90 Miles From Tyranny : Merck's New Pill Molnupiravir May Be A Trojan Horse To Change Your DNA.....

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Sunday, October 3, 2021

Merck's New Pill Molnupiravir May Be A Trojan Horse To Change Your DNA.....

Molnupiravir was developed for the treatment of Influenza. According to whistleblower complaint Molnupiravir has mutagenic properties and may change your DNA. Now, Molnupiravir has been repurposed for COVID-19. Merck has entered into agreements with Indian manufacturers and has also announced $5 million of donations to enter into Indian market. Here is all you need to know about Merck’s Covid pill Molnupiravir.

Molnupiravir was developed for Influenza

Molnupiravir (development codes MK-4482 and EIDD-2801) is an experimental antiviral drug which is orally active and was developed for the treatment of influenza.

It is a prodrug of the synthetic nucleoside derivative N4-hydroxycytidine, and exerts its antiviral action through introduction of copying errors during viral RNA replication.

The drug was developed at Emory University by the university’s drug innovation company, Drug Innovation Ventures at Emory (DRIVE).

It was then acquired by Miami-based company Ridgeback Biotherapeutics, who later partnered with Merck & Co. to develop the drug further.

Molnupiravir may change your DNA

In April 2020, Rick Bright, who was removed as head of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority (BARDA) before the approval of the drug, submitted a whistleblower complaint asserting that Ridgeback pressured BARDA to provide funding to manufacture EIDD-2801 despite Bright’s concerns that similar drugs in its class have mutagenic properties.

A previous company, Pharmasset, that had investigated the Molnupiravir’s active ingredient had abandoned it over similar concerns.

In genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that permanently changes genetic material, usually DNA, in an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level.

As many mutations can cause cancer, such mutagens are therefore carcinogens, although not all necessarily are. All mutagens have characteristic mutational signatures with some chemicals becoming mutagenic through cellular processes.

These claims were denied by George Painter, CEO of DRIVE, noting that toxicity studies on Molnupiravir had been carried out and data provided to regulators in the US and UK, who permitted safety studies in humans to move forward in the spring of 2020.

At that time, DRIVE and Ridgeback Biotherapeutics stated they planned future safety studies in animals.
Merck’s Covid Pill Molnupiravir

In late July 2020 Merck, which had been partnering with Ridgeback Biotherapeutics on developing the drug, announced its intention to move Molnupiravir to late stage trials beginning in September 2020.

On October 19, 2020, Merck began a one year Stage 2/3 trial that focused on...

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