90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Meanwhile Over At The View...

Good News Leftists! Mexico Is Now A Socialist Utopia!

We Will Miss You.

Overheard People Talking About Michelle Obama For President The Other Day...

Hottie Explains The Second Amendment...

6 Muslims, Including Iranian Diplomat, Detained in Plot to Bomb Paris Rally Attended by Giuliani

The Islamic Republic of Iran could be in its last days, and when an animal is cornered, that’s when it lashes out. The disastrous nuke deal has been canceled, thanks to President Trump, and the mullahs are facing increasing protests and unrest at home. It is entirely within the realm of possibility that they would decide to attempt to strike out at an opposition force at this time. And if Giuliani had been killed in the process, they would think it was so much the better, since he is a close associate of the President. We can only hope that this rogue regime will very soon pass into history.

“6 Detained in Plot to Bomb Paris Rally Attended by Giuliani,” AFP, July 2, 2018:

Belgium, France and Germany have detained six people, including an Iranian diplomat, over an alleged plot to bomb a weekend rally by an exiled Iranian opposition group in Paris, authorities and sources said Monday.

The apparent foiled attack was to have targeted a meeting of thousands of Iranian opposition supporters in a northern suburb of the French capital that was also attended by leading US figures, including former New York Mayor Rudolph Giuliani and close allies of President Donald Trump.

The developments came on the day Iranian President Hassan Rouhani arrived in Switzerland on a visit that Tehran said was of “crucial importance” for cooperation between the Islamic ...

Mexico Be Like...

I Figure We Have About 5 Years Before Everyone In Mexico Is Starving From Socialism.

Massive majority of Americans want illegal immigrants arrested

Democratic pollster Mark Penn, a former chief strategist for Hillary Clinton's 2008 presidential campaign, said on Thursday that the vast majority of Americans support turning illegal aliens over to law enforcement.

They also oppose “sanctuary city” policies that limit local cooperation with the national government’s effort to enforce immigration law.

Some 84 percent of Americans support turning undocumented immigrants over to authorities.

“I asked them, ‘Do you think notifying ICE [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] would in fact increase crime because it would inhibit people from reporting crimes or does it decrease crimes because it takes criminals off the street,’ and they overwhelming said ‘decrease,’” Penn told Hill.TV’s Rising.

The response, even of Democratic voters, was strikingly “out of sync”, Penn noticed. The public is actually very much sanctuary cities. Voters believe cities should cooperate with federal authorities when it comes to turning over people in the country illegally to immigration enforcement.

“When someone’s arrested, they expect someone will notify federal immigration authorities just as they would expect someone who violates state tax law will find out that they notified the IRS,” the pollster said.

The vast majority of Americans do not want illegal immigrants in the US, but certain lobbies want cheap labour and have paid politicians to promote that notion despite a total lack of support from voters.

A low-ball estimate is there are at least 11 million to 12 million illegals in the US, but that is based on faulty Census data. More likely estimates put the number at 20 million to 30 million.

A 2014 study in the online Electoral Studies Journal shows that in the 2008 and 2010 elections, illegal immigrant votes were very high.

“We find that some noncitizens participate in US elections, and that this participation has been large enough to change meaningful election outcomes including Electoral College votes, and congressional elections,” wrote Jesse T. Richman, Gulshan A. Chattha, both of...


“The wicked Catholics, Jews all of them,” Abdur Raheem Rafeeq ranted, as he scouted downtown Cleveland.

Abdur had a worthless degree from a culinary school that had gone out of business, a criminal record encompassing everything from domestic violence to aggravated robbery, and a deep love of Allah.

Living on disability in what news reports describe as a Dayton, Ohio Job Corps facility, Abdur, who had formerly been known as Demetrius Nathaniel Pitts and would soon demand to be called Saladin Osama Waleed, after the two famous Muslim leaders he worshiped, loved Allah and hated America.

St. John’s Cathedral, whose bells can be heard throughout downtown, drew the Muslim's ire. On the video, which would later be recovered from the terrorist's phone, he spoke of taking it “off the map.”

But Abdur didn’t limit the scope of his plots to Catholics and Jews. He also considered hitting the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Other targets included the Coast Guard Station, the Anthony J. Celebreeze Federal Building, and Cleveland Harbor. The Muslim terrorist was having a good time narrating his terror plots in the traditional Al Qaeda style that had almost gone out of fashion. After years of impotently railing against America, he had finally found a helpful collaborator to help realize his terror dreams.

The plan for removing St. John’s or the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame from Cleveland’s map was detonating a bomb in a van. That plan, like the rest of Abdur’s horrific plotting, never came to fruition.

Unfortunately for Abdur, his new Muslim terrorist friend was actually an FBI informant.

Abdur’s first message, which helped begin the FBI investigation, was sent to a San Diego business show whose title, The American Dream, may have caught his attention. "USA Will Be Destroy. Allahu Akbar."

"We must kill all Kafiruns (non-Muslims) destroy, annihilate them," he later declared in his...

Democrats Go Full Socialist With Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #306

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.