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Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Fake News Shady Bunch!

When You Have Escaped Communism...

How Al Qaeda planned New York poison gas attack

Al Qaeda operatives discussed plans to release poison gas inside New York City’s subway system while having dinner on one of Bahrain’s main commercial streets, it has been claimed.
Details of the conversation in an Exhibition Avenue restaurant are contained in a new book authored by Bahraini Aimen Dean, an alias used by a man who was once Al Qaeda’s top bomb-maker and later became a spy for British intelligence.

His new book, Nine Lives: My Time as the West’s Top Spy Inside Al Qaeda, refers to his time in Bahrain after the September 11, 2001 attacks in the US.

He said it was then that he met a Saudi in his 30s, identified as Akhil, in Manama.

In an extract from the book, published by CNN, Mr Dean recalls discussing an improvised chemical device called a “mubtakkar”, designed to release lethal quantities of hydrogen cyanide.
“After 9/11, MI6 (British intelligence) was enthusiastic about my moving to the Gulf,” said Mr Dean.

“Bahrain was regarded as an important conduit between Saudi Arabia and Iran, where some in Al Qaeda’s upper echelons had taken refuge.”

He said he met Akhil, a Saudi chemistry teacher, for dinner on Exhibition Avenue where the duo shared grilled lamb and rice – and afterwards the latter asked Mr Dean if he was also known as Abu Abbas Al Bahraini.

“‘Yes,’ I answered. ‘That was the name I took in Afghanistan,’” recounted Mr Dean.

“I had to tread carefully. I hardly knew this man.”

He said Akhil then asked if he was aware of something called a mubtakkar.

“‘Yes, I am,’ I responded, and as casually as I could gave him the barest details about the device.”

He said Akhil described an urgent message from his friends in Saudi Arabia, who had his notes from the mubtakkar but could not understand his handwriting.

Mr Dean was handed papers with diagrams and formulas to check whether they were on track in building the device.

The duo met again at the same restaurant, where Mr Dean was informed a mubtakkar was successfully tested in the desert.

Mr Dean writes in his book that the Saudi teacher described using chemical gas in the ventilation of a subway system, confirming a New York plot dating back to...

Democrats Be Like....

Deep State Corruption Starts In The Leadership Of Our Intelligence Agencies...

These people will never stop attacking Trump, it is their only defense against the crimes they themselves have committed.


Wolf Blitzer pretended he was interviewing Senator Rand Paul today but he was actually trying to battle with him over the President’s comments about Russians and their possible hacking of servers.

Paul talked about Trump Derangement Syndrome and Blitzer denied there was such a thing.

Blitzer tried to shut him down but that didn’t work as Paul eviscerated him. Paul is courageous.

It’s important to mention that President Trump never mentioned Russian interference. He was not attacking the Intelligence community, he attacked the narrative. The FBI never saw the original servers of the hacked email servers.

What President has ever been forced to suffer this kind of abuse? It’s unconscionable and he never gets...

Don't Let Russia Interfere In 2020: #demandvoterid

Timing of US trade war ‘couldn’t have been worse’ for China

Alternative Headline: Trump's Tough Trade Policy With China Is Limiting China's Zeal For Power And Dominance And Helping America.

As the fiscal policy row rumbles on in China, concerns are growing about the state of the economy and the aftershocks of the trade war with the United States.

Last week, Xu Zhong, the director-general of the research bureau of the People’s Bank of China, or PBOC, heavily criticized the country’s fiscal strategy as Beijing grapples with rising debt and a slowing economy.

His remarks triggered a heated debate in policy circles after he broke protocol by singling out the Ministry of Finance’s performance in the government’s ongoing war with debt.

“There is ample room for fiscal policy, but evidence shows that the policy is not being implemented actively enough,” Xu said in a speech before the text was released to Chinese media group Caixin.

“Lowering local authorities’ willingness to pay off debt, which would pass the fiscal risks to the financial sector, [are] moves [which] may lead to moral hazard … and even trigger systemic risks,” he added.

Since the Ministry of Finance is in charge of fiscal policy while the PBOC concentrates on monetary issues, his statement resonated with economists and analysts in China.

On Wednesday, the war of words continued when Liu Shangxi, the head of the Chinese Academy of Fiscal Sciences under the Ministry of Finance, stressed that fiscal policy should help steer structural changes rather than stimulating growth.

“All this puts China in a very difficult position,” the J.P. Morgan note stated. “Not only because much of the tariff and non-tariff measures are directed towards it, but the timing couldn’t have been worse.”

“The current proactive fiscal policy, which is different from the traditional expansionary policy, is not [a] direct government effort to expand demand, but indirect effort through stimulating market vitality, optimizing resource allocation and increasing quality supply,” Liu wrote in the official Economic Information Daily.

The world’s second-largest economy is starting to cool as growth in key sectors slow amid fears of an escalating trade war with the United States and Beijing’s crusade against corporate and local government debt.

Borrowing costs have spiraled as the purge continues, prompting the PBOC, or central bank, to cut reserve requirement ratios for major banks three times this year.

Liu’s comments are yet another sign that there are conflicting views at the top of President Xi Jinping’s administration when...

WHOA: Disgraced FBI Official Peter Strzok Grew Up In Iran & His Father Supported The 1979 Iranian Revolution - Worked With Commie Brennan...

Shades Of Valerie Jarrett?

The Deep State rabbit hole just got a little deeper. Did you know anti-Trump FBI official Peter Strzok grew up in Iran and Saudi Arabia? Strzok’s father, Peter Strzok Sr. was in Iran when Muslim hardliners stormed the U.S. embassy, took hostages, and overthrew the U.S. friendly government. Since that time Iran has been a “death to America” fixture in the Middle East. Strzok Sr. was supportive of the Iranian revolution. Fast forward several decades later and you want to know who headed the Obama-era outreach to Iran where hundreds of millions of dollars were given to the radical Islamic regime and a nuclear green light granted? None other than Peter Strzok.

What the hell is going on here?

Peter Strzok was born in 1970 – he attended the American School in Iran up until 1978 when it closed down and then he attended the American School in Saudi Arabia. He supposedly attended a Catholic School, St. John’s Prep in Minneapolis (the school refused to confirm or deny attendance) and then completed a Bachelors at Georgetown and some form of graduate degree after that.

Did you know that Peter Strzok II (Strzok’s father) and Hillary Clinton have a lot in common? It turns out after advocating for Khomeni in Iran and then working in Saudi Arabia to calm the waters of an Iranian government (appeasing them with anti-Semitic rhetoric), Strzok’s father Strzok II also dabbled in “charity work.” Strzok’s father was involved in so-called charity work in Haiti but also helped dismantle and reassemble Upper Volta..now known as Burkina Faso.

…The Clinton Foundation and The Catholic Relief Services (CRS) seem to work in tangent. Coincidence? Peter Strzok Sr. was actually the director of CRS in Haiti. If we look into CRS financials they seem to overlap and feed into Clinton Global initiatives and balance sheets.

Peter Strzok III is the key Middle Eastern Intel operative for the Iranian airline Mahan Air’s purchase of United States government planes during the Obama administration from 2011 to 2013 (when Iran sanctions were in place). He handled the Iranian relations from...

Happy Hump Day! Enjoy This Patriot Flag Photoshoot

Morning Mistress