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Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Girls With Bows..

The attack on Pearl Harbor taken from one of the attacking Japanese aircraft on December 7, 1941.

More Interesting Photos:

One of the oldest photos of the Great Sphinx, from 1880

Every Time A Politician Lies... I Buy Another Box Of Ammo....

Sooo Much Ammo...

Liberalism - Yes, They Are That Stupid....

...Enormous Effort And Elaborate Planning Are Required To Waste This Much Money.

- P. J. O'Rourke

More O'Rourke:

...Those Aren't Rights, Those Are The Rations Of Slavery...

At The Core Of Liberalism Is the Spoiled Child..

Oh Look! Bernie Sanders Supporters!

REPORT: Soros Money Funding John Kasich’s Presidential Bid

As new reports break that a George Soros-linked group is taking credit for efforts to violently disrupt GOP frontrunner Donald Trump’s campaign rallies, the Center for Responsive Politics reveals that another George Soros-linked group is coordinating another furtive operation to stop Trump by financing the campaign of John Kasich.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, Soros Fund Management is one of John Kasich’s top financial contributors and...

Three Arrested for Allegedly Removing Donald Trump Sign from Yard, Threatening Sign Owner with Gun

Two men and a teenager have been charged under Georgia’s Criminal Street Gang Act for allegedly pulling a Donald Trump sign out of a man’s yard, then threatening the sign owner with a gun.

According to WRCB, on March 8 in Dalton, Georgia, David Grant had a Trump sign displayed in his yard when Mauricio Rodriguez, Hector Ayala, and Alexander Moreno allegedly walked over, pulled it out of his yard, and threw it into the street. Grant was reportedly outside, saw what the three did, and yelled, “You got one choice. Come and fix this sign!”

Grant said the three responded by getting “aggressive” and that one began “patting his stomach and then showed a handgun.” He said one of the individuals said, “You are about to get a cap popped in your a**!”

A neighbor across the street saw the event unfold and...

Florida Super Tuesday Voters Guide:

What we need the most is for Marco Rubio to suspend his campaign for President and try to get to a two man race between the two front runners: Donald Trump and Ted Cruz. The best way to accomplish this is to vote for Ted Cruz. Donald Trump is going to win Florida, Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz are neck and neck, we need Marco Rubio to take third place in Florida, this will effectively end any legitimacy he has left in this race to remain in.

In Ohio, we need John Kasich to lose and then hopefully drop out: the only way to accomplish this is to vote for Donald Trump.

In Florida Vote: Ted Cruz
In Ohio Vote: Donald Trump

Whether you like Cruz or Trump, this is the best way to avoid a contested election and the establishment traitors to helicopter in a proxy establishment pawn.

The Assassination of Donald Trump

Morning Mistress

Blackout --Lights Out SHTF in the Modern Western World. Could YOU survive?