90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, May 13, 2021

Rep. Paul Gosar Demands to Know ‘Who Executed Unarmed Ashli Babbitt’ at U.S. Capitol Demonstration on Jan. 6

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) grilled a deep state bureaucrat at a legislative hearing on Wednesday over who murdered peaceful pro-Trump patriot Ashli Babbitt during the Jan. 6 demonstration in the U.S. Capitol.

The killer has been protected by federal authorities and cleared of any charges and wrongdoing. Gosar does not believe this is acceptable, and he questioned former acting attorney general Jeffrey Rosen over the systemic injustice perpetrated against her and other Trump supporters.

“Mr. Rosen, do you recall the name of the young lady, a veteran wrapped in the American flag, who was killed in the U.S. Capitol?” he said.

“I do, her name was Ashli Babbitt,” Rosen responded via a Zoom call.

“Yes, Ashli Babbitt. Was Ashli Babbitt armed?” Gosar asked.

Rosen became uneasy at this point, claiming that he did not want to comment on “individual situations.” Gosar did not accept this sorry excuse and continued to press forward with his questioning.

“Was the death of Ashli Babbitt a homicide?” Gosar asked, before adding that the death certificate listed it as a homicide.

“Who executed Ashli Babbitt?” Gosar asked with Rosen yet again refusing to address the question and offer a response.

At this point, Gosar switched his questioning over to Washington D.C. police chief Robert J. Contee III, who was also appearing before Congress over Zoom.

“What are the rules of engagement at the D.C. protest?” Gosar asked Contee.

“The only time we engage in riot gear is in situations where there is an actual attack that is going on,” he responded.

The exchange can be seen here:
Big League Politics has reported on how Babbitt’s killer is being protected by the system after shooting her dead in cold blood inside of the Capitol:

“The unnamed black officer who shot Ashli Babbit dead in a gruesome scene inside the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6 will...

This Isn't Completely True:

ADT Security Systems Has A Long History Of Discriminating Against Black Actors Who Specialize In Home Invasions, They Refuse To Allow Them To Exercise Their Acting Skills To Act Like They Are Breaking Into Someone's House.


Antifa Protester: “I Can’t Wait Until Black People Lynch White People”

Leftists burn U.S. flags, chant “death to America!”

An Antifa protester at a demonstration near Seattle was filmed proudly proclaiming, “I can’t wait until black people lynch white people.”

Yes, really.

The chant was heard during a far-left black bloc protest against a Billy Graham association event.

At first a woman is heard stating, “I can’t wait until black people hang you, I can’t wait.”

When she is asked to repeat the statement, she proudly clarifies, “I can’t wait until black people lynch white people.”

When asked if anyone else in the group agrees with the statement, a man puts his hand up and says “I do, I do!”

According to journalist Andy Ngo, the leftists also chanted “death to America!” while burning U.S. flags.

As we highlighted last month, a group of Black Lives Matter protesters in Minneapolis were caught on camera telling a white liberal ally, “You’re white! You don’t belong!” before demanding that...

Black Parent Compares Critical Race Theory to KKK Intimidation Tactics

Parents describe Virginia's Loudoun County as 'ground zero' in the fight against woke education

A black mother slammed critical race theory at a school board meeting in the nation's richest county Tuesday, comparing the radical education standards to tactics used by Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan to demean black people.

"Critical race theory is not an honest dialogue, it is a tactic that was used by Hitler and the Ku Klux Klan on slavery very many years ago to dumb down my ancestors so we could not think for ourselves," Shawntel Cooper said at the Loudoun County School Board meeting Tuesday night. "Critical race theory is racist, it is abusive, it discriminates against one's color. … You can not tell me what is or is not racist."

A source close to Cooper told the Washington Free Beacon that the mother doesn't want to speak out nationally, citing fear of negative publicity. The Loudoun County School Board did not return a request for comment.

Parents of Loudoun County Public Schools students have rebelled against the district's efforts to adopt radical curriculum standards. One parent group launched a recall campaign against six of the Loudoun County School Board members in March. Other groups have tracked the school board's attempts to silence parents who oppose the district's recently adopted "culturally responsive" curriculum framework.

Cooper spoke during the comment section of a contentious school board meeting, where parents expressed concerns ranging from school reopening to critical race theory.

Several parents objected to the books included in the district's Diverse Book Collection, an initiative designed to expose students to authors of varying races, gender identities, and sexual orientations. A group of parents that included Elizabeth Perrin and Patti Menders read aloud passages from Monday's Not Coming, a sexually explicit novel assigned to students in an honors English class.

Menders read a section of the book that describes a girl being assaulted. She told the board members that if they felt uncomfortable listening, the book should not be offered to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #652

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1352

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

The Army's New Recruitment WOKE Ad....

Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Rand Paul Calls Out Fauci's Dishonesty Under Oath...

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Doctor Mocks People Who Refuse To Be Experimental Guinea Pigs... Dies From The Jab...