90 Miles From Tyranny : Fiona Hill Calls ‘Globalist’ Description “Anti-Semitic” Despite Writing For a Media Outlet Called ‘The Globalist’

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Friday, November 22, 2019

Fiona Hill Calls ‘Globalist’ Description “Anti-Semitic” Despite Writing For a Media Outlet Called ‘The Globalist’

Well, this is awkward.

During her testimony in the impeachment hearings this week, Fiona Hill dismissed charges she was a “globalist” by referring to the term as an “anti-Semitic” conspiracy theory, despite the fact that she writes for a publication literally called ‘The Globalist’.

Hill was responding to a question by Democratic Representative for Illinois Raja Krishnamoorthi, who quoted Hill’s earlier deposition in which she complained about Roger Stone labeling her “the globalist leftist [George] Soros insider.”

Hill claimed that “a conspiracy” had been launched against her and that ‘globalist’ was an anti-Semitic trope, while admitting that she was a “leftist maybe,” but implying she was not a globalist.

“This is the longest-running anti-Semitic trope that we have in history, and a trope against Mr Soros was also created for political purposes, and this is the new Protocols of The Elders of Zion,” Hill said.

This statement is somewhat at odds with Hill literally being a contributing writer for a publication called ‘The Globalist’.

Stone also previously asserted that Hill was was serving as George Soros’ “mole” under the supervision of...

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