90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, March 28, 2021

Nike Factory Graciously Offers To House Unaccompanied Migrant Children

BEAVERTON, OR—Sneaker manufacturer Nike has graciously reached out to the Biden administration with an offer to house thousands of unaccompanied migrant children at their factories around the globe.

“Nike is committed to being a good corporate citizen. We are proud to assist the Biden administration by caring for these unaccompanied migrant children,” a spokesman for the company said Friday. “We have plenty of factories all around the globe with lots of room for kids. We’re here to help!”

The spokesman said that the migrant children will be fed, clothed, and educated by Nike employees until permanent homes can be found for them. In addition to a regular school curriculum, Nike said they will focus heavily on recreational activities.

“The core of our plan is our arts and crafts program,” the spokesman said. “These lucky kids will get to spend up to 18 hours each day on fun activities such as leather-working, sewing, and embroidery. What could possibly be more fun than that?”

White House press secretary Jen Psaki said the move makes sense on many levels. “When it comes to looking after thousands of orphaned children from impoverished countries, nobody has more experience than Nike,” she...

I Think They Need A Bigger Battery...


What You Shouldn’t Forget About China:

China, the Peoples Republic, is on the move. We all know that. We also know that due to Biden relatives’ dealings with President-for-life Xi, our new Administration, helmed by Joe Biden, is severely compromised and flatfooted with respect to prudent interaction with the populous monolith. Morally. Financially. Even categorically.

But is that all we need be concerned with? There are other, undiscussed but highly relevant, variables impacting on our delicate- balance dealings with the PRC.

We are correctly concerned with the official threat presented by a newly assertive Communist China, especially under the lifetime stewardship/despotic regime of Xi JinPing, in for life.

The Chinese Navy, in a population of better than 1.4 billion people, give or take, is now acknowledged as formidable by military leaders such as our State Department and such former military as four-star General Jack M. Keane, former Vice Chief of Staff of the US Army. A no-nonsense former paratrooper and formidable company commander, Keane knows whereof he speaks when he addresses threats in the Pacific theatre.

Those paying attention to the juggernaut of the Peoples Republic, especially under the auspices of Xi and the significant feebleness of the new White House under a severely compromised chief executive, should be mindful of the dangerous imbalance.

Increasing evidences of cognitive frailty and perhaps advancing dementia has not escaped notice by Xi and those around him in the power tier of the fully armed nation west of the rising sun, east of an increasingly self-absorbed EU. Adding to our exposure is the significantly anemic appetite shown by this current White House and its behind-the-strings ‘handlers’ for a renewed arms race.

Indeed, the current slew of Obama retreads seem more than satisfied to concern themselves more with linguistic niceties and pronoun embargoes than with foreign entanglements, national defense or refurbishment in the presence of blatant adversary.

Actions taken by the prior administration, that of Donald J. Trump, to re-arm and update our tattered military after President Barack Obama were laudable but have been met with near-reversals almost heedlessly self-destructive by Trump’s successor, Joe Biden. The reversals effected by almost stunning executive orders of frenetic delusional suddenness and ill-advisedness have been noted by our enemies. One humiliating result is the recent Alaskan Summit where our...

With New Team Addition, Biden Communications Expected To Become More Understandable:


Shocking Video Exposes Joe Biden's Self Made Crisis: Texas Migrant 'Pod' Facility at Nearly 9x Capacity

This is the man running for re-election in 2024?

Republican Sen. James Lankford of Oklahoma tweeted a video Friday of one border facility in Donna, Texas, holding illegal immigrants — and the sights it reveals are truly petrifying.

Based on Lankford’s statistics, the Donna, Texas, facility is currently operating at nearly 9 times its intended capacity. Lankford tweeted a “side-by-side” comparison Thursday as well, comparing his recent experience with his 2019 trip to the border — while former President Donald Trump was in office.

The 709 illegal immigrants Lankford mentioned, most of them unaccompanied minors and family units, are continuously crammed into border facilities like the one the senator showcased as a result of the immigration policy of Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas.

Mayorkas stated in a news release last week that the DHS is expelling most single adults as well as family units, but “not expelling unaccompanied children.” Unfortunately for Mayorkas, this initially compassionate policy has actually forced Border Patrol agencies to keep over 13,000 unaccompanied minors in custody and has put one border facility at 729 percent capacity.

These policies aren’t “humane” or sympathetic, especially not...

You Know That Ship That Is Blocking The Suez Canal?


Good evening. This is your Captain
We are about to attempt a crash landing

Please extinguish all cigarettes
Place your tray tables in their
Upright, locked position

Your Captain says: Put your head on your knees
Your Captain says: Put your head in your hands
Captain says: Put your hands on your head
Put your hands on your hips. Heh heh

This is your Captain - and we are going down
We are all going down, together

Two Black Girls Murder Uber Driver in Broad Daylight, Walk Past His Body to Look for Cellphone

Two African American teenage girls have been charged with felony murder after killing an Uber driver in DC during an armed carjacking.

Instead of fleeing the scene, the girls were caught on camera calmly looking for their cellphone inside the vehicle right next to the victim’s dead body.

The girls are only 13 and 15 years old

Thegatewaypundit.com reports: Their Pakistani victim, Mohammad Anwar, 66, of Springfield, Virginia, was driving for Uber Eats when the girls attempted to steal his car and tased him.

The horrific scene was caught on camera by a witness.

Warning, the video is extremely graphic and disturbing:

The incident took place on Tuesday and murder charges were announced on Wednesday.

“We are devastated by this tragic news and our hearts go out to Mohammad’s family during this difficult time,” an Uber spokesperson said, according to affiliate WTOP. “We’re grateful the suspects have been arrested and...

Would You Go With Him?


US Special Operations Command welcomes aboard its new chief of diversity and inclusion (who compared Trump to Hitler)

Richard Torres-Estrada - Spreading Fear In The Hearts Of Chinese Generals...

As Twitchy reported, after Tucker Carlson did a segment arguing that President Biden was “feminizing” the military, both individual officers (in uniform) and official military accounts jumped on Twitter to respond. The U.S. Army used the occasion to introduce the Army’s chief diversity officer, a position a lot of people in the comments thought shouldn’t exist. “Extremism can tear apart cohesive teams,” the tweet began, and as we’ve learned recently from a couple of emails, troops are being taught about extremists like the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys, but when they ask about Antifa or Black Lives Matter, they’re told that’s not what they’re talking about right now.

Now U.S. Special Operations Command is introducing its new chief of diversity and inclusion. We honestly don’t have a problem with it if it’s simply a recruiting effort, but somehow we suspect there’s more to it. American Military News reports that “SOCOM didn’t specify specific initiatives Torres-Estrada would be involved in, however, diversity and inclusion officers typically focus on inclusion of LGBTQ and minority personnel.”

Oh yeah, there’s that Facebook post that’s still up comparing Adolf Hitler and Donald Trump:

As you can see (as could Facebook’s fact-checkers), the “Bible” was obviously Photoshopped into Hitler’s hand, so it’s fake too.

Apparently, Torres-Estrada is USSOCOM’s first-ever chief of diversity and inclusion. How they made it this long with...

GOP senators demand FBI, Secret Service records on alleged Hunter Biden handgun incident

Two Republican senators are asking the directors of the FBI, the U.S. Secret Service and the Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives for details of their alleged investigation into a handgun that belonged to Hunter Biden that was reported missing in 2018.

In their letters, Sens. Chuck Grassley and Ron Johnson refer to a report from Politico this week about the gun incident.

According to Politico, on Oct. 23, 2018, Hunter Biden’s sister-in-law, Hallie Biden, called police in Delaware to report that she had thrown Biden’s gun in a trash can behind a grocery store.

Hallie, who was also dating Hunter, said that she went to retrieve the gun after growing worried someone might find it and use it in a crime, but that it was no longer in the trash can.

The FBI responded to the scene of the investigation, as did ATF. The U.S. Secret Service also became involved in the investigation and contacted the gun store that sold the firearm to Biden, according to Politico.

The store owner provided documents to the ATF, but “refused to supply the paperwork” to the Secret Service out of concerns that “the Secret Service officers wanted to hide Hunter’s ownership of the missing gun in case it were to be involved in a crime,” Politico reported.

Nobody was arrested in connection with the incident.

The Secret Service denied this week that the agency was involved in the incident, though text messages that came to light on Friday show that Hunter Biden wrote to someone that the FBI and Secret Service showed up to investigate an incident that resembles the one in Delaware.

“U.S. Secret Service records confirm that the agency did not provide protection to any member of the Biden family in 2018, and that the Secret Service had no involvement in this alleged incident,” the agency said in a statement.

The New York Post reported Friday that Biden said in a Jan. 29, 2019, text message that Hallie Biden had taken the gun out of his truck lock box and dropped it in a garbage can behind a grocery store.

“She stole the gun out of my trunk lock box and threw it in a garbage can full to the top at Jansens [sic]. Then told me it was my problem to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Video: Nyctophilia Edition #606

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