90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, September 3, 2018

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #368

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Antifa Lunch Break...

Sunday, September 2, 2018

What Happened At The Chemnitz Protest


Lying press (German: Lügenpresse, lit. 'press of lies') is a pejorative political term used largely by German political movements for the printed press and the mass media at large, when it is believed not to have the quest for truth at the heart of its coverage. It can be considered synonymous with the term fake news.

Girls With Guns

President Trump Keeps Winning – Everything Else Is Just Noise…

Two funerals received national attention this week: Aretha Franklin’s and John McCain’s. President Trump did not attend either one yet was clearly inside the heads of those who did. Liberals and globalists infested both occasions and would spit out the occasional anti-Trump remark of which the Establishment Media would then replay in a loop for the next three hours. Meanwhile, as these political and entertainment elites continue to appear jaded, spiteful, and increasingly tone-deaf, Donald Trump continues to rack up one impressive policy victory after another as America flourishes in this Age of Trump.

Via Newt Gingrich:

In the middle of the liberal media’s desperate efforts to convince us that President Trump is in trouble, there are an amazing number of victories that suggest he is winning. In fact, there are indications that he is winning a lot.

Let’s start with Tuesday’s primaries. In Florida, a fine, well-entrenched state Agriculture Commissioner and former U.S. Rep. Adam Putnam decisively lost the Republican gubernatorial primary to Rep. Ron DeSantis. The big boost for DeSantis came from President Trump’s endorsement and a Trump robocall to Florida Republicans.

The contest for governor of our third-most populous state shaped up even better for Republicans as a hard-left Bernie Sanders-backed progressive – Tallahassee Mayor Andrew Gillum – won the Democratic primary with 34 percent of the vote. The contrast between a pro-Trump DeSantis and Gillum will probably keep Florida in Republican hands in November.

Florida gave President Trump and Republicans a second boost as GOP Gov. Rick Scott won an important primary victory for a U.S. Senate seat. Scott has proven in his two campaigns for governor that he is an aggressive, effective campaigner. It is very likely the blue wave in Florida will disappear with the DeSantis and Scott victories.

It is clear that the president’s judicial and economic victories build his prestige, and that prestige is giving him the muscle to reshape the Republican Party.

In Arizona, President Trump won another primary victory when Martha McSally, a congresswoman and Air Force veteran (in fact, the first American woman to fly a fighter jet in combat) won the Republican U.S. Senate nomination.

President Trump praised McSally earlier this month at the signing ceremony for the National Defense Authorization Act. What looked at one time to be a close contest became a blowout, as McSally won 52 percent of the vote in a three-way race and was 24 points ahead of her closest competitor. Republican chances of keeping the Arizona seat are dramatically better with...

10 Top Tens....

Top 10 Snipers in History

Minnesota House Candidate Rolls Out Disgraceful New Campaign Ad, Wants To ‘Be Your N*****’

What the heck is going on with politicians in Minnesota? Why is it so bad that they’re now using the n-word in campaign advertisements? And should we look to European soccer for a way to deal with it?

Let’s unpack all of that. For those of you who may have missed it, the Gopher State has been the epicenter of plenty of bad political weirdness these past few months.

First there was Al Franken, who can now count Air America Radio as his second-biggest personal failure. But there were plenty of figures caught up with the #MeToo-mania. That didn’t necessarily impugn the whole state — at least, not yet.

Rep. Keith Ellison, who was awfully close to becoming chairman of the DNC back in 2017, is now facing allegations of physical and emotional abuse and is fighting for his political life. Given that he’s probably the second-most powerful politician in the state nationally, behind Sen. Amy Klobuchar, that’s huge.

Then there’s Richard Painter, who ran for the Democrat Senate nomination in the election for Al Franken’s old seat in a manner we can only assume was a form of performance art.

He lost by a wide margin, but this was a guy who ran an infamous advertisement featuring a dumpster fire during a campaign that was a dumpster fire in the same way Hiroshima was a house fire. I’m not sure whether that’s just coincidence or very avant-garde.

Either way, all of that’s bad enough. But a candidate dropping the n-word in a campaign advertisement? That’s next-level craziness.

So yeah, Kyle Greene is an organic farmer running as an independent in Minnesota House District 18A, according to the The Daily Wire. Not exactly a big deal there; that’s usually the kind of guy who finishes behind Looney Tunes character write-ins when the final tally is released.

However, Greene has a unique strategy to catapult himself ahead of Wile E. Coyote: He wants “to be your n*****.”

We warn you that the campaign video you’re about to see contains racial slurs and is, beyond that, incredibly dispiriting in every manner and will make you lose just a little bit of faith in the power of republican democracy that you’ll never get back.Viewer discretion is advised:
“I want to be your state representative, I want to be your public servant and I want to be your n*****.”

You heard him right. This is real life. I repeat, real life. You’re not watching a Spike Lee movie. This isn’t “Bamboozled.”
The only real issue that Greene seems to care about is judicial reform. Which is just fine but, um, you can’t really hear anything else when someone’s uttering the n-word to try to get your vote. This is 2018 Minnesota, not 1928 Mississippi.

From the standpoint of American electoral politics, it’s a disgrace. From the standpoint of Greene’s campaign, it’s disastrous.

Greene is one of four candidates running for the election, according to Ballotpedia. He’s the only true independent; the remaining three candidates have the support of the Republican, Democrat and Libertarian parties.

What all of them don’t have is a video that has almost 120,000 views on Facebook. Now, most of them are from people looking for bad laughs. But in a state where politics seems to be in a particularly mephitic upside-down at the moment, the odds that this guy ends up as a state legislator aren’t as low as you might think — especially since he’s trying to pass it off as part of his intersectionality (or something).

“We need to unify as a society, and we need to stop dealing with trivial matters,” Greene told the Minneapolis Star-Tribune. “The word … is part of the American history, regardless of the race. … It’s part of my history being African-American, white and Cherokee Indian.”

Alrighty then. That kind of craziness brings us to European soccer.

For those of you unfamiliar how the other football works over on the Continent, there’s a system called relegation. In essence, if you’re a member of...

If An Illegal Immigrant Fought A Child Molester...

Would It Be Alien VS Predator?

Haha, trick question: Illegal Aliens ARE the Child Molesters...

Illegal Alien Who Raped 14 Year Old Girl and Killed Another Woman Pleads Guilty To Rape, Murder In Ohio Rampage

Desperate for collusion proof, FBI ‘tried & failed to recruit Russian oligarchs’ – report

FBI agents tried to turn Russia’s once-richest man into a US mole, according to an explosive NYT report. It claims that Oleg Deripaska was one of six oligarchs targeted for information in a Russiagate-related intelligence flop.

According to reports by the New York Times, the US government pushed oligarchs with perceived links to President Vladimir Putin for information. Deripaska was allegedly nudged to give up information on Russian organized crime and “possible Russian aid to President Trump’s 2016 campaign.”

Determined to get something on the Kremlin’s unproven involvement in the 2016 election, FBI agents reportedly turned up unannounced at Deripaska’s New York home to quiz him about his ex-business partner Paul Manafort – who went on to lead Trump’s election campaign – and Manafort’s links to Russia.

Despite the US government’s repeated attempts to gather intelligence from him, Deripaska told the US Department of Justice that he had no information to provide. Sources told the NYT that Deripaska disagreed with the agents’ opinion that Russia had colluded with the US in Trump’s election campaign. He also slammed theories about Manafort’s alleged role as “preposterous,” even though the two men were involved in a “bitter business dispute.” He is also said to have notified the Kremlin about the US government’s failed efforts to recruit him.

It is understood that Justice Department official Bruce Ohr and former British spy Christopher Steele – who was responsible for the infamous Trump-Russia ‘dirty dossier’ – were involved in the attempt to turn Russian oligarchs into US informants. The report said that the US government tried to entice Deripaska with promises to relieve him of previous visa issues stemming from past legal problems, but their attempts to win over the aluminum magnate and other Russian oligarchs appear to have failed.

In April, Deripaska and his company were hit by sweeping US sanctions, with Washington accusing him of links to crime, various abuses and even of ordering a murder.
The report comes as Trump took to Twitter to accuse the Department of Justice and FBI of “corruption” over the “Russia hoax.” The president also accused the DOJ and FBI of being “completely out to lunch” in a series of tweets, in which he...