90 Miles From Tyranny

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Friday, August 21, 2020

Biden's 'no' on bin Laden raid could haunt him

In May 2011, Vice President Joe Biden was in the White House Situation Room, joining President Barack Obama and his top national security officials for a crucial meeting. The question on the table: whether to order a dangerous Special Forces raid to take out Osama bin Laden.

Intelligence experts believed they had located bin Laden in a Pakistan compound, but they weren’t certain, and the risks of failure were high. After most officials present urged Obama to go for it, the president turned to Biden: “Joe, what do you think?” he asked, according to an account Biden gave months later.

“Mr. President, my suggestion is don’t go,” Biden said.

Obama, of course, ignored his deputy’s advice and dispatched Navy SEAL Team 6 to kill the Al Qaeda leader. It was a historic triumph for America — not to mention a political bonanza for a president facing reelection, perhaps the most consequential decision of Obama’s presidency.

And Joe Biden was on the wrong side of it.

Biden’s bin Laden call may haunt him as he considers taking on Hillary Clinton for the 2016 Democratic nomination, in a fight that will hinge in part on who’s better equipped to be commander in chief. As Clinton likes to remind audiences, she advised Obama to take the gamble. “I respected [Biden’s] concerns about the risk of a raid,” she wrote in her 2014 memoir, “Hard Choices,” “but I came to the conclusion that the intelligence was convincing and that the risks were outweighed by the benefits of success.”

“She can very easily point to the bin Laden operation,” says a former Obama White House official. “The value in it is that it’s so simple and so easy to understand: I was for it, and you were against it.”

A student of foreign policy since the 1970s, Biden prides himself on his judgment about world affairs. That makes him particularly sensitive to criticism that he’s flubbed several big calls on world affairs over the years. Biden has been “wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue over the past four decades,” Obama’s first defense secretary, Robert Gates, declared last year....

Imagine How Scary It Must Be To Be A Moderate Democrat Right Now...

Still Love America?


Woke indulgences? Twitter CEO donates $10 million to ‘anti-racism’ scholar who preaches discrimination as a fix to all race issues

Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has donated a “no strings attached” $10 million to Ibram Kendi’s Center for Antiracist Research. Kendi is a bestselling author who’s gotten famous by telling white people that they’re racists.

Announcing the donation on Thursday, Dorsey said that the center’s research “will inform and fuel much needed and overdue policy change.” According to Boston University, which hosts the center, teams of academics, lawyers, social workers and scientists will collaborate to “track and study racial data” and “advocate for new corrective policies.”

What that means is still unknown, though the center’s research will focus initially on racial disparities in coronavirus deaths. Kendi’s other policy recommendations are laid out in the five books he’s published, which contain some radical ideas. In the New York Times bestseller ‘How to Be an Antiracist,’ Kendi declares that “Capitalism is essentially racist,” and “racism is essentially capitalist.” Under the current economic system, he insists that black people will “never” be equal to white people. Coupled with this is the assertion that all racial disparities are the result of racism – be they crime rates or education outcomes.

“The only remedy to racist discrimination is antiracist discrimination. The only remedy to past discrimination is present discrimination. The only remedy to present discrimination is future discrimination,” Kendi wrote.ALSO ON RT.COMTwitter declares war on satire, suspending parody persona Titania McGrath & others. Did they hit too close to home?

Kendi also insists that everyone, and every policy, is either “racist” or “antiracist.” In his worldview, there are no neutral parties, even babies. He argues that if a government were truly antiracist, and not just “not racist,” it would set up a ‘Department of Antiracism,’ whose unelected officers would have the power to monitor and punish politicians they deem racist.

These views have made Kendi popular. He’s appeared on CBS, MSNBC and NPR, ‘How to Be an Antiracist’ has sold around half a million copies, and his speaking schedule was...

Bad Year.

Tires That Are Made In The Good Ole U.S.A. Or Alternatives To Goodyear:

Taliban IED experts blown up by own bomb in a mosque in North of Afghanistan

A group of Taliban sustained casualties as they were busy manufacturing an improvised explosive device, roadside bomb, in a mosque in North of Afghanistan.

The 209th Shaheen Corps in a statement said the incident took place in a mosque in Chahabar Bolak district of Balkh.

The statement further added that a group of 8 Taliban IED experts were busy manufacturing a bomb inside a mosque in Sikandar Khel Village.

The premature explosion caused by IED killed four Taliban militants and wounded at least four others, the 209th Shaheen Corps added in its statement.

According to Shaheen Corps, the explosion killed Zarif son of Najmuddin, Abdul Basir son of Abdul Basir, Abu Bakar son of Talib and Habib son of Arzankar.

The explosion also destroyed a large cache of explosives and other materials which the group was using to manufacture IEDs, the statement added.

The Taliban group has not commented in this regard so far.

Trojan Man, Trojan Man!

Seven-yr-old cries as 2 women appear to berate mom and son Trump supporters, steal his MAGA hat

Two women appeared to steal a seven-year-old boy’s MAGA hat and yell obscenities at him and his mother after tearing up signs supporting President Donald Trump.
In a video of the incident, the unidentified mother captures the two women accosting her and, allegedly, her son as they destroy their homemade signs and take the boy’s hat.
The video carries a “Students for Trump” label and was tweeted by Benny Johnson of Turning Point USA, who wrote in a Twitter post accompanying the footage that the incident occurred outside the Democratic National Convention, which is being held in Milwaukee, though most ‘attendees’ are appearing only virtually.
Johnson wrote that the boy “was attacked simply because he wore a @realDonaldTrump hat.”
“His name is Riley. Watch it happen. Listen to him cry. Will Joe condemn this violence against Children?” Johnson wrote.
“Get off my property. Are you destroying my property?” the woman taking the video asks.

“Yes, we are,” one of the accosting women responds as she and her companion tear up the signs.

After the women throw the torn up signs in the direction of the mother one of them proceeds to pick up a MAGA hat lying on a sidewalk and tosses it to the other.

As they both turn to leave, a young boy is seen running up to them.

“That’s somebody else’s hat,” he says to the accosting women. Some of their response is bleeped out, suggesting foul language.

“Get your hat back, baby,” the mother says. The boy can be heard crying in the background.

“Look at what you just did to my son,” said the mother. “Get your hat back baby! Get your hat back.”

“I just want…I just want,” the boy says through tears.

“We don’t give a f**k,” one of the accosting women yells back at him. “Your mom f**kin’ likes Trump.”

At that, the mother repeatedly demands the women give her back the...

California Man Charged for Voting 3 Times, Claiming to Be His Dead Mother

A Norwalk, California man has been charged with allegedly voting 3 times, pretending to be his dead mother.

Per the Los Angeles County DA, he faces up to 3 years in state prison if convicted.

Per the Los Angeles County DA’s office:

A Norwalk man has been charged with allegedly casting votes in three elections on behalf of his mother who had passed away, the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Office announced today.

Caesar Peter Abutin (dob 11/2/64) was charged in case BA488819 with one felony count each of fraud in connection with votes cast and fraudulent voting. He pleaded not guilty today and is scheduled to return for a preliminary hearing setting on October 28 in Department 50 of the Foltz Criminal Justice Center.

The case was filed for warrant on July 31.

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y District Attorney Marian Thompson of the Public Integrity Division is prosecuting the case.

Between October 2012 and November 2014, Abutin is accused of voting in three elections, claiming to be his 67-year-old mother who passed away in July 2006, while also casting votes for himself.

If convicted as charged, the defendant faces up to three years in state prison.

The case was investigated by the District Attorney’s Bureau of Investigation with the assistance of ...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #386

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The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #1086

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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