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Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Democrat Party Is The World's Most Successful Hate Group...

They Are The KKK, They Are ANTIFA, They Wrote The Jim Crow Laws, They Persecute Christians, They Persecute Minorities That Don't Tow Their Wicked Line.


In the wake of these weekly sometimes daily attacks, the left takes to the streets in support of the migrants (hijrah) and anyone who opposes it is smeared a racist-Islamophobic-anti-muslim-bigot.

Germany’s self-titled “Chancellor of the migrants,” Angela Merkel, said she will step down as chancellor in 2021, following recent election setbacks. Frankly, it’s not soon enough.

Police in Munich have arrested five Afghan asylum seekers after a 15-year-old girl claims she was raped in Munich, days after a similar report in Freiburg.

According to Bild the men aged between 20 and 25 preyed on the ‘socially challenged’ girl after she was groomed by one of their number.

She is said to have told officers that one man repeatedly raped her and that she had been assaulted by five of his friends last month.

The attacks were spread out across several apartments in Munich.

On Monday night [leftwing] protesters clashed with police as they reacted to nationalist demonstrations against Angela Merkel’s liberal border policy

The girl said she was afraid to defend herself because she thought they would beat her.

The Bavarian police are hunting one of their number who is...

Government's First Duty?

Gitmo Terrorists Obama Traded for Army Deserter “Reinforce” Taliban in Qatar

The Guantanamo terrorists released by Barack Obama in exchange for a U.S. Army deserter have joined the Taliban’s “political” office in Qatar. The move reinforces the terrorist group’s operations, according to the Spanish international news agency that broke the story this week. The five men were incarcerated at the U.S. military prison in southeast Cuba because they held positions of great importance with the terrorist group, including Chief of Staff of the Taliban Army and the Taliban Deputy Minister of Intelligence. One U.S. Senator referred to the freed jihadists as the “Taliban Dream Team.”

That did not stop Obama from swapping them for a disgraced Army solider, Bowe Bergdahl, who was captured by the Taliban after deserting his post in Afghanistan. The secret exchange violated the law and written White House rules. The nonpartisan investigative arm of Congress, the Government Accountability Office (GAO), determined that the president broke a “clear and unambiguous” law when he traded the high-level terrorists for Bergdahl, who went AWOL in Afghanistan in 2009. According to rules issued by the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) the violation is serious and can carry severe consequences. They include fines, imprisonment, administrative discipline, suspension from duty without pay or removal from office, the rules specifically state.

Bergdahl left his post and was held captive by the Taliban-aligned Haqqani network in Afghanistan from June 2009 until May 2014. The circumstances surrounding Bergdahl’s disappearance and subsequent capture have become the subject intense controversy. He was released on May 31, 2014 in exchange for the five terrorists, Mullah Muhammad Fazel Mazlum, Mullah Noorullah Noori, Mullah Abdul Haq Wasiq, Mullah Khairullah Khairkhwa and Maulavi Muhammad Nabi Omari. All of them held high-ranking positions with the Taliban before going to Gitmo. Fazel Mazlum was the deputy defense minister from 1996 to 2001. Noorullah Noori was governor of the Balkh province, Abdul Haq Wasiq was deputy intelligence chief, Khairullah Khairkhwa was interior minister and Nabi Omari worked in the military in late 1990s.

“The five terrorists released were the hardest of the hard-core,” a veteran U.S. Senator wrote in a letter to the chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee after Obama freed them. “They held positions of great importance within the hard-core anti-American Taliban, including the Chief of Staff of the Taliban Army and the Taliban Deputy Minister of Intelligence. They have American blood on their hands and surely as night follows day they will...

This Is Why Democrats Want Millions Of Illegals To Invade The U.S.....


Double honor killing in America? Muslim sisters found DEAD – duct-taped together had applied for asylum, ran away from home, feared for their lives, begged police not to tell their family where they were

Two sisters were found bound together, dead, floating in the East River in New York City. For the past few days, the police were asking the public for information, trying to find out who they were. I followed the story carefully because young girls dying in this way raise flags. Knowing what I know now, there is no doubt in my mind this was a double honor killing:
2015: Family moves to Fairfax, Virginia from Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

December 2017: Sisters run away and beg police not to tell mom where they were. They return back to Virginia at some stage afterwards

May 2018: Oldest sister attends final classes at George Mason

August 2018: Tala is reported missing. The search is called off when police learn she is with her sister in New York City.

October 17: Mother’s last known contact with the sisters, according to relatives

October 23: Mother receives call from Saudi Consulate ordering the family home because the girls have applied for political asylum

October 24: The girls bodies are found washed up in the Hudson River

These two sisters wanted to be free. They worked hard to stay alive – they lived in various shelters and had applied for asylum – fearing persecution for religious or political beliefs.

Drowned and duct taped sisters had been ordered back to Saudi Arabia

‘They were a happy family,’ says relative of Saudi sisters found dead in New York – then why did they keep running away?

The mother of the women told detectives that the day before their bodies were discovered, she received a phone call from the Saudi Arabian Embassy, the New York Post reported, citing police sources.

The Embassy reportedly told her that her family’s residency in the U.S. was in jeopardy because Rotana and Tala applied for immigration asylum.

The following day, their bodies were found in the Hudson River on the Upper West Side. The two were fully clothed, with no obvious signs of trauma, bound together by duct tape and...

This is Soooo Prefect!


President Trump continues to kick ass and take names with only days to go until the midterm and two new ads that he unleashed via his Twitter account are one hell of a closing argument why anyone who desires to save the Republic should prevent Dems from taking back power.

Via The Sacramento Bee, “President Trump stirs controversy on Twitter with video of Sacramento cop killer”:

President Trump posted a tweet Wednesday afternoon blaming Democrats for “letting in” Luis Bracamontes, the man who killed two law enforcement officers in a 2014 shooting in the capital region.

Bracamontes was sentenced to death in April for killing Sacramento County Sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver and Placer County Sheriff’s Detective Michael Davis Jr. in a daylong crime spree that began at a Motel 6 on Arden Way and ended in Auburn.

Bracamontes was in the country illegally at the time of the shooting. He had been previously deported twice.

The video, posted to Trump’s account, said “Illegal immigrant, Luis Bracamontes, killed our people! … Democrats let him into our country … Democrats let him stay.”
Democrats and the swine at CNN will be outraged but the ads are devastating and all the more so given the Dems’ calls for the abolition of ICE and...

Suspicious Package Sent To Miami Democrat Party On Halloween Day, Turns Out To Be The Scariest Thing Possible...

Scary Looking Bill Nelson - Florida U.S. Senator
Turns out, the “suspicious package” that locked up downtown Miami Wednesday afternoon wasn’t suspicious at all — it was a package of U.S. Sen. Bill Nelson bumper stickers in a brown box, police said.

Miami-Dade Democratic Party contacted Miami police Wednesday afternoon when a “suspicious” package was found inside its office in the CIC Miami building at 1951 NW Seventh Ave.

A police source familiar with the investigation told the Miami Herald that the package was received on Oct. 22 and found on an empty floor of the Democratic Party office. The package was sent from Orlando. To err on the side of caution, investigators X-rayed the package.

Officials at the Democratic Party office were concerned because the package was not expected in its deliveries. Miami’s bomb squad was investigating the suspicious package.

The building, which used to be called Life Science Park and which currently leases spaces for an office to the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, SAVE LGBTQ and The New Tropic media site, was not completely evacuated.

Well, the bomb scare situation has come to @CIC_Miami. The building has been evacuated due to a threat. @MiamiPD and a bomb squad are investigating.

Project Veritas Exposes The Lying, Deceit, And Racism In The Gillum Campaign...

Andrew Gillum Is Running For Florida Governor
Funded By Soros, Campaigns With Bernie Sanders...

Morning Mistress