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Thursday, August 23, 2018

Are There Two Standards For Justice?

Former head of the FEC blows up media narrative that Trump broke the law, by referring to the actual law

Molly Tibbitts, One Of 5000 Americans Murdered By Illegal Aliens Every Year....


Build The Wall!

How To Build A Great Wall...


One week after the Democratic National Committee(DNC) announced it was “reviewing” domestic abuse allegations against Minnesota Democratic Rep. Keith Ellison, the DNC has yet to provide the public with any updates on the allegations against him.

Ellison, the deputy chair of the DNC, is accused of physically and emotionally abusing his ex-girlfriend, liberal Sierra Club activist Karen Monahan. Ellison has vehemently denied Monahan’s allegations.

The DNC released a statement Aug. 14, just hours before Ellison locked up the party’s nomination for Minnesota attorney general, pledging to review the Ellison allegations, which the committee said “should be taken seriously.”

“These allegations recently came to light and we are reviewing them,” the DNC said in a statement, after initially remaining silent for 72 hours after the allegations came to light. “All allegations of domestic abuse are disturbing and should be taken seriously.”

But one week later, the DNC has yet to provide the public with any updates on its review, raising questions about just how seriously the committee is about addressing the controversy. The DNC did not respond to The Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for an update on the Ellison allegations. –

For CNN, Fake News Isn't A Choice...

It's A Way Of Life!

Can't Get Enough Fake News?

EWWW!!! I Stepped In Shit!

16 Fake News Stories Reporters Have Run Since Trump Won

CNN edits 'Crooked' out of Trump tweet

It Is Not Just CNN That Has Mastered Fake News..

Illegal alien allowed to thwart 2012 ICE detainer commits multiple rapes, and finally meets justice

An illegal immigrant was given the maximum sentence by an Illinois judge who slammed immigration officials for failing to enforce his 2012 ICE detainer.

A 37-year-old Mexican national living in Joliet, who was ordered deported in 2012, was given 80 years in prison on Monday after he admitted last May to beating and raping two women, The Chicago Tribune reported.

“You should not have been in this country,” Judge David Carlson told Miguel C. Luna. “The system let the victims down in this case.”

One of the victims applauded as the sentence was handed down.

According to the Chicago Tribune:

Luna pleaded guilty in May to beating and sexually assaulting two women who were running on the trail near Rockdale and Channahon in 2015 and 2016. Luna confessed to raping a third woman who has since died. Prosecutors played in court a videotaped interview the third woman gave to investigators when Luna was arrested in May, 2016.

Prosecutors presented evidence that the early-morning attacks on women were premeditated. In a videotaped confession played in court, Luna admitted wearing surgical gloves, concealing his face and using a shirt to wipe blood off a victim’s arm to remove fingerprints.

Asking the judge for the maximum sentence, Assistant State’s Attorney Mary Fillipitch said Luna “did not want to be caught.”

“If anything, he’d become a more clever and crafty sexual predator if given the opportunity to do so,” she said.

A fugitive warrant for Luna’s arrest was issued by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement but he was never deported. He was arrested in 2015. Facing 16 to 40 years on each of the two felony criminal sexual assault counts, Luna was ordered by Carlson on Monday to serve the sentences consecutively, to serve at least 85 percent of the sentences – which would amount to 68 years – and to register as a sex offender if he is released from prison at some time in the future.

“You were free to do these acts…whether through misguided political correctness or people who do not believe in laws or borders,” Carlson said. “One thing I can do with the sentence is show that...

And The Hidden Agenda Is Revealed...

More Fun With John McCain!

John McCain Is An Open Borders, Globalist Cuck Asshole...

The Socialist Party Platform Is Pathetic and Ignorant

The socialists in the U.S. have been attempting to reject capitalism and our constitutional system for over 100 years. They have never controlled the House or the Senate and never won the presidency. The most votes a Socialist Party candidate ever received was 6% of the popular vote in 1912, when Eugene V. Debs was the candidate. Nevertheless, the striking reality is that a large percentage of the Socialist Party platform of 1912 has been implemented, including the graduated income tax. Most of the implementation came during the New Deal under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. Only in their program of "Collective Ownership" were the goals of the Socialist Party not met over time. The people of the U.S. decided on regulation instead of ownership. The socialists wanted ownership of all banks, all transportation, all mines, all means of communication, and all land.

Now, the Socialist Party has updated its platform of 106 years ago. A century of monumental historical events has transpired since 1912, and we can see that while the rhetoric has changed, the contempt for and vilification of the USA are the fundamental premises of the socialists' 2018-2019 document.

No matter what an uninformed, inconsequential figurehead like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez or her mentor, the ever bloviating Bernie Sanders, may say, on one tiresome Marxist point, there is continuity from 100 years ago. Although they are running as democratic socialists within the Democratic Party, their emphasis on "socialism" warrants our looking at the platform of the Socialist Party 2018-2019. This latest platform states, "[W]e call for social ownership and democratic control of productive resources, for a guarantee to all of the right to participate in societal production, and to a fair share of society's product, in accordance with individual needs." That point expresses the desire for governmental ownership of the means of production, an axiom of Marxist theory.

Further, the socialists designate who will have control over the wealth and means of production. It won't be the multinational corporations or the millions of smaller corporations and mom-and-pop businesses that still exist. No. They state, "Socialism will establish a new social and economic order in which workers and community members will take responsibility for and control of their interpersonal relationships, their neighborhoods, their local government, and the production and distribution of all goods and services." This is nothing less than a restatement of the Leninist-Stalinist idea of workers' councils ("soviets"), but it throws in the words "community" or "neighborhoods" to make the socialists' vision seem more America-friendly. They want their vision to sound less centralized than it really is. They want it to sound more...

Paul Manafort Worked For Hillary Crony Podesta During His Fraud Conviction...

Mollie Tibbetts Case Shows Cost of Not Enforcing Immigration Laws

President Donald Trump: You heard about today with the illegal alien coming in, very sadly, from Mexico, and you saw what happened to that incredible, beautiful young woman. It should have never happened. Illegally in our country. We’ve had a huge impact, but the laws are so bad. The immigration laws are such a disgrace.

Katrina Trinko: That was President Trump Tuesday night at a rally, speaking about Mollie Tibbetts, the missing college student whose case has gained nationwide coverage. On Tuesday, it was announced that Cristhian Bahena Rivera, a 24-year-old who is reportedly an illegal immigrant, was being charged for first-degree murder in the Tibbetts case.

Joining us to discuss is Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation. Hans, this case has brought renewed attention to the issue of illegal immigration and crime. Does the U.S. need to change policy to deal with this issue?

von Spakovsky: The answer is yes. What’s so sad about what happened to Mollie Tibbetts is that she’s one of many Americans who have lost their lives because of our lack of enforcement of our immigration laws.

I’ll give you a quick example of what I mean. In February of this year, the Texas Department of Public Safety released a study. What they did is they took a look at all of the aliens who were in state and county jails all over Texas from 2011 through 2018. Two-thirds of them are here illegally. They found that those individuals had been charged with 650,000 criminal offenses, including 600 murders.

There are literally hundreds of victims who would be alive today in Texas if those illegal aliens had been stopped at the border or, when they were caught inside the United States, had been quickly deported.

Sanctuary cities who provide sanctuaries for illegal aliens, including those who are arrested and put in local jails, are just creating sanctuaries for criminals.
Daniel Davis: We don’t often hear about those cases where folks are killed by those who are here illegally. We knew about Kate Steinle and some others that made some headlines. Looking at this case, tell us what we know about the guy who killed Mollie Tibbetts.

von Spakovsky: Well, supposedly, he hadn’t been arrested before. His local employer claims that they checked the E-Verify system and that he cleared. We’ll have to see if that’s really true or whether that’s simply a claim that they’re making. It’s hard for me to believe that there weren’t a lot of ...

‘White Whores’: Islam’s Unwavering View on Western Women

In this Sept. 4, 2017 file photo, a paper heart reading "Dear Maria, we will never forget you"
 is hanging near the site of the crime at the Dreisam river  in Freiburg, Germany. A district
 court later convicted a young migrant of  raping and killing 19-year-old medical student  Maria
  Ladenburger in a  case that fueled a nationwide debate about the country's migration policy.
A British woman going by the pseudonym “Kate Elysia” recently revealed the extent of her sexual victimization by Muslim men. While this included the usual -- including drugs, and gang-rapes by as many as 70 men -- her story had an interesting twist to it.

According to the report: “[A]t one point during her abuse, she was trafficked to the North African country of Morocco where she was prostituted and repeatedly raped.” There she was kept in an apartment in Marrakesh, where another girl no more than 15 was also kept for sexual purposes. “I can’t remember how many times I’m raped that [first] night, or by who,” Kate recounted.
That she was seen as a piece of meat is evident in other ways: “The Pakistani men I came into contact with made me believe I was nothing more than a slut, a white whore. They treated me like a leper, apart from when they wanted sex. I was less than human to them, I was rubbish.”

What explains the ongoing victimization of European women by Muslim men -- which exists well beyond the UK, and h
as become epidemic in Germany, Sweden, and elsewhere?

While these sordid accounts are routinely dismissed as the activities of “criminals,” they are in fact reflective of nearly fourteen centuries of Muslim views on and treatment of European women. Nothing in Kate’s account -- not even the otherwise extreme aspect of taking her to Morocco to be a sex slave -- has not happened countless times over the centuries.
For starters, Muslim men have long had an obsessive attraction for fair women of the European variety. This, as all things Islamic, traces back to their prophet, Muhammad. In order to entice his men to war against the Byzantines -- who, as the Arabs’ nearest European neighbors came to represent “white” people -- Muhammad told them they would be able to sexually enslave the “yellow” women (an apparent reference to their hair color).

For over a millennium after Muhammad, jihadi leaders -- Arabs, Berbers, Turks, Tatars -- also coaxed their men to jihad on Europe by citing (and later sexually enslaving) its fair women, as copiously documented in Sword and Scimitar: Fourteen Centuries of War between Islam and the West. For one example, prior to invading Spain, jihadi hero Tarek bin Ziyad enticed his men by saying: “You must have heard numerous accounts of this island, you must know how the Grecian maidens, as beautiful as houris [sexual superwomen are awaiting your arrival, reclining on soft couches in the sumptuous palaces of crowned lords and princes.”

That the sexual enslavement of fair women was an aspect that always fueled the jihad is evident in other ways. Thus, for M.A. Khan, a former Muslim author, it is “impossible to disconnect Islam from the Viking slave-trade, because the supply was absolutely meant for meeting [the] Islamic world’s unceasing demand for...

Morning Mistress