When extrapolating to the entire state, this equals more than 14,000 votes and Georgia was stolen by only 10,000 votes by Biden.

This also shows that we now know conclusively in Georgia that the Dominion voting machines were flipping votes. It supports our reporting that votes were switched across...

2020 Vs. 2021


You Take The Shot, I'll Watch....

Georgia Gov Kemp forced to call for ‘signature audit’ after Trump legal team presents shocking footage

During a Georgia Senate Judiciary subcommittee hearing Thursday, President Donald Trump’s legal team presented surveillance footage that they claimed showed election supervisors in Fulton County booting poll workers and then suspiciously pulling out “suitcases” and continuing to count more ballots themselves.

“Jacki Pick, a lawyer who is volunteering with the campaign’s legal case, said the team received video footage from State Farm Arena’s vote-tabulation center in Fulton County, Georgia,” The Epoch Times reported after the hearing.

“According to Pick, an unusual occurrence took place … in the evening at around 10 p.m. local time: A woman — described as a blonde woman with braids — told workers to stop counting and notified everyone to go home.”

Describing the footage, Pick reportedly said in her own words, “Everyone clears out, including the Republican observers and the press, but four people stay behind and continue counting and tabulating well into the night.”

The surveillance footage reportedly shows them counting til around 1:00 am in the morning.

Watch a portion of the footage below, and listen closely to Pick’s words:

“What you’re going to see happen at about 11:00 is once everybody is gone, coast is clear, they’re going to pull ballots out from underneath a table. Watch this table,” Picks says in the...

On My Medical Degree....

 If I Come At You With A Band Aid, Run!

Trump Campaign Presents Claims of Voter Fraud to Nevada Court


President Donald Trump’s campaign presented its claims of voter fraud in Nevada to a state court in Carson City on Thursday, as Democrats argued that the evidence was insufficient to warrant overturning tens of thousands of votes.

Republicans claim that there are more than enough questionable or fraudulent votes in Nevada to overcome the 33,596-vote margin by which Joe Biden appeared to defeat Trump in the state after mail-in votes were counted after Election Day.

American Conservative Union Chairman Matt Schlapp, who has helped lead the Trump campaign’s efforts in Nevada, told the Washington Examiner: “In my years of experience in politics, I have never seen the amount of illegal voting like we have documented in Clark County, Nevada. It is a level of corruption I didn’t think could happen in a modern, free country.”

The Las Vegas Review-Journal covered the case:

Judge James Russell heard arguments in the case Thursday but did not make a determination, saying he needed the evening to review the evidence cited in both campaign attorneys’ arguments to decide. He pledged to issue a ruling on Friday.

Out-of-state attorneys Jessie Binnall and Kevin Hamilton, representing the Trump and Biden electors, respectively, were each given an hour to make their arguments Thursday.

Trump’s case included testimony from several anonymous poll workers who claimed fraud or...

It's Just A Little Fraud...


Facebook Changing 'Race-Blind' Hate Speech Algorithms to Allow More Anti-White Hate

Mark Zuckerberg is overhauling Facebook's "race-blind" so-called "hate speech" algorithms to explicitly allow more anti-White hatred, according to a report from the Washington Post.

From The Washington Post, "Facebook to start policing anti-Black hate speech more aggressively than anti-White comments, documents show":

The overhaul, which is known as the WoW Project and is in its early stages, involves re-engineering Facebook's automated moderation systems to get better at detecting and automatically deleting hateful language that is considered "the worst of the worst," according to internal documents describing the project obtained by The Washington Post. The "worst of the worst" includes slurs directed at Blacks, Muslims, people of more than one race, the LGBTQ community and Jews, according to the documents.

As one way to assess severity, Facebook assigned different types of attacks numerical scores weighted based on their perceived harm. For example, the company's systems would now place a higher priority on automatically removing statements such as "Gay people are disgusting" than "Men are pigs."

Facebook has long banned hate speech — defined as violent or dehumanizing speech — based on race, gender, sexuality and other protected characteristics. It owns Instagram and has the same hate speech policies there. But before the overhaul, the company's algorithms and policies did not make a distinction between groups that were more likely to be targets of hate speech versus those that have not been historically marginalized. Comments like "White people are stupid" were treated the same as anti-Semitic or racist slurs.

In the first phase of the project, which was announced internally to a small group in October, engineers said they had changed the company's systems to deprioritize policing contemptuous comments about "Whites," "men" and "Americans." Facebook still considers such attacks to be...

Delusional Never Trump Losers Think We’re Going to Take Them Back

I’m not sure what is the most distinguishing characteristic of the Never Trump sissies. Sure, they are contemptible worms who care about nothing but extending their pathetic grifts – and it’s not like the Grima Wormtongues of conservatism have any saleable skills other than treachery. This is, of course, why these grody creatures are naturally drawn to D.C., where their loathsome skills are appreciated.

But scumbags are a dime a dozen – what truly distinguishes these geebos is their bizarre confidence that someday us conservatives are going have an epiphany that we need them back and come begging them to return to their former glory as the Republican establishment’s managers of America’s decline.

Check out John Bolton, who never met a war he wasn’t happy to have your kids fight, on Twitter presuming to tell us how things are going to be: “Longer term, there must be a broad ‘conversation’ about the direction of the conservative movement and the Republican party. More from me in [link to lame weasel-blog deleted]

Yo John, we’ve already had a conversation. You just weren’t invited to it. Here’s how the conversation went:

“You know who sucks? People like John Bolton.”

“He stabbed the president in the back, so he’s certain to screw us over too.”

“Yeah, let’s never give him any kind of position where he can do damage in the future.”

“Agreed. Now, let’s move on. Item two: I think we can all agree that Brian Stelter is a potato.”

“Hear, hear!”

Yes, there are going to be many discussions about the future of the Republican Party. But one of the key premises is that the Never Trumpers who got the sadz because they lost the internal power struggle – mostly because they never conserved anything – and who collaborated with our enemies will have no part in them.

Now, you can see the three main brands of Never Trumpers – the active traitors...

Morning Mistress