90 Miles From Tyranny : So You Come From The Prison Colony Down Under?

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Sunday, October 3, 2021

So You Come From The Prison Colony Down Under?

So Who Is Going To Save You?

Steve Irwin Is Dead, Crocodile Dundee Is Dead, All You Got Left Is Olivia Newton John And She's 72 Years Old...

THIS Made You Angry?

1 comment:

MMinWA said...

What's happening in Oz is pretty bad but I have a good friend that lives in Israel. It's a much, much smaller country with virtually no where to go off grid. Hence it's pretty easy to effectively impose draconian edicts.

Israel is now mandating the 3rd booster. If you won't get the injection, you can't work, go to school, go to a restaurant, gather with friends, grocery shop or even leave your apartment. Right now everyone's movements are tracked with the GPS on their phones.

I've been telling him that the government must have know that it's affecting military readiness yet they are mandating everyone in the services must get the "vaccine" I also have been telling him that their good buddies in Gaza are pretty much 100% unvaxxed.

Shit is going to hit fan by spring time.

And the kicker is the fookin' irony that the most oppressive police state in the west is Israel.