90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, October 30, 2017

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #60

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, October 29, 2017


What Did Dems Know About Dossier? Their Handling of Imran Awan Affair Is Instructive

Rep. Keith Ellison, deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, said he was unaware of the DNC’s role in funding the Trump dossier, repeating claims from former DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz and sources close to Hillary Clinton. The denial is reminiscent of Ellison’s claims to have not heard of Democratic IT aide Imran Awan, despite being repeatedly informed of the major investigation involving him.

In both the Awan and dossier affairs, Democratic leaders have said they did not have knowledge of major events that greatly concern them. Investigators contend that Imran Awan and his family members made unauthorized access to House servers thousands of times and funneled massive amounts of data off the network shortly before the 2016 presidential election. The Awans could potentially read the data of one in five House Democrats.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi professed unfamiliarity with the Awan investigation despite playing an important role in the handling of the case months ago as one of the House leaders who determined it warranted a criminal probe.

“I’m not familiar … I haven’t followed that so closely,” Pelosi said in May when asked about Imran Awan’s continued employment in the House. “We’ve been busy with a lot of other things.”

Pelosi, however, was one of “the leadership [who] agreed to refer the probe to Capitol Police and the FBI” in October 2016 after the House inspector general said the Awans “could be reading and/or removing information,” The Washington Post reported.

The Daily Caller News Foundation asked her about the situation and her commitment to cybersecurity in September, and she simply walked away.

Other Democrats claim to have not looked into the matter despite the data security and corruption implications, with some members making seemingly contradictory statements or even implying there never was an investigation into...

Report: FBI’s Focus on Manafort Has Nothing to Do With Trump or Election Collusion

The FBI’s investigation into President Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, is focused on several suspicious wire-transfers he made four years before the presidential election, according to a Sunday report from Buzzfeed.

Manafort allegedly made 13 wire transfers from 2011 to 2012 that drew the attention of federal law enforcement officials who were examining if he was helping the Ukrainian regime launder millions it plundered through corrupt dealings. Much of the money was filtered through the U.S. before landing in various areas around the world, Buzzfeed’s report notes.

Trump’s former campaign manager has been the subject of multiple law enforcement investigations into Russian influence in the 2016 presidential election.

A spokesman for Manafort did not respond to reporters’ questions about the investigation or any of the specific wire transactions. He became Trump’s campaign manager in May 2016 before he was forced to resign three months later after media reports exposed his ties to Russian oligarchs.

Manafort has since emerged as a key figure in special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian influence, despite the former campaign manager’s repeated denials of any wrongdoing. His widely-reported connections to corrupt former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych sparked speculation he we used Russian agents to help Trump at the expense of Clinton.

American financial institutions, which are required by law to tell the Treasury Department about any transactions they deem suspicious, began flagging Manafort’s transactions, Buzzfeed’s report notes. Suspicious activity reports do not prove wrongdoing, but they are sufficient to begin probes. Federal law requires financial institutions to file reports on cash transactions exceeding $10,000 in a single day.

Manafort’s suspicious financial transactions were flagged as far back as 2012 and forwarded to the FBI’s International Corruption Unit and the Department of Justice, a former Treasury official told reporters. Law enforcement officials said they found red flags in his banking records going back to 2004.

Four of the transfers originated with Manafort’s political consulting firm Global Endeavour, which was hired by Yanukovych to consult and lobby on his behalf. Manafort was working with the former Ukrainian president to lobby the U.S. and other Western countries to support for...

Russia, Russia, Russia, Russia...WOT!

RUSH: Everywhere You Look On The Trump Dossier You See Thousands Of Democrat Fingerprints

MORE LEAKS: Deep State Focusing on Paul Manafort and “Suspicious” Wire Transfers

Amid reports Special Counsel Robert Mueller is set to file charges on Monday, we now learn the FBI’s investigation into former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is centered around “suspicious” wire transfers.

The series of transfers were previously unreported and caught the attention of law enforcement “as far back as 2012,” — Three years before Donald Trump announced his candidacy for President. The report on Manafort comes from BuzzFeed News, and therefore, should be read with a grain of salt.

Buzzfeed claims:
The FBI’s investigation of Donald Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort, includes a keen focus on a series of suspicious wire transfers in which offshore companies linked to Manafort moved more than $3 million all over the globe between 2012 and 2013.

Much of the money came into the United States.

These transactions — which have not been previously reported — drew the attention of federal law enforcement officials as far back as 2012, when they began to examine wire transfers to determine if Manafort hid money from tax authorities or helped the Ukrainian regime close to Russian President Vladimir Putin launder some of the millions it plundered through corrupt dealings.

As the political world waits with with bated breath for Mueller’s charges, the identity of the individual (s) charged is not known at this time. It is plausible former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort is among them. The former Trump campaign manager says he knows nothing about Mueller possibly filing charges against him.

Independent UK reports:
Donald Trump’s former campaign Paul Manafort has said he has not been informed of any possible criminal charges against him, after it was reported the first indictments had been filed by the team investigating Russia’s alleged meddling in the 2016 election.
Reports said a grand jury working with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller, had approved the first charges to result from the ongoing probe that is looking at possible collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia. The reports, which have not specified what the charges are or who they were filed against, said a suspect could be taken into custody as soon as Monday.
According to reports, Manafort’s realtor, who helped the former Trump official purchase a Virginia condo, appeared by a judge to testify in Mueller’s Russia...

Hillary Says She Didn’t Know About Fake Trump Dossier, But Tweeted About It 8 Times Before Election

After it was revealed that the Hillary Clinton campaign helped finance the “opposition research” that lead to the infamous Trump dossier (which as been roundly debunked be literally everyone, of course Clinton rushed to deny it.

Does anyone actually believe her? I know Republicans and conservatives are going to call her out on her crap, but there is evidence that she did know about it, even during the campaign. (Right before she lost, of course. She’s the epitome of a sore loser.)

So when her camp put out a statement on the issue, it was easy for the rest of us to roll our eyes.

They claimed that senior officials had no idea that Perkins Coie was carrying out the research on her behalf, but tweets from the Presidential campaign indicate that this is a lie.

On August 6, 2016, she tweeted “Serious, what is going on with Trump and Russia?”
Seriously, what is going on with Trump and Russia? https://t.co/N6ySNILYMx
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 6, 2016

The next day, she posted yet another tweet, which says “We have some questions about @realDonaldTrump’s cozy relationship with Russia.” Was she planting the seeds of doubt, even back then?
We have some questions about @realDonaldTrump's cozy relationship with Russia. https://t.co/aetHzJyJCo
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 8, 2016

August 15, 2016 saw her tweeting about the same thing, this time with a video attached.
We have some questions about Donald Trump's cozy relationship with Russia. https://t.co/N6ySNILYMx
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) August 15, 2016

September 7, 2017 was a similar tweet, stating “The worst part is, this isn’t the first time Donald Trump has praised Russia and Putin.” With the same video attached. Because if you repeat a lie often enough, people will start to believe it.

The worst part is, this isn’t the first time Donald Trump has praised Russia and Putin. #NBCNewsForum https://t.co/N6ySNILYMx
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 8, 2016

On September 22, 2016, she accused Trump of associating with Russia for the money. (Oh, the irony. The thick, pungent irony.)

Donald Trump's ties to Russia may conflict with America's interests—but they're great for his bottom line. https://t.co/gYbm5HxfxG
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 22, 2016

Four days later, she tweeted yet again about “the deal with Trump and Russia.”

What is the deal with Donald Trump and Russia? https://t.co/xUYxOdoYo3 #debatenight
— Hillary Clinton (@HillaryClinton) September 27, 2016

On October7, 2016, with the election closing in and reality setting in, Clinton became more desperate with her tweets:

5 Times Paul Singer Funded Globalist Nonsense Before the Anti-Trump Dossier

Paul Singer, through the Washington Free Beacon news outlet, appears to be the Republican behind what eventually became Fusion GPS’s now-infamous dossier on President Donald Trump. It was hardly the first time the Wall Street billionaire bankrolled anti-populist causes. Here are five of Singer’s worst globalist endeavors.

1. Amnesty

Singer has a long history of supporting amnesty for illegals and mass third-world immigration. Not only was he a key backer of the Republican establishment senators sponsoring the 2013 “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill, he joined with George Soros and the Ford Foundation to fund the National Immigration Forum open-borders non-profit. That group even tried to create a sham evangelical Christian front to push amnesty.

2. Same-Sex Marriage

Homosexual marriage went from a radical idea in all but the most leftist of circles to the nationwide law of the land in the space of 15 years. Few Republicans can claim as much responsibility for this social change as pro-gay marriage billionaire Paul Singer. He, for example, personally intervened to pressure the New York State legislature to approve the new definition of marriage.

His links to the leftist agenda, however, did not end with same-sex marriage. The so-called Human Rights Campaign, to which Singer continues to cut checks, led boycotts of the entire state of North Carolina when the elected representatives of that state saw fit to pass a law maintaining the separation of bathrooms on sex.

3. Marco Rubio

The billionaire Singer was an essential factor in Sen. Marco Rubio (R-FL) being able to stay in the 2016 presidential campaign as long as he did. The two appear to have bonded over the 2013 amnesty push and Rubio and Singer remained loyal to each other thereafter.

This week, Rubio denied any role in the dossier’s creation, telling CNN, “As far as whether it was my campaign, it wasn’t and I’ll tell you why: I was running for president. I was trying to win. If I had anything against Donald Trump that was relevant and credible and politically damaging, I would’ve used it. I didn’t have it.”

Rubio has not replied to Breitbart New’s request for comment since the revelations about Singer and the Free Beacon.

4. Paul Ryan

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan (R-WI), who has overseen an abysmal...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #59

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.