90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, May 20, 2021

It Wasn't Ok Before Covid, It's Not OK Now....


The Unbearable Lightness of Being Vegan

When They Punch You, Punch Back 4 Times As Hard....


The Reason Why The Political Establishment Hated Trump:


They Are Liars, And Scammers And Ne'er Do Wells.....

Crazed Florida Woman Stalks Governor DeSantis...

In another Very Florida story, a woman with a colorful criminal history has spent the last year collecting media accolades and a half-million dollars in donations by accusing the Republican governor of Florida, Ron DeSantis, of fudging the state’s COVID numbers.

Rebekah Jones, website designer (not “scientist,” as the media insistently claim), falsely accused DeSantis of doing what Gov. Andrew Cuomo of New York actually was doing with the COVID numbers. From the extensive media coverage, I figured maybe the DeSantis administration was taking advantage of gray areas to make the state’s record look as good as possible. Not as bad as what Cuomo was doing, but something.

Nope! This whole story was the fantasy of a crazed stalker, as explained in detail by Christina Pushaw in Human Events and Charles Cook in National Review.

I forgot my own admonition that you can’t believe anything the media say.

The canonization of Rebekah Jones is only the latest example of the press latching onto any lunatic who attacks a Republican. Remember Bill Burkett? (CBS’s deranged source for the fake Bush Air National Guard story.) Jamie Leigh Jones? (Falsely claimed she was gang-raped in Iraq by Halliburton employees.) How about media star and Democratic presidential hopeful Michael Avenatti? (He was going to vanquish Donald Trump and Brett Kavanaugh with Stormy Daniels and Julie Swetnick, until his criminal past caught up with him.)

Hey, whatever happened to Haven Monahan?

Contrary to Jones’ allegations, she could not have been asked to falsify Florida COVID numbers, for the simple reason that she didn’t generate the numbers. She designed and updated the state’s website using data given to her by actual epidemiologists, but had no role in the collection of the information and no earthly idea what it should be.

On the other hand, she did:

— steal people’s private information;

block a colleague from accessing the site;

— use the Florida emergency notification system to send out a deranged message pushing her personal conspiracy theory — something she staunchly denies despite overwhelming forensic evidence; and

defame an accomplished black woman scientist as “the most corrupt, lying, incompetent and ignorant person that could be ever be (sic) put in charge.” (In this one instance, the media decided to give a pass to someone insulting a black person.)

As is probably true of many esteemed scientists, Jones had an illegitimate child in her junior year of college and, in 2016, as a graduate student at Louisiana State University, was charged with two counts of battery on a police officer.

But it wasn’t until she got to Florida that Jones really hit her stride. In 2017, then in her late 20s and an instructor at Florida State University, the married Jones had an affair with a student, Garrett Sweeterman.

She then penned a graphic 342-page essay on their relationship –- written while she was married to the world’s most tolerant husband. Hello, honey! I’m home. I’ll be in the study for the next two hours working on that Penthouse Letter about my extramarital affair.

Jones has claimed that Sweeterman is the father of her 2-year-old child, but two days before he was to provide his DNA, her paternity suit against him was dismissed. (Only the hard-hearted would suggest she is a loon trying to entrap the kid into marriage because she prefers him to her husband.)

The manifesto reads like something a nitwit 13-year-old girl would write, giving a play-by-play description of their sexual encounters, followed by Sweeterman’s repeated attempts to break up with her, which she calls his “mind games.” Anyone reading her manifesto can see that her great love affair was nothing but a booty call for him.

In short order, Jones was stalking Sweeterman, destroying his property and posting naked photos of him online — as well as sending revenge porn to his mother and employer. Despite Sweeterman’s restraining order against her, in addition to a court order directing her to stay away from campus, Jones would show up unannounced at his classes...

Who Paid Them To Cheat, You Mean....

100 Days of Biden....


...And there's no place, baby, for us to run...

What Trump Meant to Millions

I loved President Trump because he stood up for the ordinary people of America, those who for so long had been kept in cultural servitude by the political elite. Trump endowed ordinary Americans with a sense of possibilities by returning manufacturing jobs to America, restoring our sovereignty as a nation free of global institutions, and, above all, ending the atmosphere of political correctness that had choked free expression for decades.

Then, when the elite saw everyday Americans rising above their station, it decided to put them back in their servitude by depriving Trump of a second term, by whatever means necessary. Now the high-paying jobs are disappearing, we are bowing to the UN, IPCC, and WHO once again, and every word that comes out of the White House has to do with “social and racial justice.” The Capitol riot of Jan. 6 gave them an excuse, and now ordinary Americans are back on the cultural plantation.

To appreciate what Trump meant, one need only look at what Biden has done in four months. Liberal elitism is expressed in many ways, but the overriding theme is that the common people are too ignorant to know the truth, much less to be allowed to govern. For progressive politicians, the “truth” may shift on particular issues—“masks, no masks,” “schools closed, schools open,” “border open, border closed”—but it always comes back to the idea of big government and centralized power. At the heart of every move is the power and corruption of a self-anointed elite.

In the 1960s, against all common sense, the left backed the Black Panthers and Students for a Democratic Society, and there were few to call them out on it. There were Huey Newton t-shirts and raised fists resembling the BLM t-shirt and raised fists of today. Now the race card—along with the “science is settled” insistence that the earth is dying—is the left’s answer to anyone who would challenge their idea of permanent and total power.

Against all evidence, it is supposed that the Iran Deal will transform the Iranian leadership into a peace-loving neighbor of Israel and that China will cease its belligerent activities. The American people know better, but they are ordered to stomach Biden’s appeasement policies so that the vast network of payoff and corruption, apparently involving the Biden family itself, can continue.

Now it appears that John Kerry, a key figure in both the Obama and Biden administrations, passed sensitive information regarding Israel’s military to Iran and may have attempted to undermine Trump’s foreign policy in the Middle East. Kerry and Biden have now revoked much of that policy, and the result is a dangerous unravelling of Middle East peace. Again, the American people are disgusted with what they see, but the administration and the liberal media remain silent as if the people are underserving of an answer. The idea that one can rule by fiat while rigging elections and coordinating with a complicit media constitutes an astounding assault on American democracy.

The corruption is so vast as to take one’s breath away. The Green New Deal promises to siphon vast sums from American taxpayers to reward those who contribute huge sums to Democrats in return for green mandates that favor their investments. Those who have lost their high-paying pipeline jobs are told to “retrain” laying solar panels at $12 an hour. And so it goes through every fabric of our society from restaurant closings to transgender rights: the ordinary citizen is lectured that his common sense is racist, sexist, homophobic, or simply ignorant. And what is concealed is an enormous network of corruption from the top right down to local organizers thriving on “community development” and diversity grants. To the victor—or the cheat—go the spoils.

President Trump exposed that network of corruption even as liberal media shut down his ability to get the message out. Trump believed that everyday Americans were capable of acting in their own best interests once they learned the facts, and he respected their values of love of family, God, and country. And for this, we loved him.

What Trump meant was an attempt to return Washington to some standard of the truth. With every month that passes, it becomes clearer that President Trump spoke the truth to the American people. He was right about Russiagate, right about the border, right about Iran and China, right about the Paris climate accord. From his heart Trump believed in the ordinary American, and that is what separated him from the corrupt politicians of The Swamp.

And now the elite are smiling in smug certainty, believing they are laying the groundwork for permanent power with their so-called federal election “reform.” They believe they possess an inherent right to rule over the great masses who...

Who Lives In A Pineapple Under The Sea?


Race-Crazed Disney Backs Down

Resisting woke corporations works.

A humiliated Walt Disney Corporation scrubbed its bizarre critical race theory-based employee indoctrination materials from the Internet after a think tank scholar exposed them.

Christopher F. Rufo, a senior fellow and director of an initiative on critical race theory at the Manhattan Institute, celebrated Disney’s conspicuous retreat from the Left’s rarefied anti-white anti-Americanism, the New York Post reported May 13. Rufo defines critical race theory as “racialized Marxism.”

Disney “has removed its entire antiracism program from the company’s internal portal,” he said, “effectively scrubbing it out of existence.”

“This is a major victory in the war against ‘woke capital,'” he said, noting a “significant backlash from the public” after his initial report.

“Disney was peddling the most toxic elements of critical race theory — and my reporting led to immediate changes within the company,” Rufo said.

The environment at Disney has become increasingly politicized in recent months, Rufo reported employees telling him. The account appeared in a City Journal article he penned, titled, “The Wokest Place on Earth.”

There are “almost daily memos, suggested readings, panels, and seminars that [are] all centered around antiracism,” one said. Disney is “completely ideologically one-sided” and discourages conservative and Christian employees from expressing their views.

“I attended several [training sessions] at the beginning just to see what the temperature of the discussion would be and to gauge if I would be able to bring up my own objections in a safe way—safe meaning for my career. And I’ve continually gotten the unspoken answer: ‘no,’” an employee told Rufo.

“It’s been very stifling to feel like everyone keeps talking about having open dialogue and compassionate conversations, but when it comes down to it, I know if I said one thing that was truthful, based on data, or even just based on my own personal experience, it would actually be rather unwelcomed.”

“Despite these internal warnings, there is no sign that Disney is slowing down its efforts to achieve ideological purity,” he wrote.

“The company recently fired actress Gina Carano for expressing a conservative point of view. Content managers have modified and added ‘content advisories’ to...

The ‘New Soros’: Marlow Media Exposé Reveals Immense Secret Power of Tech Heiress Laurene Powell Jobs

Laurene Powell Jobs, whom Vox describes as “one of the world’s most important philanthropists,” is the widow of Apple founder and billionaire computer guru Steve Jobs. She has become a secret superpower behind a vast network of left-wing media outlets, organizations, and politicians. Forbes lists Jobs as one of the ten richest women on earth, with a net worth of around $16 billion, mostly from her family stakes in two of the world’s biggest companies: Apple and Disney.

I investigated Jobs’ growing influence in my new book, Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruptions, which exposes the hidden connections between the establishment media and the activist left.

If there’s a well-known persona comparable to Laurene Powell Jobs, it’s Hungarian billionaire George Soros. Soros is branded a “philanthropist,” but he also functions as a one-man piggy bank for the globalist far-left. Much like Soros’ Open Society Foundations, the main vehicle for Jobs’ influence is Emerson Collective (EC), the philanthropic outfit she founded and leads. The Emerson Collective, according to Forbes, is “a hybrid philanthropic and investing limited liability company.” That’s a pretty murky description, which appears to allow them to engage in business and charity without ever being terribly explicit about which is which. I’m not sure which of the two categories it falls under, but EC also happens to own the Atlantic.

Inside Philanthropy named Jobs 2019’s “Least Transparent Mega-giver.”

EC functions primarily as a private business owned by Jobs’s personal trust. This shields it from IRS disclosure rules and allows it to more freely engage in political activity.

It’s sly and devious, but considering how many media outlets are aligned with Jobs either financially or ideologically, it’s no surprise that little reporting has been done on these connections.

After all, if you’re in media, she might be your boss one day. Maybe she already is.

The Atlantic published what is perhaps the single fakest fake news story of the 2020 election. On September 3, 2020, editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg posted an article with the bombshell headline “Trump: Americans Who Died in War Are ‘Losers’ and ‘Suckers.’” The piece alleged that Donald Trump, while in France to commemorate American Marines who died in World War II, denigrated American soldiers who died in combat.

Though the content of the article relied only on anonymous sources, was never proven, and was refuted by myriad on-record sources including several Trump-haters, it had undeniable power in the news cycle. The timing was impeccable. So good, in fact, it raised suspicions that the Atlantic had coordinated with the Biden campaign. The piece ran on a Thursday evening, and by the following morning a left-wing group called VoteVets already had cut an anti-Trump ad around it, which aired on MSNBC’s Morning Joe. (You can read my full break down of this “Fake News Instant Classic” and see the rest of the “Fake News Hall of Shame” in Breaking the News.)

Though the Atlantic may be the crown jewel in Jobs’ media empire, it’s hardly alone. Jobs is also an investor in Axios, a prestige D.C. news outlet with an HBO television show. She also funds Mother Jones and ProPublica, both of which are part of the activist left but also does substantial reporting. The Emerson Collective has also partnered with NowThis, a hyperpartisan left-wing viral news video operation targeted at millennials.

Jobs also has funded ACRONYM, a Democratic technology venture, which pumped $25 million into Courier Newsroom, which claims to fund independent local newsrooms across the country. In reality, Courier is much more partisan. Bloomberg’s Joshua Green described Courier as “the Left’s plan to slip vote-swaying news into Facebook Feeds” under the guise of...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #659

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