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Monday, January 9, 2017

Girls With Guns

Blogs With Rule 5 Links

These Blogs Provide Links To Rule 5 Sites:
American Power has: Rule 5 Links
The Other McCain has: Rule 5 Sunday: January Jones
Proof Positive has: Best Of Web Link Around
The Woodsterman has: Rule 5 Woodsterman Style
The Right Way has: Rule 5 Saturday LinkORama
The Pirate's Cove has: Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup

Fake News Is Real...

The Hollywood Sign Has Had Enough...

That Story Is Going To The Gulags..

Condoms... Some Should Wear Them..

Clapper's Reputation Is In The Crapper...

State Department official mourns late Iranian president

A State Department official is mourning the loss of an Iranian leader with “American blood on his hands” who had called for Israel’s destruction.

Ali Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani, the former Iranian president who died Sunday, drew condolences from the unnamed official.

“Former Pres. Rafsanjani has been a prominent figure throughout the history of the Islamic Republic of Iran,” the official told Al Monitor. “We send our condolences to his family and loved ones.”

Eric Trager, a Middle East expert at the Washington Institute, responded, “Condolences for a man with American blood on his hands. Unreal.”

The State Department’s short statement ignores that Rafsanjani was president when agents of Iran killed 19 American service members in the 1996 bombings of the Khobar Towers in Saudi Arabia.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Rafsanjani called for Israel’s destruction in 2001.

“If one day the Islamic world is also equipped with weapons like those that Israel possesses now, then the imperialists’ strategy will reach a standstill because the use of even one nuclear bomb inside Israel will destroy everything,” the Iranian leader said ...

Seattle Mayor to Spend Half Million Tax Dollars Teaching Illegals to Fight Trump

Seattle Mayor Ed Murray announced a $250,000 plan to help shield the children of illegal immigrants and refugee families from any new crackdowns that might come from the incoming Donald Trump administration.
“The rhetoric and the promises of the incoming administration are a threat to Seattle’s economy and to Seattle’s workers,” Murray said, the Seattle Times reported.

So he’s taking tax dollars to supply services for the illegals?Yes indeed.

The Seattle Times reports:

“The mayor outlined several efforts on which the $250,000 will be spent, including certain services for immigrants of all ages. …

“Part of the city’s funding will be used to hold multiple community-education forums at Seattle Public Schools buildings and other venues, Murray said.

“Organizations with legal expertise will offer information to immigrant students and their relatives, he said.

“The forums will cover topics such as the importance of power-of-attorney documents and who to call for help when someone is in danger of being detained by...

Gaslighting and the Left’s War on Reality

Donald Trump’s victory over one of the most powerful political machines in American history has given mainstream America the opportunity to turn America onto a sensible course. The success or failure of that turnaround, however, depends largely on the ability of mainstream Americans to see through the left’s longstanding use of a vile political tactic known as gaslighting.

The word gaslighting has been popularized in psychology to describe a form of mental and emotional abuse in which a domineering person denies and contradicts the memories and perceptions of an intended victim until the victim begins to doubt his or her perception of reality. The word comes from the 1944 mystery film Gaslight, in which a woman’s husband tries to convince her that she is losing her mind and that the things she is experiencing – such as the gaslights in the house flickering and dimming – are not real. Only when an inspector from Scotland Yard also notices the gaslights flickering does she realize that she is not losing her mind and that her husband has a devious agenda.

In politics, the word “gaslighting” is increasingly used to describe the left’s efforts to push a false view of reality and to convince mainstream Americans that their common-sense views are somehow extreme. For example, on a recent edition of Varney & Co., Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) said the Obama administration’s portrayal of Israel as our enemy and Iran as nothing to worry about could be described as “gaslighting.” Bill Whittle’s popular video Gaslighting exposed the...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Sunday, January 8, 2017

Girls With Guns

This Is The Reason Hollywood Lefties Stayed In The USA...

More Fake News..

Thousands back campaign to free dad jailed for 40 years for shooting dead daughter’s sex attacker

 Jay Maynor, from Alabama, was sentenced to 40 years in prison in the United States killing Raymond Earl Brooks in June 2014

He plead guilty to shooting the 59-year-old dead in court hearing in November.

The 43-year-old took a plea deal so his daughter Julia, who was molested by Brooks from the age of four, would not have to testify during a trial.

Now a Change.org petition to the Alabama Governor to pardon Maynor has reached more than 6,000 signatures.

The petition states: “Jay Maynor has been sentenced to 40 years in prison for killing his daughter’s rapist.

“Jay is not a threat to society. He is a good man.

“We would like to see him set free or at minimum a lesser sentence.”

Julia, now 24 and a...

Massive Network Of ISIS Sleeper Cells Spanning United States Uncovered – Training Camps And All

How's your weekend going?

Redditor, Law School Graduate, and nimble navigator William Craddick (/u/PleadingtheYiff / brand new Twitter handle @williamcraddick) has made quite the name for himself on Reddit's "The_Donald" forum. In just three short months, Craddick has managed to rack up over 153,000 "post karma" and 48k "comment karma," which (if you're not familiar) is impressive. The guy is an incredibly effective dot-connector, perhaps owing it to his legal training - often posting lengthy reads that are well worth the investment in time. Craddick made the Clinton - Silsby - Haiti connection, which is un-refuted to the best of my knowledge.

In his latest piece, Craddick presents frightening evidence of a massive ISIS network covering the USA. Let's start with the conclusion:
Either the US government and current administration is so hopelessly incompetent that they are unable to detect domestic and foreign threats which are discoverable by investigative journalists and whistleblower organizations. Or, there are factions within the United States government who are seeking to prevent competent, well-intentioned members of the intelligence community, law enforcement, and legislative/regulatory branches from taking action against ISIS operatives and extremist recruits who are active both on the American border as well as in the United States.


The director of the FBI, James Comey, has stated that ISIS now has a presence in all 50 of the United States:

ABC 7 News Chicago: https://archive.fo/OiEHM

This presence varies in its form from state to state. It exists in the form of smaller cells attached to mosques run by radicalized imams, paramilitary groups operating out of compounds throughout the US, reinforced by veterans and command figures from ISIS’ Syria theater and bolstered by recruits from American minority communities. If all the reports outlined here are in fact found to be true, ISIS has managed to amass a terrifyingly impressive network across the United States that would be capable of wreaking heavy damage in the event of a large-scale terror incident.

I. Training Camps

One of the ways ISIS has established a military presence in the US is by directly franchising out training camps that build operations centers/cells in various parts of the country. Some of these camps are public knowledge although the media has tried to hide them from the public.

At least one established network of paramilitary training camps has been public knowledge since at least the 1980’s. The Jamaat ul-Fuqra, or “Muslims of America” network has run a network of camps estimated in a report from Sean Hannity to be spread across 35 different locations. The report (linked here) showed a number of Islamic jihadist style military training videos filmed at these sites in the United States. News site WND has placed the number of camps at least 22:

WND: http://archive.is/eYGbK

Here is a map showing the location of most of the compounds run by Jamaat ul-Fuqra:


The Clarion Project ran a report citing FBI documents which state that in 2014 the FBI investigated the organization “…based upon specific and articulate facts giving justification to believe they are engaged in international terrorism or activities in preparation thereof…” This was due in part to an “accidental” deadly shooting that occurred in one of their compounds, Mahmoudberg, in Texas:

FBI Document: http://www.clarionproject.org/analysis/exclusive-clarion-project-discovers-texas-terror-enclave#popup-1

Mahmoudberg was one of several compounds located on property Jamaat ul-Fuqra had purchased in the area:

Clarion: http://archive.is/6yjBu

Jamaat ul-Fuqra was based in Pakistan and its leader, Mubarak Ali Gilani was directly involved in the kidnapping and murder of journalist Daniel Pearl, who was kidnapped while going to interview Gilani in Iraq. He was questioned but never arrested for the role he played:


You will recall of course, that the group who carried out the murder of Pearl was Al-Qaeda in Iraq, which was the forerunner of ISIS. This indicates that ISIS has had established connections to...

The Russian Hackers Have Been Identified!

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Girls With Guns

Mom Was Worried About My Trip To Chicago...

..I sent her this picture...

More Really Interesting, Thoughtful Or Funny Things...

An End And A Beginning

The Mystery Of The Piri Reis Map

A Whale Of A Story

Click This Link For: The Coolest Thing You Have Seen This Year So Far...

6 Insane Coincidences You Won't Believe Actually Happened

The Drunkest Guy Ever Goes For More Beer

Here are some interesting, but true facts, that you may or may not have known.

11 Brain-Twisting Paradoxes

14 Most Helpful YouTube Comments Ever Written

10 Enigmas that Defy Explanation

Mom Was Worried About My Trip To Detroit

Five Drinking Stories That Put Yours To Shame

Interesting, Thoughtful And Funny Stories Collection #2 HERE

Leftist Litmus Test For Judging Anything...

6 Dead After Truck Collides With Anti-Trump Protesters On Freeway

A 32-year old hero driving a Waldrum Brother’s delivery truck is responsible for the death of 6 Anti-Trump protesters that were blocking traffic while chanting “Dump Trump” in the middle of a Seattle freeway.

The accident occurred near an I-15 off-ramp today around 5:15 PM. According to witnesses, a crowd of approximately 16 individuals pulled their vehicles to the side of the freeway and created a barricade by linking their arms together.

The protester’s actions immediately hindered the flow of traffic and motorists became upset at what many of them viewed as an unwanted obstacle preventing them from getting home after a long day at work. A few of the protesters were seen holding signs that read – “Not My President” or “Love Trumps Hate” and all protesters were chanting – “Dump Trump”.

After dealing with angry motorist for about 5-minutes, the group of protesters moved aside to allow the backed-up vehicles to resume their commute. Once a steady-flow of traffic resumed, the group of protesters once again linked arms to create a barricade for a second time.

It was at this time when Richard L. Porter, a 32-year-old Seattle resident employed by Waldrum Brother’s (a local appliance store) as a delivery driver quickly approached the chain of Anti-Trump protesters. According to Porter, he was driving with the current flow of traffic (around 80-MPH) when the obstruction created by the protesters seemed to appear out of nowhere.

By the time the protesters were visible to Porter – he didn’t have enough time to fully stop and though he did slam on his brakes and attempted to swerve, he ultimately...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, January 6, 2017

Girls With Guns

Hope For The Future...


White Hispanic Esteban Santiago Identified as shooter

Is This Him???

Must be related to White Hispanic George Zimmerman...

Ok, this is not him, the shooter is 26 years old.

People Are Running Again In Fort Lauderdale Airport, Miami Airport Security Beefed Up.

Im pretty sure this is the threat from the extreme right that Obama and Jeh Johnson has been warning us about and spending millions guarding against, where is the Southern Poverty Law Center when you need them? #SPLC

5 Dead So Far At Fort Lauderdale Airport - I am 30 Minutes Away From It...

Fort Lauderdale airport shooting: Multiple people killed, suspect in custody

(CNN)Gunshots erupted at the Fort Lauderdale airport on Friday, leaving multiple people dead.

Authorities say the gunman, who appeared to be acting alone, is in custody.

Here's the latest on what we know:

• Five people are dead, a law enforcement official told CNN.

• Eight people were transported to a hospital, the Broward County Sheriff's Office said on Twitter.

• Multiple reports on social media -- including tweets from former White House spokesman Ari Fleischer, described the shooting.

• Gene Messina told CNN he'd arrived at the airport as people were being evacuated from the terminal.

"I got off the plane and I saw people running and screaming," he said. "At first I was in shock but when I saw TSA agents running, I booked."

• Investigators are looking into the gunman's motive, Broward County Mayor Barbara Sharief told CNN.

• The shooting occurred in the baggage claim area of Terminal 2, officials said.


Chicago Field Trips...

Cybersecurity LEGEND McAfee: ‘Russian Hack’ Is NOT TRUE! (Video)

One of the most brilliant cyber-security experts has come forward to give his thoughts on the supposed Russian hack of the U.S. election.
I will be on @RT_America today at 8pm ET. I'll drop a bombshell on today's US intelligence claims. @realDonaldTrump I hope you're listening.
From RT:

The sloppiness of the alleged DNC hack by itself proves it was not organized by a nation state, and the “utter nonsense” presented as proof of Moscow’s involvement is rather evidence of intelligence agencies being “ignorant and naïve,” John McAfee told RT.

The so-called evidence of the Russian involvement in the hacks not only looks like “the most deceptive propaganda was perpetrated on the American public” but actually proves quite the opposite, McAfee believes…

Thus, McAfee believes, the whole “Russian hacking” narrative is either “propaganda intended to incite the American people, to anger toward Russia for some reason, or our intelligence community is so ignorant and naïve that they should all be replaced.”

Cybersecurity specialist believes that based on the presented evidence the hack “cannot possibly be an organized nation-state.”

Report: Obama to Free Gitmo Detainees Who Have Vowed to Behead Americans

President Barack Obama plans to transfer out at least 22 of the 59 detainees who remain at the U.S. military prison in Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, by the time he leaves the White House, a move that will liberate jihadists who have threatened to behead and bomb Americans, the Daily Mail has learned.

In recent weeks, the number of detainees who are expected to be set free by the end of Obama’s tenure on January 20 has varied by news agencies from 17 to 19.

Earlier this week, the White House responded to incoming President Donald Trump’s urging to stop transferring prisoners out of Guantánamo, saying it plans to liberate more detainees before Obama leaves office.

The Obama administration reportedly told Congress last month that the sitting president would reduce the population of Guantánamo, also known as Gitmo, by 19 to 40 detainees.

Now, the Daily Mail reports:
President Obama is planning to transfer at least 22 additional Guantanamo Bay detainees out of the military detention center before...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of the Late Night

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Girls With Guns

I Love These Vowels...

The Leftist Definition Of Success...

Presidential Nicknames...

The History Of Islam...

Handing The Mess Over...