90 Miles From Tyranny

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Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Girls With Guns

Promoting Mobs Vs. Promoting Jobs...

SJW Self Fulfilling Prophecy...

...So I'll Have To Eat You...
Punch You.....

I Mean...Democrats Have Become Ridiculous Statists...


How the Left plays the “compassion card” for destructive ends.

Headlines have been written proclaiming that a “caravan of migrants” is heading for the U.S./Mexican border. Sometimes the people who are heading north through Central America are referred to as “refugees” or “immigrants.”

Those terms are designed to downplay the threat that these individuals pose and assuage the fears that this may understandably engender in Americans. Words do matter.

In point of fact, the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) defines an alien simply as being, “Any person, not a citizen or national of the United States.”

There is no insult in the term “alien” or in its definition, but there is clarity. The obvious goal of the radical Left is to obfuscate the truth through Orwellian use of language that has been mis-portrayed as “political correctness.”

Shortly after President Trump was elected I wrote about this intentional misuse of language in my article, The Left’s Orwellian Tactics.

Remarkably, the radical Left had no problem using the term “alien” when they needed a word that began with the letter “A” for the DREAM Act, an acronym for Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors.

While we are on the topic of words, perhaps the term "invasion" should be substituted for "caravan."

Invasion is defined, in part, as an incursion by a large number of people or things into a place or sphere of activity or an unwelcome intrusion into another's domain.

It is therefore important to note that Article IV, Section 4 of the U.S. Constitution provides:

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Furthermore, the mainstream media has blithely ignored a fact that was reported upon on October 18, 2018 by Judicial Watch:

This eye-opening report began with this sentence:

In a startling revelation, Guatemala’s president announced in the country’s largest newspaper that nearly 100 ISIS terrorists have been apprehended in the impoverished Central American nation.

Now the growing mob of aspiring illegal aliens is heading to the United States, purportedly to seek political asylum here. When interviewed by reporters, some of these people have claimed that they were living in poverty and wanted better opportunities in the United States, while others talked about their fear of violence in their home countries.

They have undoubtedly been encouraged by the leadership of the Democrat Party which treats illegal aliens with reverence while castigating ICE agents who routinely go in harm’s way to investigate and arrest aliens engaged in criminal activities in the U.S. Certainly, demands made by the leaders of the Democrat Party that ICE be disbanded altogether and all interior enforcement of our immigration laws be terminated are music to the ears of these aliens.

Sanctuary cities beckon illegal aliens and the criminals, gang members, fugitives and terrorists among them, encouraging them and inducing them to head for the United States and claim “asylum.”

However, when an individual flees his/her native country seeking asylum, they are supposed to apply for asylum in the first country that they enter. Hondurans entering Guatemala, for example, should apply for asylum in Guatemala. Furthermore, asylum claims are supposed to be...

Immigration Vs. Invasion....

DEEP STATEPOLICE DOCUMENTS: Robert Mueller Is Being Investigated For Allegedly Framing Right-Wing Man On Gun Charge

Special counsel and former FBI director Robert Mueller is accused of framing a man on gun charges — a case that is officially under investigation by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation (TBI).

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation confirms on official letterhead that a criminal complaint regarding Mueller’s conduct as FBI director is stored in an investigative case file at the Bureau. The Department’s policy is not to release this information in the course of an investigation.

Big League Politics has reviewed police audio of a conversation between Walter Fitzpatrick, witness in the case against Mueller, and TBI special agents Jerry Spoon and Mark Irwin, plus another TBI officer.

Fitzpatrick describes his claim that Darren Huff was fraudulently prosecuted by Mueller’s FBI for the crime of “carrying a firearm in interstate commerce with the intent to use it in a civil disorder” in a supposed right-wing plot in 2010 to take over a courthouse in 
Monroe County. Huff served time in solitary confinement, and did not wish to be quoted in this report.

Fitzpatrick and others have presented evidence that Darren Huff never possessed a firearm at the location or in the matter alleged by authorities, and that there was no plot to take over a courthouse.

Huff’s lack of firearm, if confirmed by investigators, shapes the case against Mueller for willful misconduct by...

If They Only Had A Brain....

While Looking Down His Nose, Obama Tells a Massive Lie About His Lying

“Unlike some, I actually try to state facts”, he said, “I don’t believe in just making stuff up. I think you should actually say to people what’s true.”
Obama was out campaigning in Nevada this past week and spent most of his speechifying on a long defense of his own presidency, and condemnation of Republican governance.

“When you hear all this talk about ‘economic miracles’ right now, remember who started it,” Obama said. He denounced Trump’s attempts to pressure the FBI and Department of Justice to target [crooked] political foes.

“That is not how America works. That is how some tin-pot dictatorship works,” he said.

His speech was the usual pompous, grandiose, patronizing, and pretentious self-promotion, but he also blatantly lied about lying.

Count the times he refers to himself in this one short and dishonest statement.

“Unlike some, I actually try to state facts”, he said, “I don’t believe in just making stuff up. I think you should actually say to people what’s true.”

That’s rather silly. We all know he cleverly used language to deceive and as far as that tinpot dictatorship, he was the master of the pen and phone.

"Unlike some, I actually try to state facts," Pres. Obama says. "I don't believe in just making stuff up. I think you should actually say to people what's true." https://abcn.ws/2D005j9 


“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it, If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor”, comes to mind first. His entire presentation of Obamacare was a scam.

Then there is the massively big IRS fib. “There’s not a smidgeon of corruption”, he said, referring to his administration’s IRS targeting of conservatives.

Then there’s this: Benghazi was about an “awful movie”. He and Hillary even made a faux apology Ad for TV about the fake impetus — the movie — for the Benghazi attack which was aired in Pakistan. It caused rioting in the country. Obama also blamed Republicans for Benghazi and helped put an innocent filmmaker in prison.

“We didn’t have a scandal that embarrassed us,” he told the Boston Globe in March.

Benghazi, IRS targeting, Hezbollah drug cartels, Fast & Furious, abusing reporters faded from his memory apparently.

As far as reporters are concerned, he was their enemy although they didn’t seem to know it.

His DOJ hacked the computers of then-CBS investigative reporter Sharyl Attkisson. Obama himself engaged in “profanity-laced tirades” against reporters. Reporter James Rosen said what Trump has done can’t compare to what Obama did to the press. Let’s not forget how Obama spied on...

What Is The Difference Between Hillary And Putin?


Why Some Scientists Say Global Warming Is Out and Global Cooling Is In

In a world riddled with climate-change doomsday predictions, a small but growing number of scientists are saying the highly touted climate models predicting steadily increasing global temperature due to humans’ carbon-dioxide emissions are wrong and that Earth could soon face something even more dire: global cooling.

One such climate scientist is Valentina Zharkova, an astrophysicist at Northumbria University in the United Kingdom. Zharkova and her team of researchers say that based on mathematical models of the Sun’s magnetic activity, it’s likely Earth will experience decreasing magnetic waves over a 33-year period beginning in 2021.

Zharkova is not alone. In 2017, researchers at the Physical Meteorological Observatory Davos, the Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, ETH Zurich, and the University of Bern published a model projecting a cooling period “in 50 to 100 years’ time.” Numerous other studies have made similar projections. Indeed, the website NoTricksZone lists hundreds of peer-reviewed papers that argue solar activity and solar cycles have a substantial influence on global climate change on decadal, century-long, and millennial time scales. Some of these papers even argue that solar activity is often the dominant factor driving climate change.

The researchers say reduced solar magnetic activity has previously been linked to historically cool periods in Earth’s history, such as the Maunder Minimum, a period of lower magnetic activity associated with a “mini ice age” that occurred from 1645 to 1715. During the Maunder Minimum, temperatures plummeted to such an extreme degree that Londoners held “frost fairs” on the frozen Thames River.

Writing for the New York Times, historian Geoffrey Parker notes, “The unusual cold that lasted from the 1620s until the 1690s included ice on both the Bosporus and the Baltic so thick that people could walk from one side to the other.”

Although Zharkova says her model’s accuracy is 97 percent, she’s not sure precisely how impactful lower solar magnetic activity will be, especially because it is believed there is a lot more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere today than in the seventeenth century, and many climate scientists believe higher CO2 levels cause additional warming.

Many of those convinced that humans are responsible for the higher global temperatures recorded over the past century have already started to dismiss Zharkova and others who say global temperature could soon level off because...