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Showing posts sorted by date for query illegal alien. Sort by relevance Show all posts

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Joe Biden to Release 25,000 Illegal Aliens into the U.S. While Cases are Heard

The Biden administration announced today its plans to release tens of thousands of aliens waiting in Mexico for their next immigration court hearings into the United States “while their cases proceed”.

The first of an estimated 25,000 asylum-seekers in Mexico with active cases will be allowed in the United States on Feb. 19, authorities said. They plan to start slowly with two border crossings each processing up to 300 people a day and a third crossing taking fewer.

Ironically, “administration officials declined to name the crossings out of fear they may encourage a rush of people to those locations,” reports the Associated Press.

The disastrous, and down-right dangerous move is another regressive step made by the Biden administration when it comes to immigration. This time targeting the effective and common-sense Remain in Mexico program. The Migrant Protection Protocols was introduced in January 2019 and enrolled approximately 70,000 aliens.

This is in addition to reports that are already surfacing that after the first signs of a coming border surge, the Biden administration has restarted the tragic practice of ‘catch and release’, continually turning illegal aliens loose into the U.S. with a mear notice to appear, providing yet another magnet for increased illegal immigration.

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, who was found by the DHS Inspector General of using his authority to expedite and overturn previously declined EB-5 visa applications on behalf of senior members of the Democratic Party, stated on the matter:

As President Biden has made clear, the U.S. government is committed to rebuilding a safe, orderly, and humane immigration system. This latest action is another step in our commitment to reform immigration policies that do not align with our nation’s values.

However, this doublespeak seems to highlight some mixed messaging coming from the Biden administration; as DHS said the move “should not be interpreted as an opening for people to migrate irregularly to the United States.”

Administration officials have said repeatedly that the vast majority of people who cross the border illegally are quickly expelled but massive releases of alien families in Texas and California have worked against that...

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

The White House Is Protecting Illegal Alien Rapists. What Could Go Wrong?

Seems The Democrats Have A Plan:

And This One:

Then There Is This:

It May Come Down To This:

It Looks Like Liberal Women Will Need To Keep A Full Bladder At All Times:

Democrats Announce Taxpayer Funding for COVID-19 Funerals, Including for Illegal Aliens

I'm Sure The Dead Illegal Aliens Will Show Their Appreciation By Voting For Democrats...

If there’s one way to make sure COVID-19 deaths don’t go down, this is it.

New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer joined forces this week to publicize a federal program that will reimburse the families of coronavirus victims up to $7,000 for funeral expenses for deaths from the disease that occurred in 2020 — even if the death involved an illegal alien.

And, according to CNN, Schumer said the lawmakers want the program to last as long as the pandemic does — which means the numbers are likely to show the pandemic lasting a good long time.

According to the New York Post, the program Schumer and Ocasio-Cortez introduced at a joint news conference in New York on Monday is part of the COVID relief measure signed into law in December by then-President Donald Trump.

Under the bill, $2 billion will go to the Federal Emergency Management Agency for COVID-19 funeral expenses, according to the Post, with about $200,000 million going to...

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

SANCTUARY NATION: ICE Official Says Biden Has Abolished Agency in All But Name

Biden has implemented a system of open borders.

An anonymous ICE official has confirmed that President Joe Biden has abolished the agency in all but name, speaking to the Washington Post over the weekend. “They’ve abolished ICE without abolishing ICE,” said the senior DHS official. “The pendulum swing is so extreme. It literally feels like we’ve gone from the ability to fully enforce our immigration laws to now being told to enforce nothing.”

Within a week of his inauguration, the new President had ordered ICE to release all illegal aliens from ICE immigration detention facilities. A majority of immigration detainees are convicted felons, some of whom will be released into communities under Biden’s “Sanctuary Country” approach. The immigration jailbreak was initially walked back following a bombshell report from Fox News’ Tucker Carlson on the amnesty measure, but Biden has rushed to implement other open borders measures in its stead. The jailbreak measure was expected to release as many as 12,000 violent offenders into American communities- every month.

It’s expected that Biden will direct ICE towards customs duties and a handful of deportations of the most violent felons, effectively neutering immigration enforcement. Customs and Border Patrol officials have reported an onslaught of illegal immigration at the southern border, with illegals arriving from uncommon nations with the (accurate) impression they’ll be granted full amnesty and welfare under the Biden government. The overflow of illegal migration has filled CBP detention facilities, forcing Border Patrol to simply release illegals they detain at the border.

CBP has reported arresting as many as 3,000 aliens per day, a stark increase from the border policies of the Trump administration. The Biden administration has begun an effort to cease use of the term ‘illegal alien’ in US law, instead recognizing those that infiltrate the borders illegally as...

Saturday, February 6, 2021

The Democrats Are Pursuing a Palpatine Strategy

The far-Left Democrats are far down the road toward one-party control.

This one is for all the “Star Wars” fans out there. The three “Star Wars” prequel movies tell the story of how the Republic became an Empire. Sheev Palpatine was born on the planet Naboo and became infatuated with the Dark Side. After he became proficient as a Sith Lord, he hid his true nature, and rose to become Senator, playing the political game masterfully. He secretly instigated a group of Chinese-sounding traders to blockade Naboo, which exposed the weakness of the Republic to provide security. The Queen of Naboo called for a vote of no confidence in the government. This led to Palpatine becoming chancellor and assuming extraordinary powers.

At every stage of this process, Palpatine pretended to be the upholder of the Republic, while simultaneously destabilizing it and aggrandizing himself. By the time he was crowned Emperor, his lawlessness had been transformed in the minds of the public into the side of law and order. His authority was seen as legitimately granted and his stormtroopers and Death Stars were officially seen as vital peacekeepers, instead of as key mainstays of his police state.

Does this sound familiar at all?

The Democrats destabilized and resisted the Trump presidency from the time of his swearing-in. The Democrats claimed to be the party of constitutional propriety, defending the country against Russian interference, while people like Representatives Adam Schiff (D-Calif.) and Eric Swalwell (D-Calif.) were perpetuating stories that they knew to be untrue without any repercussions. Even worse in Swalwell’s case, he was literally sleeping with the enemy—a Chinese spy!

Meanwhile, nationalists and populists played into the Democrats’ hands with the inexcusable and feckless Capitol Hill riot. President Trump and his lawyers contributed to the Georgia Senate debacle by alienating the Georgia state Republican leadership, suppressing the populist vote, and firing up the Democrats’ base. The Trump campaign’s actions during the period between the election and the swearing-in would have been comical, were they not so tragic.

Because of this stupidity, ironically, the Democrats get to position themselves as “defenders of democracy.” How rich is that? Does anyone recall Kathy Griffin holding Trump’s severed head?

Palpatine: I AM The Senate Scene..

What would today’s press do if an actress held up Joe Biden’s decapitated head? BLM and Antifa thugs burnt federal courthouses and intimidated local residents throughout the summer and fall, causing over 30 deaths and hundreds of millions of dollars in property damage. In the Democrats’ worldview, this is not even close to being equivalent with what happened on January 6, even though it certainly set a precedent for public behavior. In a recent Department of Homeland Security briefing, the Biden Administration briefers highlighted the threat from potential domestic violent extremists like the Boogaloo and Proud Boys, but turned themselves into pretzels trying to argue that the BLM and Antifa riots were “lawful protests.”

The Democratic Party is like a Trojan Horse for the far Left. Palpatine is a cover for Darth Sidious. Joe Biden has the avuncular façade of a forgetful grandpa, but he is allowing a radical, globalist, anti-American agenda to metastasize.

The Democratic Party used to be the party of the working class. It used to be the party for everyday Americans. There are still millions of Americans who vote for the Democrats because of this heritage. But now, the Democratic Party has been captured by billionaire tech and finance titans, pro-LGBTQ, anti-Christian, pro-illegal alien and anti-U.S. wage earner, pro-critical theory, and anti-traditional American values, pro-globalist and anti-nationalist...

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Terror Arrest Highlights How Perilous Biden’s Immigration Plans Are

Biden administration would order U.S. to lower its shields.

On December 16, 2020 the Justice Department issued a press release about the arrest of alleged terrorist, Cholo Abdi Abdullah, who was conspiring with other terrorists from an al Qaeda-affiliated terror organization to carry out a 9/11-style terror attack inside the United States. This substantiates a point I have made on numerous occasions, where the threats posed to America and Americans by foreign radical Islamic Terrorist organizations are concerned, the “All Clear” has most certainly not been sounded.

However apparently Joe Biden and Kamal Harris never got or, more likely, never read the memo.

Biden and Harris have both enthusiastically promised (threatened) to all but end immigration law enforcement and remove the restrictions that prohibit the entry of aliens from countries that sponsor terrorism and whose backgrounds cannot be effectively vetted.

While the media refers to the countries on the list of those countries as being “Muslim majority countries” implying that the so-call “travel ban” which is actually an entry restriction, was created to target Muslims, in reality, has nothing to do with religion but national security. The countries on that very limited list have a direct nexus to terrorism and for a variety of reasons, our officials are unable to effectively vet the citizens of those countries.

In point of fact, the three most populous Muslim-majority countries are Indonesia, Pakistan and India. Yet those countries do not appear on that list.

For Americans to be happy that Biden would eliminate that entry restriction makes as much sense as a flock of chickens celebrating that Colonel Sanders has announced a new recipe for fried chicken!

Shortly after Biden announced he would nominate Alejandro Mayorkas to be Secretary of DHS (Department of Homeland Security) I wrote an article about who Mayorkas would be a terrible choice. My article, Biden's DHS: Department of Homeland Surrender included information that when Mayorkas was the Director of USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) for Obama, was the architect of DACA and had been investigated by the OIG (Office of Inspector General) for acting improperly, approving applications for visas that should not have been approved and for pressuring employees of USCIS to “Get to yes”- in other words approve just about every application for various immigration benefits including applications for political asylum, work visas, resident alien status and U.S. citizenship- or else! This not only undermined employee morale but undermined national security by creating opportunities for immigration fraud.

It has recently been reported that if Biden is sworn in as President that he may nominate Andrew Cuomo to be the Attorney General. Cuomo has referred to ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) Agents as “thugs” and as the governor of New York State, provides illegal aliens with driver’s licenses and refuses to share DMV (Department of Motor Vehicles) information to the Border Patrol, ICE and the inspection personnel of CBP (Customs and Border Protection) who stand watch on our nation’s borders and conduct the inspection of people and vehicles seeking entry into...

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Mexican Journalist Exposes Joe Biden's Human Trafficking Compact

In October after the presidential debate, a Mexican journalist immediately filed a live video event, to respond to the deadly lies of Joe Biden.

Oscar 'El Blue' Ramirez is a Mexican journalist, based in Tijuana. He gives an excellent breakdown of the U.N. compact that Joe Biden & Barack Obama signed. That compact led to a massive influx of child trafficking and over 20,000 children in cages during the Obama administration.

El Blue gives a first hand witness to the Coyote network of organized crime in human trafficking of children. He describes a massive black market industry that Obama/Biden created by signing the UN Global Compact of open borders.

The fake families that resulted from the compact are a result of the poorly designed text with loopholes wide enough to build concentration camps within.

El Blue says 72,000 trafficked kids have been rescued during the Donald Trump administration because of efforts to determine if the child was actually a biological offspring of the so-called 'parent' who paid coyotes for the use of the child.

Oscar El Blue is an investigative journalist in Mexico.

El Blue also asserts that Antifa is involved in the trafficking syndicate. Trump's effective shutdown of the global human trafficking has crushed the 'cash cow' of international trafficking.
Coyotes are losing enslaved children when DNA tests verify whose child the youth actually is. Kids from deep in South America are now miraculously returned to parents as a result.

Coyotes have used those same kids over & over again, as an anchor to keep an illegal alien in...

Illegal Alien Murdered Woman on Thanksgiving, Held Her Roommate Hostage, Police Say

POMPANO BEACH, Florida — Broward Sheriff’s Office homicide detectives arrested a man wanted in connection to a Thanksgiving holiday murder.

Around 9:15 a.m. on Thursday, Nov. 26, Broward Regional Communications received a call regarding a female found unresponsive near the 5300 block of Northeast 20th Terrace in Pompano Beach. Broward Sheriff’s Office deputies responded and located the victim, Nadir Verissimo, inside the home unconscious and not breathing. Verissimo was pronounced dead on scene at 9:26 a.m.

Crime scene and homicide detectives were notified and responded to investigate. The Medical Examiner office was also contacted.

Preliminary investigation revealed Verissimo’s roommate, the second victim involved, saw her alive inside the residence around 11 p.m. on Wednesday, Nov. 25. The roommate left the home and returned after 1 a.m. to discover the known suspect, Roberto De Lira, inside the residence. De Lira had somehow broken into the home and then battered, choked and held the second victim hostage before leaving after 2 a.m. Later that morning, the second victim woke up and found Verissimo’s lifeless body in the home and contacted authorities.

One of Nadir’s closest friends told AcheiUSA that the crime was motivated by Roberto not accepting the end of...

Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Anti-racism professor Ibram Kendi: Term ‘legal vote’ is racist

The phrase “When everything is racist, then nothing is” these days probably applies best to Boston University’s Ibram Kendi, author of the book (appropriately titled) “How To Be An Antiracist.”

It was bad enough when Kendi, the founder of BU’s Center for Antiracist Research, posited during the Amy Coney Barrett SCOTUS hearings that white people who adopt black children are “colonizers”; now, in the midst of the hotly contested 2020 presidential election, the professor says the term “legal vote” is “racist.”

In a series of tweets this past Saturday, Kendi compared the (alleged) racism of “legal vote” to that of “illegal alien,” “personal responsibility” and “race neutral.”

It’s “rarely the […] literal meaning” which makes a term racist, Kendi said, but the “historical and political context in which the term is being used.”

Kendi noted it’s no surprise areas targeted with “misinformation” about voting irregularities, such as Philadelphia and Detroit, are “where Black and Brown voters predominate.”

“No matter what GOP propaganda says, there’s nothing wrong with...

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

‘Yes, they will be deported’: New rule bars Illegal aliens with a criminal record from asylum

A rule restricting criminal aliens from gaining asylum in the U.S. under new regulations was announced by the Department of Justice and the Department of Homeland Security Tuesday.

The new rule makes aliens convicted of certain crimes ineligible for asylum, Department of Homeland Security Acting Deputy Secretary Ken Cuccinelli said on a call with reporters Tuesday.

The final rule will go into effect on Nov. 20 and prohibits convicted felons, drunk drivers, gang members, and individuals convicted of other crimes from qualifying for asylum.

Anyone who has committed a felony under federal or state law will not qualify for asylum under the final rule, according to Cuccinelli. Individuals who have been convicted of alien smuggling or harboring offenses, or of illegal re-entry will also be denied asylum.

“If someone comes into the country illegally … and we catch them, they apply for asylum — heck last year they were surrendering to us — now, with these bars, that rejection will happen presumably faster, but it doesn’t mean their case will come to the front of the line,” Cuccinelli said. “Yes, they will be deported,” he added

America is “the most generous nation in the world” in terms of accepting individuals seeking asylum, Cuccinelli said.

“This is part of President Trump’s four-year effort to bring some sanity to the asylum system and our legal immigration system in particular,” Cuccinelli said. “To get the charlatans out of the system and preserve it for those who are deserving of America’s tremendous generosity.”

Individuals with previous involvement in criminal street gang activities or convicted of domestic violence will also be...

Friday, September 25, 2020

NYPD Releases Illegal Alien To Commit Crimes After Failing To Honor TEN Ice Detainers

NEW YORK – U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) lodged 10 immigration detainers during the past two years on an illegally present Dominican national after he was arrested on 10 separate occasions by the New York Police Department (NYPD). After each arrest, he was released into the community to reoffend with active immigration detainers in place.

“Jhonny Alejandro Soto-Ubaldo is one of many examples of how New York’s sanctuary city policies place the safety of the residents at risk. Their willful uncooperative nature provides criminals such as Soto-Ubaldo the opportunity to re-offend,” said Tony H. Pham, senior official performing the duties of the director for ICE.

Soto-Ubaldo was first arrested by the NYPD in June 2018 on local charges in Queens. At that time, ICE lodged an immigration detainer, but he was released without notification to ICE. Less than two months later, he was rearrested, and ICE lodged another immigration detainer, and he was once again, released into the community to reoffend. The following year, ICE lodged six additional detainers on the Soto-Ubaldo after his arrests for crimes between April and October 2019, and he was released each time, even though active immigration detainers were...

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Smuggler of Iranian Migrants Busted In Brazil as Iran Threatens U.S. with Revenge For Killing Their Top Terrorist..

Most Americans might still be surprised to know that Mexicans and Central Americans are not the only ones who illegally cross the U.S. southern border every year. Among the tens of thousands of migrants who jump that border every year are Iranians and plenty of migrants from Iran's neck of the woods.

Perhaps fewer Iranians will be reaching the borders now, at least for a while, due to the recent bust in Brazil of Reza Sahami, a dual citizen of Canada and Iran who was caught guiding a group of seven Iranian nationals in the city of Assis Brasil on the border of Peru. All seven Iranians possessed fraudulent or altered passports from Israel, Denmark, and Canada.

The Brazilian bust comes at a time of heightened vigilance in American homeland security as Iran continues to threaten violent retaliation for the January 2020 U.S. drone-strike assassination of Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps-Quds Force General Qasem Soleimani. Recent reporting had Iran plotting to assassinate the U.S. ambassador to South Africa in retaliation for the Soleimani killing.

Over the September 19 weekend, the guard's website quoted Gen. Hossein Salami as saying, "Mr. Trump! Our revenge for martyrdom of our great general is obvious, serious and real."

No information points to border infiltration as a means for Iran to exact its revenge. Neither the ICE press release nor Brazilian media reporting quoted any official concerned that Iranian migrants might be traveling with retaliation orders.

But the timing of a joint U.S.-Brazil counterterrorism operation that netted a smuggler of illegal migrants from Iran — and the fact that the Americans and Brazilians are working so closely on cases like this — is at least very fortuitous.

Brazil is prosecuting but the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement's Homeland Security Investigations, which works in foreign posts throughout the Americas hunting special interest alien smugglers, played enough of a significant role to issue its own press announcement, which was largely ignored despite the heightened Iranian threat.

"Sahami has been smuggling criminals across international borders for over ten years," said ICE Attaché for Brazil and Bolivia Robert Fuentes in the scarcely reported September 10 ICE press statement.

Brazilian media reported that six Iranians were held for a time, then ordered to...

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Maryland Illegal Alien MS-13 Gang Murder Suspects Were Shielded From ICE by Locals

'This is the worst-case scenario when detainers are not honored'

ICE announced that it has issued detainers on three of five MS-13 gang members now in custody in Baltimore County, Md., after their arrest for the murder of a 16-year old Long Island girl, whose body was found in a wooded area in Cockeysville, Md. The detainers mean that ICE has probable cause to believe that the aliens are removable, and they include a warrant of arrest and/or deportation. Two of the gang members flagged by ICE were previously in the custody of authorities after local arrests, but were released, and in one case this was due to a local sanctuary policy. And now another young girl is dead.

All three of the murder suspects wanted by ICE reportedly entered the United States as minors and all had ties to the violent, transnational gang Mara Salvatrucha (MS-13). They have been charged with first-degree murder, first-degree assault, and kidnapping. Two of the foreign nationals charged, both Salvadoran, were arrested previously, according to ICE:
ICE's ERO officers in Suffolk County, New York, previously encountered Constanza-Galdomez in February 2018 when he was arrested on local charges, and he entered ICE custody March 3, 2018. An immigration judge subsequently granted him bond, and he was released from custody May 29, 2018. Constanza-Galdomez was again arrested in Suffolk County on local charges Dec. 8, 2018, and ICE lodged a detainer with the Suffolk County Jail. On April 17, 2019, after being sentenced to time served, he was released from Suffolk County First District Court despite an active ICE detainer. He did not appear for his immigration hearing, and an immigration judge ordered him removed to El Salvador Oct. 7, 2019.

Orellana-Hernandez was previously arrested on local charges by the Prince George's County Police Department Jan. 20, 2020. ICE lodged a detainer with Prince George's County Detention Center the same day, but the detainer was not honored, and he was released.
"This is the worst-case scenario when detainers are not honored," said Acting Baltimore ICE Field Office Director Francisco Madrigal.

A third youth flagged by ICE after arrest for this murder is Jonathan J. Pesquera, a Honduran national, illegally present in the United States.

In a recent study, the Center for Immigration Studies identified 52 minors who were murdered by MS-13 from 2012 through 2017. We found that the median age of MS-13 gang members who were arrested in those years was 23, and the median age of the victims was 19. Further, we found that 120 of the 506 MS-13 suspects in the cases we studied, including 48 of the murder suspects, had arrived by crossing the border illegally as unaccompanied minors under catch-and-release policies. Now we have a few more cases to...

Thursday, September 10, 2020

It's Not About Trump vs. Biden; It's about Civilization vs. Anarchy

Some of my Democratic friends have asked me how I can possibly consider voting for Donald Trump in light of his vulgar comments about women and his alleged disrespect for fallen American soldiers. The answer is that the election is not about Donald Trump or Joe Biden; it is about the future of the United States. The renowned historian Victor Davis Hanson's "Plague, Panic, and Protests — the Weird Election Year of 2020" requires about 30 minutes, but it is worth hearing if you have the time.

The "woke" Democrat left has published proven lies about President Trump to the effect that he advised people to swallow or inject themselves with disinfectants and bleach to cure coronavirus, and that he forced illegal alien detainees to drink out of toilets. Trump asked, and the context was that the question was for medical doctors to answer, whether disinfectants and ultraviolet light can be used inside the human body. Experiments are being tried with ultraviolet light, and inhalable antiviral drugs have been around for a long time. Detention centers have fixtures that consist of a toilet and sink as a single unit, and detainees drink from the latter and not the former. These proven lies about President Trump reflect on the credibility of the left's other accusations.

Let Shakespeare Explain

Assume, however, for the sake of argument that everything the Democrats say about Trump is true. It is nonetheless far more important that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and the Democratic Party not have the presidency than it is for Donald Trump or any Republican to have it.

King Henry V said on the eve of the Battle of Agincourt, "Besides, there is no king, be his cause never so spotless, if it come to the arbitrament of swords, can try it out with all unspotted soldiers. Some, peradventure, have on them the guilt of premeditated and contrived murder; some, of beguiling virgins with the broken seals of perjury[.]" If Henry V had dismissed every man with a questionable background, he would probably have had to fight the French the next day by himself. This assumes he was himself qualified to remain, given his purportedly riotous youth in the company of people like Falstaff.

Duke Prospero said similarly of his minion Caliban, "He does make our fire, fetch in our wood, and serves in offices that profit us." President Trump serves similarly in offices that profit us by holding at bay the forces that intend openly to have a "revolution" and "transform" the United States.

The Extreme Left of 2020 Is as Dangerous as the Nazis of 1930

The Democrats keep trying to associate President Trump with white supremacists even though he has repudiated and condemned them. White supremacists are meanwhile powerless to do much more than parade around in their sheets and hoods. They sometimes commit violence for which legal remedies, including the immediate use of reasonable physical force in self-defense, are available. They have no influence or support in Congress, and they do not have any ability to...

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Muslim who stabbed, shot NYPD officers yelling ‘Allahu Akbar’ during riots is illegal alien, DOJ reports

The Justice Department said Wednesday that a man who allegedly stabbed a New York City police officer and shot two others in early June is an illegal immigrant from Bosnia-Herzegovina who was motivated by his support for Islamic extremism.

As race-related rioting and violence beset New York City, Dzenan Camovic targeted NYPD officers who were on an anti-looting patrol, the Washington Times reported, citing federal prosecutors.

According to surveillance video footage obtained by the Justice Department Camovic is seen stalking the officers before stabbing one of them in the neck with a kitchen knife and lunging at another, chasing him down a street.

Camovic then returned to the officer he stabbed, grabbed his firearm and shot at responding officers six times, striking two in the hand as he shouted “Allahu akbar,” which is Arabic that is understood to mean “God is great.”

Responding officers fired 16 times at Camovic wounding him before taking him into custody. Reports said Camovic was struck eight times.

Federal investigators later discovered that Camovic had been studying extremist materials that included some from the defunct Islamic State.

NYPD Commissioner Dermot Shea roundly condemned the attack on his officers.

“It appears to be a complete cowardly, despicable, unprovoked attack on a defenseless police officer, and, thank God, we’re not planning a funeral right now,” he said during a news conference following the incident.

“Dzenan Camovic, an illegal alien and Bosnian national, is alleged to have used the cover of chaos during recent civil unrest in New York City to launch a premeditated and cowardly attack from behind against two New York City Police officers, brutally slashing one with a knife, stealing his weapon and opening fire, and injuring several responding officers,” added U.S. Attorney General William Barr, in announcing the charges.

NBC New York reported June 5 that “law enforcement sources” suggested Camovic’s actions were being investigated as a terrorist attack.

The New York Post’s Joe Marino reported that as well, via Twitter.

“Authorities are investigating whether the stabbing of an NYPD cop in Brooklyn by Camovic was a terror-inspired assault by an immigrant from the Balkans, according to sources and a report,” he wrote.

ABC New York reporter Candace McGowan noted on Twitter June 4 that Camovic is 21 years old, while also posting what appears to be a driver’s license a photo of him.

A report from CBS2 in New York provides more context:

Thursday, May 14, 2020

Martin Armstrong: Are Democrats Trying To Eliminate Proof Of Who You Are To Vote?

Just when you thought it could not get any more corrupt, the Democrats have demonstrated to the world that they are beyond all morality, ethics, and are outright corrupt.

Tucked inside House Democrats’ new coronavirus bill is language that would create a loophole in states’ voter ID requirements, allowing people to cast ballots without having to prove who they are.

After accusing Russia of influencing the 2016 election, they are trying to sneak in open-season for total corruption. It has long been a joke in Chicago where all the dead manage to vote Democratic in elections and the number of votes always exceeds the population.

Now they want votes to be counted with no proof of who you are, alive, dead, an illegal alien not paying taxes or a tourist from Europe, or perhaps even from Mars with green or grey skin.

I warned that the 2020 election will be the MOST CORRUPT in history. The Democrats have proven this is beyond question. The problem they are unleashing is if they have so corrupted the election to overthrow Trump, they will ignore the political bonfire of all time. We will be looking at massive civil unrest and there will be blood in the streets. If the Democrats think that they can get away with that, all civility will come to an end. That would encourage civil war.

I have warned that I had good DIRECT information that those associated with Bill Gates sold out in January because of a coming “virus” that had not even made a blip on the news. This is not about vaccines to save the world, perhaps ID2020 to control the world, but nobody gives a shit if we live or die. I have VERY GOOD sources and this has been about removing Trump BECAUSE they see him as the person stopping their dream of reconstructing the world economy to their New Green World Order. They will do absolutely everything they possibly can.

Fauci just told the senate people will die needlessly if we open up too soon. He is preaching the Gates Agenda to destroy the economy to rebuild this in their dream. Of course, all the left press is in on this coup. The New York Times, Washington Post, CNN, MSNBC, are all conspiring to try to keep the country locked down to destroy as much as possible in hopes the people will overthrow Trump and then we will all openly accept mandatory vaccines from Bill Gates. I wonder how much it cost him to buy the whole bunch? Did he get a discount as a package deal? They have certainly turned against the people for a price.

We are in for the battle of our lives. They win and there will be little left that we will perhaps remember only in films if they do not burn them to...

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

George Soros Group Helps Release Pedophile Illegal Alien into Community To Protect Him from Coronavirus

A George Soros-funded organization has assisted a number of felons, including a pedophile and a child molester, to walk free from jail to protect them from catching the coronavirus.

A federal judge in California ordered the release of six illegal aliens and legal immigrants convicted of child molestation, child abuse, drunk driving, and drug trafficking, following pressure from Soros-funded American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

United States District Court for the Central District of California Judge Terry Hatter Jr., appointed by former President Jimmy Carter, mandated the release of the dangerous sex offenders, despite the potential risk they pose to children.

The majority of the six illegal aliens and legal immigrants have been in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody after felony convictions.

The Soros-funded ACLU argues that the six illegal aliens and legal immigrants must be released due to fear that they could contract the coronavirus while in ICE detention.

Breitbart report: Judge Hatter’s decision in favor of the ACLU means the following illegal alines have been set free:
  • 35-year-old Paolo Rayon Vite, a green card-holder from Mexico. Vite was convicted of child abuse on March 27, 2018.
  • 54-year-old illegal alien Martin Vargas Arellano of Mexico. Arellano has been convicted of child sex crimes against a minor under 14-years-old, possession of methamphetamine, possession of cocaine, petty theft with prior, domestic abuse, and failing to register as a sex offender.
  • 54-year-old illegal alien Charleston Edward Dacoff of Belize. Dacoff has an extensive criminal record which includes multiple drunk driving convictions, carrying a loaded firearm in a public place, possession of drugs, and two convictions for driving with a suspended license.
  • 40-year-old Luis Lopez Salgado, a green card-holder from Mexico. Salgado has been convicted three times for selling and trafficking cocaine and intent to vandalize.
  • 19-year-old illegal alien Jose Hernandez Velaszquez of Guatemala. Velaszquez has been named a flight risk three times in federal court.
  • 37-year-old illegal alien Jose Robles Rodriguez of Guatemala. In October 2019, Rodriguez was arrested for drunk driving. ICE considers him a danger to the public.
The ACLU is also suing the federal government on behalf of 13 illegal aliens and legal immigrants in ICE custody who are demanding release into the general public in the midst of the Chinese coronavirus crisis.

Already, federal judges in Pennsylvania and New Jersey have ordered the release of...

Wednesday, April 1, 2020

Coronavirus Rules Help DHS Eject Border Crossers in Just 96 Minutes

President Donald Trump’s border reforms are helping the Department of Homeland Security to eject most southern migrants in just 96 minutes, according to a report in the Washington Post.

“Migrants who cross into the United States illegally are being expelled to Mexico in an average of 96 minutes under emergency coronavirus measures now in force across the U.S. southern border, according to three U.S. officials with knowledge of the latest government statistics,” the newspaper reported Monday. The report said:
Under the new rules, U.S. agents are processing migrants from Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras “in the field” before they are able to set foot inside a U.S. Border Patrol station. The migrants are then whisked back to the border and sent into Mexico.

The flow of unauthorized border crossings has plunged since the emergency measures were implemented on March 21, down from more than 1,000 per day to fewer than 600 on Sunday, the latest statistics show.
Trump’s border reforms include the “Remain in Mexico” program, the transfer of asylum-seeking migrants to Central American countries, and additional curbs imposed during the coronavirus emergency.

The fast-exit rules do not yet apply to migrants from outside America, such as African and Indian immigrants. They comprise roughly 15 percent of arrivals, the Post said.

The medical curbs are also helping to block the flow of so-called “Unaccompanied Alien Children” (UAC) who are brought to the border by coyotes.

Most of the UACS are the children of Central American illegal immigrants who are living in the United States. The pipeline was created by a 2008 law, which created a different set of regulations and rules for the under-18 UACs migrants. Officials are now quickly returning some of the UACs back to their home countries.

However, Trump’s successful effort to block the blue-collar migration from southern countries has not been applied to the white-collar “guest workers” programs, such as the H-1B program.

These white-collar programs keep perhaps 1.5 million white-collar workers in U.S. jobs, so blocking hiring and career paths for many...

Friday, February 28, 2020

California: Twice-Deported Illegal Alien Arrested for Triple Homicide

A twice-deported illegal alien, accused of murdering three men in the sanctuary state of California, has been arrested by law enforcement officials.

Jose Luis Torres Garcia, a 33-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was identified this week by Riverside County Sheriff’s Office in Southern California for allegedly murdering three men execution-style, as Breitbart News reported. The victims include 50-year-old Jaime Covarrubias Espindola, 38-year-old Jose Maria Aguilar-Espejel, and 28-year-old Rodrigo Aguilar-Esepjel.

Garcia had been on the run, fleeing to Cheyenne, Wyoming, but was arrested by local authorities there when he was pulled over for a traffic stop. During his arrest, police found 15 pounds of marijuana in his vehicle.

According to law enforcement, Garcia already has an active warrant for his arrest for allegedly drunk driving and a warrant for drug crimes before the murders. Though the illegal alien was previously deported from the U.S. twice, he returned to California at an unknown time following his last deportation.

Law enforcement officials were worried that Garcia may have...