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Monday, September 3, 2018

Germany: 10 year-old RAPED by Muslim migrant classmates on school trip, rapists are underage “therefore not punishable”

Muslims in 4th grade rape little German boy?

Wake Up Germany.


While the media is busy covering Ron DeSantis and overreacting to a completely innocent statement that he made, Floridians (and others around the country) have something more significant to think about.

On the same day that Mr. DeSantis won the Republican primary for governor, Andrew Gillum also won the Democratic nomination. While DeSantis is a Trump-endorsed Republican, Mr. Gillum “is campaigning as a member of the Sanders–Ocasio-Cortez wing of the party.” In doing so, Gillum appears to be aligning with a socialist agenda, which could have significant impacts at the state and national level.

According to an article in the National Review, Gillum opposes gun rights and supports a ban on “assault weapons” and measures to crack down on private gun sales. He has also endorsed proposals to restrict the Second Amendment rights of people who have not been convicted of crimes.

In addition, he wants more government (state and federal) involvement with respect to health care, supports a “Medicare for all” plan and says he would expand Medicaid in Florida. Moreover, “[he] wants to abolish ICE, raise the minimum wage to $15, pass single-payer health care, and increase taxes across the board.”

Gillium’s progressive policies are problematic and should be rejected. Still, some people, including millennials, find them appealing. This is likely due to the fact that many millennials (and others) don’t fully understand socialism, it risks, and how it differs from capitalism.

Mark Levin provided a very good comparison between the two systems. Per Levin, capitalism is the most humane economic system of all. In a capitalistic society, the people are in charge because capitalism respects individuality and empowers individuals to work together. According to Levin, capitalism is compatible with constitutionalism and is a necessary element of freedom. Capitalism allows for the right to private property and the right to defend property through due process.

Stated another way, with capitalism, people are encouraged to work hard and to reap the benefits of their hard work. There is economic freedom, and success is directly related to effort. Inevitably, with this system, some are left on the sidelines.

On the other hand, Levin asserts that socialism is an essential element of totalitarianism. While it is promoted as a system that is fair and that creates social justice, socialism is like a police state that spreads poverty through redistribution. Per Levin, in a socialistic society, the state is the master and decision making is exercised by a few people who are not concerned with the rights of the individual but on the equality of distribution. Socialism is completely incompatible with constitutionalism.

Generally speaking, with socialism, the government controls the system, people are kept at similar economic levels (through redistribution, heavily taxing those who choose to work hard and succeed, etc.), and people generally do not work as hard to succeed because they do not personally prosper/benefit from their hard work. For these reasons (among others), many people try to come to the United States from different socialist countries in search of capitalism.

A simple example can offer some guidance as to why socialism is problematic. Suppose that Jon and Mary are married and that they have one child together. Both parents work very hard and the family lives a modest lifestyle. One day, Mary gets very ill and eventually becomes disabled. Given that Mary can no longer work, Jon has to take care of his wife and their one child.

Suppose, however, that Jon decides that he does not want to take care of them and instead wants the government to take the reigns? In theory, that sounds great! The problem with Jon’s approach, however, is that other people might not want to work as hard to care for Mary than they would to care for their own family.

This is a direct result of socialism! If Jon knows that others will take care of him and his family, why would he want to work? He could simply sit back and enjoy the fruit of everyone’s labor. However, if everyone begins to think like Jon, nobody is going to work and/or strive to succeed. The problems with this approach become...

July 7, 1865 - Hanging of the Democrat conspirators in the assassination of Lincoln, at Fort McNair, Washington D.C. -OR- Great Photo Collection #9

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Muslim Slave Trader in custody of British Navy Soldiers in the Persian Gulf. 1908.

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Amazing Photos Collection #7 -OR- Canal Street, New Orleans, circa.1910
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Amazing Photos Collection #9 -OR July 7, 1865 - Hanging of the Democrat conspirators in the assassination of Lincoln, at Fort McNair, Washington D.C.

The Violent Left Says They Want a Civil War: Antifa Forming A ‘Red Army’

A year ago, John Boch wrote about the left’s civil war heating up in America. Since then, Antifa and company continue their armed marches against freedom and liberty. Initially, Antifa groups got away scot-free, beating Trump supporters bloody while, of course, calling them fascists and Nazis. More recently though, Antifa’s masked thugs have been the ones suffering the thumpings in direct confrontations.In response, radicals have ramped up their efforts to form what they’re calling a “Red Army.” Why? To “annihilate” their enemies, of course.

Really. From one of the Red Guards Austin manifestos, posted August 19th and still online:
Oppose the Counterfeit! Antifascism Must Take On a Paramilitary Character!

…The fact that no fascists were harmed in the making of this “counter-protest” only proves that the main organizers have no stomach for antifascism—for us antifascism is concrete—it does not mean simply voicing a disagreement it means stopping fascists in their tracks and hurting their efforts to the point where they stop organizing.

…On the basis of our principled united front work, fascists and their collaborators can be drowned out, run out, routed, beaten bloody, and even annihilated. These are our principles and we aim to hold them to the very finish.

The twisted minds of these radical leftists view their unlawful, unprovoked violence against their political enemies as self-defense. In reality, their “self-defense” looks a whole lot like textbook fascism. In other words, using force and violence to suppress opposing points of view.

One thing seems perfectly clear. If the authorities do not stop and prosecute this sort of political violence, peace-loving American gun owners will. The will have no choice but to...

'Strange disappearance' of WikiLeaks consultant in Norway

WikiLeaks has raised concern after Arjen Kamphuis, an associate of founder Julian Assange, went missing in Norway. The cybersecurity expert was last seen in northern Norway on August 20.

The internet transparency entity WikiLeaks tweeted on Sunday about Arjen Kamphuis' "strange disappearance," saying he has been missing since August 20, when he left his hotel in the northern Norwegian town of Bodo.

WikiLeaks said that Kamphuis, an associate of founder Julian Assange, had a ticket for a flight departing on August 22 from Trondheim, which is over 700 kilometers (435 miles) south of Bodo.

"The train between the two takes (approximately) 10 hours," suggesting he disappeared either in Bodo, Trondheim or on the train, WikiLeaks said.
A website set up to gather information on the missing person says: "He is 47 years old, 1.78 meters tall and has a normal posture. He was usually dressed in black and carrying his black backpack. He is an avid hiker."

There have reportedly been two unconfirmed possible sightings, one in Alesund, Norway, and the other in Ribe, Denmark.

Norwegian police on the case

Norwegian police started looking into the disappearance on Sunday.

"We have started an investigation," police spokesman Tommy Bech told the French news agency AFP, adding that so far they had "no clue" where the...

Texas Holds the Line: Won’t Let Schools Use State Funding for Illegal Immigrant Kids’ Educations

Texas won’t allow schools to use state funding to educate immigrant children while they are being housed in federal detention — something that would have cost millions, the Texas Education Agency (TEA) said.

The education agency told Austin-based charter school group Southwest Key, Promesa Public Schools, that local schools that want to serve migrant students in federal custody can’t “do so with state education funding,” The Houston Chronicle reported.
Southwest Key, one of the largest nonprofits operating shelters for migrant children in Texas, said the agency’s stance jeopardizes partnerships the shelters have formed with at least two traditional school districts, one of which would have funneled millions of Texas tax dollars.

“I think the ones that ultimately are affected adversely are the youth that are in the shelters,” Salvador Cavazos, the nonprofit’s vice president for education services told the paper.

“Because we’re in a partnership, we would have been able to provide additional resources, partner with credit-bearing institutions, provide grades and help them achieve credits go to other public schools.”

Texas officials say it falls under the legal obligation of the federal government to educate the migrant children.

This comes amid the debate of what to do with minors who cross the border illegally.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement requires school-age children in shelters to receive at least six hours of structured education during the week.

Texas officials say schools still could voluntarily provide help to shelters.

But school leaders across the state say their schools have been dealing with declining state funding for years, which makes it impractical to pay to provide services to students who aren’t technically enrolled in...

Don't Let Illegals Poop In Your Cereal...

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Muslim Militants Burn Alive Christian Pastor and His Family in Nigeria

Fulani Muslim militants launched raids on eight villages in central Nigeria this week, burning alive a Christian pastor along with his wife and three of their children.

In the village of Abonong in Plateau State, the Islamic raiders, armed with machetes and AK47 rifles, looted and destroyed 95 houses, along with farmland and three churches. They killed Pastor Adamu Gyang Wurim and his family by setting fire to their house while they were inside and shot the pastor’s wife in the bathroom. The assailants killed two other villagers as well, wounding several others.

The attack, which began Tuesday evening around 8:00 p.m., lasted over four hours before security personnel finally arrived on the scene. By then the attackers had razed much of the villages of Abonong and Ziyat, and stolen valuables including electronics, mattresses, food, and livestock.

The incident occurred just 24 hours after a two-day peace summit in Jos organized by the Christian Association of Nigeria with the theme, “Sustainable peace and security in Northern Nigeria as a panacea for development.”

A local lawyer, Dalyop Solomon Mwantiri, spoke with one of the three surviving children of the pastor, who was away at the University of Jos at the time of the attack and learned of it on Facebook.

“When I called a friend to find out about the situation, the report I received was very devastating,” the young man said. “I couldn’t believe that all my family members have been engulfed in the pogrom. On reaching home, I saw my daddy and younger ones burnt beyond recognition.”

“The three of us left don’t know what to do, especially now that we are still students who have nothing to hold on [to],” he said.

One witness, Mr. Gwom Pam Dusu, who works at a Roman Catholic Church in the area, said that local security had received information about an impending attack planned by Fulani herdsmen and their hired mercenaries but failed to act.

Despite the information, “security personnel stationed at Bek of Foron District didn’t do anything to avert the terror attacks,” Mr. Gwom claimed.

Nathan Johnson, the regional manager for Africa of International Christian Concern, expressed astonishment over the government’s inaction in an area of continued inter-religious strife.

“The fact that the government allows the continued destruction and killing of its villages and citizens shows a lack of care or ability,” Mr. Johnson said. “If this continues, there will have to be international intervention or else Nigeria may devolve into a major civil war.”

A member of the House of Representatives, Istifanus Gyang, concurred in a statement accusing the federal government of complicity following the renewed attacks which came about two months after the slaughter of over 200 Christians by Fulani herdsmen.

“These attacks are coming at a time when the people are yet to recover from the massacre of over 200 persons in...

This Weapon Does Not Require A Background Check...

I Have Finally Figured Out How To Ban Hammers Forever


The U.S. will cancel $300 million in military aid to Pakistan for not doing enough to target jihadist groups inside the country, the Pentagon confirmed Saturday.

The Trump administration indefinitely suspended nearly $1 billion from the so-called Coalition Support Fund in January, citing Pakistan’s failure to take “decisive action” against Islamic militants.

At the time of the suspension, the Pentagon said Pakistan could lift the freeze by going after Afghan Taliban and Haqqani network fighters operating within its borders, but the offer is no longer on the table.

“Due to a lack of decisive actions in support of the South Asia strategy, the remaining $300 million was reprogrammed,” Defense Department spokesperson Lieut Koné Faulkner said Saturday, according to The Guardian.

The Coalition Support Fund reimburses Pakistan’s military for counterterrorism operations, a top priority of the Trump administration’s South Asia strategy. But the Pentagon now plans to spend the $300 million on “other urgent priorities” approved by Congress, Faulkner said.

Because Congress had already stripped $500 million in coalition support funding earlier in 2018, the total amount of canceled military aid now stands at $800 million, Faulkner added.

Saturday’s announcement comes days ahead of a scheduled trip to Islamabad by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and Marine Corps Gen. Joseph Dunford, the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Pompeo and Dunford are set to meet with new Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Kahn and other top officials to discuss security cooperation in South Asia, long a major point of contention between Washington and Islamabad.

The Trump administration says Pakistan offers sanctuary to the insurgents the U.S. has been fighting in its 17-year war in Afghanistan. President Donald Trump ripped Pakistan earlier in 2018 for offering “nothing but lies and deceit” in return for billions of dollars in...

Labor Day--Burgers, Brats and Bolshevism

How’s about some commie ketchup on that burger? It’s extra red. A little Marxist mustard for your dog? What about a pinch of socialist sauerkraut on that bubbling bratwurst?

Didn’t you know? That’s why you get the day off on Monday. That’s what your Labor Day barbecue commemorates: socialism. Delicious, juicy, smoky socialism with a side of potato salad (German, of course) and a game of Cornhole (everyone’s a winner!)—frills made affordable to Americans, American businesses and big government waste-fraud-and-abuse mills by, well, capitalism.

I know, I’m a killjoy, and, call me a hypocrite, but I’m grilling out Monday anyway. Still, fellas, while you’re sweating over that sizzling Weber this three-day weekend, just be sure to tip a stein to old Karl, Vladimir and Josef. Without those genocidal schmendricks, you’d be stuck in your cubical Monday, just like every other day, playing Candy Crush and checking fantasy football.

Just yankin’ your chain. I’m sure you’re a hard worker, and, I mean, isn’t that really what Labor Day is all about? Hard work?

Actually, no. Not at all. Hard work has nothing to do with it. Labor Day is about “labor,” and “labor,” since the 19th century at least, has been, and yet remains, one of the primary “progressive” euphemisms exploited by leftists (aka, Democrats) to further the redistributionist goals of the global socialist movement.

Ah, Labor Day: “From each according to his ability, to each according to his need!” “Workers of the world unite!”
And don’t forget to “look for the union label.”

No, I’m not being paranoid. The history of Labor Day is fascinating. And it really is rooted, 100 percent, in socialism.

In 1882 a couple of socialist cats named Matthew Maguire and Peter McGuire, both members of the Socialist Labor Party, proposed an official workers’ holiday in New York to be called...