90 Miles From Tyranny : Fetterman Says They’re ‘Not Sending Their Best And Brightest’ To Washington

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Saturday, October 14, 2023

Fetterman Says They’re ‘Not Sending Their Best And Brightest’ To Washington

Sen. John Fetterman recently made an appearance on “The Late Show with Stephen Colbert,” where he took the opportunity to lecture Americans about the qualifications of those who hold positions in power. “America is not sending their best and brightest,” the junior senator from Pennsylvania told Colbert. “These people are making decisions that are, you know, determining the government here. It’s actually scary.”
In the same interview, Fetterman was asked about the captioning technology he uses following a stroke last year. “Sometimes I use this captioning that is nothing different than having glasses, like you have. So I absolutely can process everything, but sometimes the language gets kind of lost in...

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JG said...

I do not watch any of MSM but this dud Colbert having a mental person Fetterman is a total loser for anyone watching. I just get amazed that they are paid to keep feeding the DNC and people are going away in ratings so at some point they would realize they are killing their show.

Anonymous said...

That is still not the same guy, if you really think it is please remove yourself