90 Miles From Tyranny : Not Even Media is Safe from Far-Left Violence: Antifa Attacks Journalists Covering Conservative Conference

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Monday, June 21, 2021

Not Even Media is Safe from Far-Left Violence: Antifa Attacks Journalists Covering Conservative Conference

Yet, the Denver Post — under a write-up of Andy Ngô, natch, whom the newspaper called a “controversial conservative journalist” whose work consists of “‘unmask[ing]’ activists he believes are members of antifa, a loosely organized and sometimes violent left-wing group” — reported that “no protesters were spotted inside or outside Saturday.”

The Denver Post didn’t bother looking around about what happened on Friday, when antifa threatened journalists covering the conference — which included speakers like Ngô, former Sen. Rick Santorum, Rep. Lauren Boebert and pro-life activist Lila Rose, among others. Which is a shame, because there was plenty of video from the Washington Examiner’s Tiana Lowe, one of the reporters they harassed.

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This was when things were a bit more peaceful — at least by the standards of antifa, that is.

Antifa members were willing to talk to Lowe and another Washington Examiner reporter — at first.

“They’re known Nazi sympathizers,” one antifa member named Leonne said. “They sit at the tables with people like Proud Boys.”

Then things got a bit problematic, according to Lowe’s account, saying that “tensions quickly rose when they identified our lanyards, which bore the summit logo.

“We noted, as our press passes proved, that we were covering the summit as journalists, not attending,” she wrote in the Saturday piece. “That made the situation worse, as evidently, antifa members, these noble defenders of democracy, regard the press with the same disdain as...

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Mark B said...

When will someone just pull a gun and shoot these trainers to American liberty?

Tim said...

Yes, traitors they are.