90 Miles From Tyranny : Lie By Lie, The Left's Narrative To Keep Americans Enslaved Falls Apart....

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Sunday, November 7, 2021

Lie By Lie, The Left's Narrative To Keep Americans Enslaved Falls Apart....

Which of these TEN most popular Covid lies do you still believe?

LIE #1. Covid is still contagious when you’re asymptomatic.

LIE #2. PCR tests tell you whether or not you have or had Covid-19 (or Delta).

LIE #3. Vaccines usually prevent you from catching Covid, or make it a mild case if you do.

LIE #4. Covid-19 vaccines help with immunity against variants, like Delta and Lambda.

LIE #5. A lab can test for Covid-19 and prove in court if you had it (like forensic DNA).

LIE #6. Covid vaccines are safe, even for pregnant women.

LIE #7. Vaccine immunity is stronger than natural immunity.

LIE #8. Without vaccines, you’re at high risk of catching and dying from Covid.

LIE #9. Vaccines provide better immunity for Covid than vitamin D, zinc and Ivermectin.

LIE #10. Masks, social distancing and lockdowns have helped “flatten the curve.”

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Unknown said...

I worry for my family. They believe all this. I do not and now I have become an uniformed idiot to them.

Raptor 1 said...

I find myself in the very same position as you.

JG said...

My oldest son took a vaccine and got sick, then with the second shot he was very sick for a week. He said he would not take any booster. One of my nephews too a vaccine and shortly after got Tourette's syndrome, which he did not have before. My youngest son and many in the extended family do not plan to take the vaccines, but some have.