90 Miles From Tyranny : Visage à trois #375

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Friday, July 29, 2022

Visage à trois #375

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Videos That Are:
  • Usually Short.
  • Usually Timely.
  • Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.

Visage à trois #280 - Shall Not Be Infringed Edition...


Gregory said...

What is the funeral director talking about?

Anonymous said...

They pump embalming fluid through the vascular system of the deceased. The items in the jar are causing blockages that inhibit the formaldehyde flow. So the embalmer has to pull them out as they plug off the exit for the old blood during the exchange.

Justin_O_Guy said...

Several months ago I saw a report about this, and it had the man's name. I searched for that,got a phone number and called the guy. Talked about twenty minutes. The circulatory system is being plugged off and death is certain.

Gregory said...

?Thanks. Got it. But, I wonder what those thing are composed of. Glad I am still a pure blood. Never would take the jab.

phee5Bahj said...

Stay at home mom Kelly Richards from New York after resigning from her full time job managed to average from $6000-$8000 a month from freelancing at home... This is how she did it........http://www.web.slate74.com