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Monday, May 25, 2020

Hong Kong Democracy Gets A Visit From China...

 The Infamous Communist Knock On The Door...

16-Year-Old Boy Says Mother Tried to Make Him Transgender at Age of 8 and Pimped Him Out to LGBT Perverts

A 16-year-old Australian-American boy has come forward with a shocking story about how his mother attempted to force him to be transgender starting at the age of eight.

“I didn’t know who I was,” Lucas told Sausage Roll. His mother dressed him in girl’s clothes before school, which resulted in alienation and confusion within the poor lad. He explained the shocking story about how the LGBT abuse started in his life.

”My parents met online on some, now defunct, dating website. My father is an Australian labour worker and my mother was working as a waitress in Los Angeles, California, at the time,” Lucas wrote in an email.

“I grew up and went to school in Australia and everything was quite normal. I had a few friend and we’d hang out and play video-games or just mess around at the local part,” he added.

Lucas’ childhood was normal until his parents split up, which is when his mother without a strong patriarchal figure around to keep her in check started abusing her son by instilling transgender dogma into him. Lucas was forced to move to America, which alienated him, and his mother began forcing the gender transition upon him.

“It sucked,” Lucas said of the move to America. “I was pulled out of school and was taken to a strange country where I had no friends. I wasn’t even allowed to talk to my dad. My mum didn’t even enroll me in school until I was 10… I had been living in America since I was 7!”

As he was being transitioned, his mother and grandma regularly told him awful and untrue things about his father.

“I don’t remember him being any of these things but hearing my grandma and mum talk about him like that made me hate him. They had painted an image of a monster and, for the longest time, I believed he was,” Lucas said.

He added: “My mum would make me binge watch RuPaul’s Drag Race with her like all the time. Then one day she turned to me in the middle of an episode and told me that I’m special and not like the other kids. She asked if I identify more like her or like my dad… and from all of the terrible things I’d heard her say about my dad, I just responded, ‘like you, mum.’”

His mother started calling him Lucy, which he found very odd at the time as he was coerced into adopting this depraved lifestyle.

“I was a bit confused. I didn’t know any Lucy. I actually didn’t really know many kids my age because mum hadn’t enrolled me in school yet. It took me a bit to figure out that I was Lucy, or at least that was the name my mum had given me,” Lucas said.

He added: “She made me grow my hair out. She put make up on me and put me in dresses. She called me Lucy. She was my mother, so I just believed her. I think she noticed that I was still confused because I didn’t act the way she wanted, so she’d just say ‘do like the do on the show [RuPaul’s Drag Race].”

The school harbored the delusions, showing how the entire system is designed to foster transgenderism and reward women who abuse their children in this sickening manner.

“I was a star, or least I felt like it. The teachers absolutely adored me and used me as an example all the time. I got special treatment. I could never do any wrong. The other boys in my class didn’t bully me or anything. I guess I really enjoyed the attention so I started to embrace it and play it up a bit.”

Lucas began thinking something was up after he saw his mother blatantly lie about his father in a magazine in which she played the victim and made up fantasies about nonexistent abuse.

“I remember reading the article and thinking it was all a load of crap. She said my dad beat me and called me homophobic slurs. I asked my mum about this and she kept insisting that it happened and that I just don’t remember it because I was traumatized. It never happened, though,” he said.

Lucas detailed the abuse he received as he was inducted into the satanic LGBT lifestyle by his own mother.

“She took me to a high-end club that was filled with men who were practically nude. They’d have stage shows where the guys would dance promiscuously and strip. A lot of these guys would always say nasty things to me and touch me inappropriately. I didn’t like it, I told my mum yet she didn’t care. She told me to ‘man up’, which I thought was very ironic,” he said.

She even attempted to pimp him out to LGBT predators who they met at these events. A man once approached Lucas’ mother and told her that he would “absolutely love to get to know Lucas a bit better.”

“My mother wanted me to go visit him… ALONE! She told me she’d already set up a date for the two us and said it would be fun. ‘It’s just two queens going shopping and having fun, Lucy. Don’t be such a baby,’ she said. I refused. I cried. I screamed,” Lucas said.

The deranged mother even tried to show Lucas pornographic movies as a way to warp his mind so he would accept her transgender push.

“She even showed me homoerotic films and told me that this was natural. Although it may be, it wasn’t for me. But still, I was old enough to realize what was going on. It made me feel sick,” he added.

At the age of 16, Lucas filed for emancipation and now lives life as a boy and has a girlfriend. He is much happier than he was under the regime of abuse from his mother.

Lucas felt the need to come forward about the LGBT abuse cult, which is enabled by brainwashed feminist mothers, after learning about Desmond is Amazing, the 12-year-old victim who has been paraded around internationally as a champion of...

Joe Biden's Essential Guide To Who Ain't Black:

The Shutdown’s Silver Lining

The government has closed most schools.

So, more parents are teaching kids at home.

That upsets the government school monopoly.

Education “experts” say parents lack the expertise to teach their kids.

Without state schooling, “learning losses … could well be catastrophic,” says The New York Times. Homeschooling “will set back a generation of children,” according to a Washington Post column. Harvard Magazine’s “Risks of Homeschooling” article quotes a professor who calls for a “presumptive ban.”

The professional education establishment actually tried to ban it 98 years ago. Then, it tried to ban private schools, too! But the Supreme Court stopped it, writing, “a child is not the mere creature of the state.”

I wish the state would remember that.

Anyway, the educator’s complaints about homeschooling “setting back a generation” are bunk.

Eleven of 14 peer-reviewed studies found homeschooling has positive effects on achievement.

In my new video, education researcher Corey DeAngelis explains, “Children who are homeschooled get much better academic and social results than kids in government schools.”

Even though they are more likely to be poor, “Homeschoolers score 30% higher on SAT tests.” They also do better in college, and they are less likely to drink or do drugs.

“Mass homeschooling during this pandemic,” says DeAngelis, “may actually be a blessing.”

Debbie Dabin, a mom in Utah, is one of many parents who started homeschooling this spring and now is “definitely considering homeschooling” next year.

Dabin bought teaching materials over the internet from a company called “The Good and the Beautiful.” Her son likes the lessons better than what he got in school. “It’s great,” Dabin says. “He likes the activities; he wants to do them.”

Before the pandemic, he’d told his mom he hated school.

I hated school, too. Classes were boring. Listening to lectures is a poor way to learn, and unnecessary today.

In addition to homeschool teaching programs, there are also free internet games that teach things like math, reading, and writing, while customizing the speed of lessons to each learner’s needs.

Sites like Education.com teach math by letting kids adjust pizza toppings.

For older kids, YouTube channels like TED-Ed and Khan Academy offer “free educational videos from the world’s foremost experts on civics, history, mathematics,” adds DeAngelis.

“Not good enough!” say “experts.”

Michael Rebell, a professor at Teachers College at Columbia University, worries that if parents homeschool, “There’s no guarantee that kids are learning democratic values, civic knowledge.”

“Were they learning that in their regular schools?” I asked.

“Well … it’s in the curriculum,” he responded.

So what? The Nation’s Report Card, the government’s biggest nationwide test, reveals that government school students don’t know much about history or civics.

One question asked fourth graders, “Which country was the leading communist nation during the Cold War?” Only 21% answered the Soviet Union. More said France or Germany. American students did worse than if they had...

"We Are Forever Indebted To Those Who Have Given Their Lives That We Might Be Free"

How You Can Honor the Fallen This Memorial Day

This extended weekend marks the 151st anniversary of that first “Memorial Day” remembrance, when Congressman James Garfield—who would later become president—addressed a crowd of more than 5,000 at Arlington Cemetery.

The tradition continues to this day at national cemeteries across the nation, with the president of the United States most often delivering the address and laying a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier.

To millions of Americans, Memorial Day symbolizes the unofficial start of summer—the opening of the local community pool, baseball games, concerts, barbecues, and trips to the beach.

Regrettably, a Gallup poll in 2000 revealed that only 28 percent of Americans knew the true meaning of Memorial Day, and 40 percent confused it with Veterans Day.

So, what is the meaning of Memorial Day?

Memorial Day is the day to remember those men and women who died while serving in our nation’s armed forces, whereas Veterans Day is a day to celebrate the service of all U.S. military veterans.

Why have so many Americans lost sight of the true meaning and observance of Memorial Day? Some would argue it began with the Uniform Monday Holiday Act of 1968, which moved Memorial Day from its traditional date of May 30 to the last Monday in May.

Many veterans organizations, such as the Veterans of Foreign Wars, still oppose that move, stating that the creation of the three-day weekend has diluted the focus of the day from solemn reflection on, and tribute to, those who sacrificed their lives in defense of our nation and led to the general public’s nonchalant observance of Memorial Day.

Memorial Day began at the national level on May 30, 1868, as Decoration Day, with a ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery to honor fallen Civil War soldiers. This tradition continued to grow, and following World War I, Decoration Day became a day of remembrance of all soldiers, sailors, and Marines who died in service to their nation, not just the Civil War.

It was not until after World War II that the holiday became more popularly known as Memorial Day.

In his 1868 call to celebrate Decoration Day as a national holiday, Maj. Gen. John Logan stated eloquently:

Remembering Memorial Day...

For all those who gave all.

Morning Mistress - Memorial Day BONUS Edition!!

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #299

Before You Click On The "Read More" Link, 

Please Only Do So If You Are Over 21 Years Old.

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Please Leave Silently Into The Night......

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #998 - Memorial Day Remembrance Edition

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick - Memorial Day BONUS Edition...