90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Why Social Justice is CANCER | Identity Politics, Equality & Marxism

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Difference Between A Welfare State And A Totalitarian State Is A Matter Of Time..

Garbage Truck: Then And Now...

#CNN #fakenews

How Commies Think They Look Vs.....

The Commie Scare Is Real...

Picture Of Minneapolis Police Academy Graduating Class...

Muslim Minnesota cop who fatally shot Australian woman was 'fast-tracked' into the force

Remember This Next Time You Swim At The Beach...

Man Survives 13 Months Adrift In The Pacific Ocean By Drinking Turtle Blood..

Mattis begins clean up, slams Pentagon over years of wasted taxpayer money blown on Afghan army outfits

Secretary of Defense James Mattis slammed the Pentagon for wasting $28 million on Afghan army uniforms following the release of an accounting report.

Mattis scolded the Pentagon for “cavalier” purchases of forest-camouflage uniforms that have continued since 2007, despite the fact that only 2 percent of Afghanistan consists of wooded areas, according to a memo obtained by USA Today.

“Cavalier or casually acquiescent decisions to spend taxpayer dollars in an ineffective and wasteful manner are not to recur,” Mattis wrote, relying on the findings of a 17-page Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction (SIGAR) report released in late June.

That Mattis accepted the SIGAR report sets him apart from past practices at the DOD of disputing the government watchdog’s findings.

“Buying uniforms for our Afghan partners, and doing so in a way that may have wasted tens of millions of taxpayer dollars over a ten-year period, must not be seen as inconsequential in the grand scheme of...