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Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Convicted Felons Voted Over 90 Percent For Obama.

Academic work by Jeff Manza and Marcus Britton of Northwestern University and Christopher Uggen of the University of Minnesota estimated that Bill Clinton pulled 86 percent of the felon vote in 1992 and a whopping 93 percent in '96.

It is then reasonable to extrapolate these results out to the current year to say with reasonable confidence that convicted felons voted over 90 percent for Barack Obama. 

In Virginia new laws allowed felons to vote for the first time in 2012.  They estimate it added 450,000 new voters.  Obama only won by 150,000 votes in Virginia.  Felons made the difference.  FELONS GAVE VIRGINIA TO OBAMA.

We can expect the corrupt Obama administration to pursue opening up Felon voting in all states.  Liberal organizations and corrupt U.S. media have been pursuing this for years.

Since felons vote for Obama, we can then say that convicted felons are liberals or progressives and thus we need to make sure that we properly make fun of these progressives.

Florida's Favorite Child Murderer: Casey Anthony


Last year, Casey Anthony was acquitted for the murder of her daughter, Caylee Anthony. While millions are stunned at the verdict and allege that the verdict wasn't fair, the fundamentals of the American judicial system centered on the concept of innocent until proven guilty, required more evidence than what was obtained against Casey.

On Sunday, the Orange County Sheriff's Department admitted they had overlooked a search for "fool proof suffocation methods".

Everyone knows Casey Anthony was involved in the death of her poor little daughter.  Casey Anthony is a sociopath.

Anime girls with guns

Beer Pager

Cool, but not for me, I general have a death grip on my beer until I empty the little feller.

Pistol Grip Your Mug

Pull the trigger every morning before you are even awake, found at kotulas.com

Women with weapons

All the essentials...

Mugshot of the day...

Bad dread day?

Women with weapons

Ooooh, a hostage!

Elon Musk Wants to Build 80,000-Person Mars Colony

(from wired.com)
Elon Musk doesn’t just want to send a person to Mars — he wants to send 80,000. According to Space.com, the billionaire founder and CEO of the private spaceflight company SpaceX spilled details about his hopes for a future Mars colony during a talk at the Royal Aeronautical Society in London on Nov. 16.

Earlier this year, SpaceX became the first private U.S. company to deliver cargo to the International Space Station. Musk has never been shy about his ambitions to take human colonists to another planet, mentioning in the past that he wants to provide flights to Mars for about $500,000 a person. But now he’s talking about building a small-city-sized settlement on the Red Planet, starting with a 10-person crew in the coming decades to begin establishing and building infrastructure.

That first flight would be expensive and risky but “once there are regular Mars flights, you can get the cost down to half a million dollars for someone to move to Mars,” Musk told Space.com. ”Then I think there are enough people who would buy that to have it be a reasonable business case.” Musk added that he sees the future 80,000-person colony as a public-private enterprise costing roughly $36 billion.

Read more here: http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2012/11/elon-musk-mars-colony/

Pentagon: A Human Will Always Decide When a Robot Kills You

Airman 1st Class Hugo Garnica talks remotely to the pilot of an MQ-9 Reaper drone in Iraq, 2008. The Pentagon wants to ensure humans will remain firmly in control of the military's fleet of armed robots. Photo: U.S. Air Force
Ok, I feel better now.

Monday, November 26, 2012

Will Cuba's lifting of exit visas mark a new migration surge to Miami?

Last October Cuba announced that on January 14, 2013 they will lift the exit visa requirement.  Cubans will be able to depart for vacations, or forever, with only a passport and a visa from the country where they plan to go. Along with the wet foot dry foot policy in the U.S. which states that if a Cuban touches dry American land, they get a chance to remain in the United States, and later would qualify for expedited "legal permanent resident" status and, eventually, U.S. citizenship.

Will there be a rush of Cubans coming to South Florida to take advantage of this loophole or will the U.S. government rush to close this loophole? 

File:Cuba-Florida map.jpgCubans tend to be staunch anti-communists and the first generation votes republican, a large migration could potentially change the political landscape in Florida, once again giving republicans the edge.

Miami is already a city with both a very wealthy population and a very poor immigrant population, the education levels, literacy and poverty rates put parts of Miami on the same level as the third world. While the immigrants may have education, it is likely that English reading and writing was not part of that education.

The Mariel boat lift was a mass emigration of Cubans who departed from Cuba's Mariel Harbor for the United States between April 15 and October 31, 1980. Fidel Castro pulled a fast one on Jimmy Carter by releasing all his criminal and mentally ill population along with some political types and Cuban spies.  Some 125,000 Cubans immigrated to the U.S. and half stayed in Miami, which dramatically changed Miami.

File:Mariel Refugees.jpg
Will we have another mass immigration to Miami?  The labor market in Miami is not very good at the moment and South Florida would struggle with the potential mass immigration.  It seems the wet foot dry foot policy needs to be changed to reflect the changing political landscape.