90 Miles From Tyranny : Visage à trois #2518

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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Visage à trois #2518

Three Videos For Your Viewing Pleasure:

Three Additional Bonus Videos:

Videos That Are:
  • Usually Short.
  • Usually Timely.
  • Usually Scraped, Gleaned And Pilfered From Social Media.

To Download These Videos:

While the Video is playing: <- (Very Important)

Right click on the video until you get the "Save Video As" Dialog.

Save the video to your hard drive.

Need A Link?

Keep right clicking until you get the dialog, "Copy Video Address"  Now you have a link. 

Attribution would be appreciated. 

Visage à trois #280 - Shall Not Be Infringed Edition...


Peteforester said...

You lost me at "flat Earth..."

Peteforester said...

One lie discredits every truth uttered from the lying mouth...

SiGraybeard said...

Wow. What a bunch of bullshit. I'm no fan of statins or mass vaccinations, to name two quick ones, but coming from people who produce that, maybe they're not that bad. The biggest problems with statins are they treat something that's not a problem. It's the old narrative: LDL is found in plaques like firemen are found near fires. Firemen don't cause fires, LDL doesn't cause heart attacks. Correlation doesn't mean causation.

Mind your own business said...

Yeah, nah. Have to agree with the previous comments. Some of what is in this may, and it's only may, be valid. But some of it is pure nonsense.