90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, July 26, 2018

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Articles of impeachment filed against Rod Rosenstein

Girls With Guns

Congratulations America!

Gun Safety Should Be Taught To Every Child In America...

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Is Living Proof That Leftists Are Leftists Because They Cannot Understand Basic Economics...

That's A Nice Economy You Got There...

TRUMP WINS! Trump secures concessions from Europe, averting a trade war...

  • The Dow Jones Industrial Average popped Wednesday afternoon, rising more than half a percent on the news.
  • The Europeans agreed to lower industrial tariffs and import more U.S. soybeans, Dow Jones reported.
President Donald Trump on Wednesday secured concessions from Europe, averting a trade war, Dow Jones reported, citing a European Union official.

The report came shortly before Trump and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker were scheduled to brief the press at a joint conference in the White House Rose Garden.

The major averages rallied on the news, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average popping more than half a percent to a session high. The NASDAQ rose about 1 percent. The euro also rose, hitting a session high against the dollar.

The Europeans agreed to lower industrial tariffs and import more U.S. soybeans, Dow Jones reported. The Europeans also agreed to work on more U.S. liquid natural gas exports, the newswire reported. The two delegations had not yet finalized language on car tariffs, which had been a major sticking point for Trump in advance of the Juncker's first visit to the White House Wednesday.

Trump said earlier on Wednesday, during a meeting with Juncker, that he hoped "to work something out on a fair trade deal with Europe."

Trump and Juncker both said their aim was to lower tariffs and trade barriers between the U.S. and Europe. "If we can have no tariffs, and no barriers and no...

CNN Propaganda Exposed:

Can't Get Enough Fake News?

EWWW!!! I Stepped In Shit!

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

CNN edits 'Crooked' out of Trump tweet

It Is Not Just CNN That Has Mastered Fake News..

NORTHERN EUROPE: Afghan migrant stabs 18-year-old Norwegian boy to death for no reason

An 18-year-old employee was stabbed to death while working in a Coop supermarket in Vadsø, Norway’s VG reports.

The Norwegian teen, called Håvard Pedersen, was murdered by an 17-year-old Afghan migrant. Although co-workers were on-site, they did not see what happened in those seconds – except that a boy ran out of business with a “knife-like object”.

The police and emergency services hurried to the Coop Extra Store in Vadsø. There they found the murdered Havard Pedersen. The murder weapon has not been found yet.

After a four-hour chase, the young Afghan was arrested. He is denying the crime, however, police obtained camera footage of the horrible crime. The motive is still unclear but the police no longer rule out that the murder was planned.

The Afghan, who is now being charged with murder, visited the same school of the victim, but the police know nothing about any relationship between the two.

The migrant came to Norway in 2015, has a residence permit and no family members in the country at the end of the year. He was already known for harassing girls in June.

The police told him to refrain. A work colleague of the victim posted on facebook that...

Dangerous To Whom?

It’s Suspicious That The FBI And DOJ Didn’t Check Into Christopher Steele’s Leaks To The Press

Would you do everything you could to determine whether you could trust a source who lied to you before relying on him to treat a U.S. citizen guilty of treason?

Here’s a hypothetical question for journalists: Let’s say you managed to convince the translator in the room during the President Trump-Vladimir Putin meeting to speak to you, and you only, on the condition of anonymity, and you’re in the midst of writing an explosive, exclusive story for your publication. As you’re writing, you look up to see BREAKING NEWS on CNN, and listen as Wolf Blitzer reports the story you’re writing, with the exact fly-on-the-wall detail you received from your “exclusive” source.

So what’s your first move? Would you assume CNN must’ve convinced the Russian translator to talk to them and move on with your story without taking any action, or would you call your source to figure out where that CNN information came from? If your source denied talking to CNN, would you believe him and move on, or would you do whatever you could to determine whether you can trust this source on such an important matter? You’d want to know the answer to that question before proceeding, would you not?

A hypothetical question for editors: Let’s say you’re editing an article on a Pentagon policy change and notice a number of paragraphs that you think you may have read before in another publication. You Google the lines and find that your reporter appears to have lifted entire paragraphs of copy from another article.

So what’s your first move? Would you reflect on your reporter’s stellar reputation, assume it had to be a strange coincidence, and simply append an editor’s note saying: “We are aware that passages in this article may appear familiar to the reader, but we’re confident that our reporter would never plagiarize another writer’s work”? Or would you contact your reporter immediately to determine whether those passages were lifted?

If your reporter denied plagiarizing the paragraphs, would you believe him and move on, or would you do whatever you could to determine whether you could trust your reporter before taking any further action? You’d want to know the answer to...