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Thursday, November 8, 2018

A Woman the Dems Just Elected Has a History of Making Some Pretty Anti-Semitic Statements

Ilhan Omar became the first Somali-American woman elected to Congress Tuesday night, prevailing in Minnesota's 5th Congressional District over Republican Jennifer Zielinski. Omar and Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib are also the first Muslim women elected to Congress.

Democrats are celebrating Omar's win and the diversity in their party, but they may regret their choice after scrolling back through her Twitter timeline. Here's what she had to say about Israel in 2012.

Israel has hypnotized the world, may Allah awaken the people and help them see the evil doings of Israel.

Democrats are expected to take some heat for this win. In recent months some liberal leaders have also been criticized for their ties to Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan, who just last month suggestedJews were "termites." Newly elected Minnesota Attorney General and former DNC Deputy Chair Keith Ellison has for years been connected to Farrakhan, but many would agree he has failed to properly distance himself from him.

Some analysts who have closely followed Washington politics say Tuesday night's election outcomes are unsurprising.

Yes. This is concerning, but it is not unexpected. The Dems have moved from entertaining anti-Semitism and anti-Israel voices, to fully embracing them as the party's future. Let us not forget how the 2012/16 Party leaders booed Israel and God. https://freebeacon.com/politics/israel-in-the-balance/ 
During her campaign, Omar focused on single-payer health care, gun control and immigration. In an interview with CBS Wednesday, the newly elected congresswoman said she plans on embracing refugees.

Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) is one of the first 2 Muslim women elected in Congress: "I hope to bring a unique insight to the lives and struggles that refugees need and the kind of opportunities and hope they are looking for when they come here."

Look What The Democrats Elected...

Trump opens door to declassifying Russia docs, and his acting Attorney General could be on board

President Trump is “very seriously” considering whether to declassify a slew of FBI and Justice Department records related to the Russia investigation, he said Wednesday. That controversial proposal, which Trump has toyed with for months, may have a backer in Matthew Whitaker, the acting attorney general.

“Declassification, we’re looking at very seriously,” Trump told reporters in a press conference on Wednesday, just before Attorney General Jeff Sessions was forced to resign.

Whitaker, who served as Sessions’ chief of staff, will take over as acting attorney general. In that role, he will oversee the special counsel’s investigation into Trump associates’ links to Russia. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein had directed the investigation because Sessions recused himself due to contacts he had with Russians while working on the Trump campaign.
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According to Fox News’s Catherine Herridge, Whitaker has worked quietly behind the scenes in support of the push to declassify the Russia documents.

Trump announced on Sept. 17 that he was ordering the Justice Department and Office of the Director of National Intelligence to begin the process of declassifying 21 pages from an FBI application for a surveillance warrant against former Trump campaign adviser

Trump also called for the declassification of FBI notes from interviews used to obtain the surveillance warrant. He also urged the release of...

Dear Texas, Meet Nacho...

WOW! When a Dem Super Hero Is a Scrawny Socialist

With Sessions Gone, Trump Is ‘Entitled’ to Attorney General Who Has His ‘Full Confidence’

The hunt for the new DOJ head has begun in earnest, as the panel discussion on 'The Ingraham Angle' made very clear

President Donald Trump is “entitled” to have a “full-time attorney general” who has his complete “confidence” at the helm of the Department of Justice (DOJ), former U.S. Attorney Joseph diGenova said Wednesday night on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” just hours after Trump accepted former Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ resignation.

“At your request, I am submitting my resignation,” Sessions wrote to Trump in his resignation letter.

Sessions stunned Trump in March 2017 — just one month after being sworn in — when he succumbed to pressure and recused himself from overseeing the probe into allegations of Russian collusion between Trump’s presidential campaign and Russia.

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein ultimately appointed special counsel Robert Mueller to direct the probe in May 2017 after Trump fired former FBI Director James Comey.

The relationship between the president and his now-former attorney general has been strained ever since.

Sessions, who became the first sitting senator to endorse Trump’s presidential bid during the contentious GOP primary, deeply wounded Trump by recusing himself. The president repeatedly criticized Sessions verbally and on Twitter after the recusal and the relationship soured beyond repair. Many viewed it as a mere matter of time before Trump fired Sessions.

Matthew G. Whitaker, who served as Sessions’ chief of staff at the DOJ, became acting attorney general until Trump nominates another person.

Trump tweeted on Wednesday, “We are pleased to announce that Matthew G. Whitaker, Chief of Staff to Attorney General Jeff Sessions at the Department of Justice, will become our new Acting Attorney General of the United States. He will serve our Country well … We thank Attorney General Jeff Sessions for his service, and wish him well! A permanent replacement will be nominated at 
Whitaker said in a statement on Wednesday evening, “It is a true honor that the president has confidence in my ability to lead the Department of Justice as acting attorney general.”
“I am committed to leading a fair department with...

Jim Acosta Gets Bitch -Slapped...

Could Papadopoulos Blow the Russia Hoax Wide Open?

Dan Bongino recently conducted a fascinating interview with George Papadopoulos. The most convenient way to digest the interview is at Jeff Carlson's blog, which has a link to the interview on Bongino's radio show as well as a full transcript of the interview. What emerges from the interview is, in my view, convincing evidence that Papadopoulos was, in Chuck Ross's words, the target of an "FBI sting."

Actually, that characterization doesn't even go far enough. What seems clear at this point is that the FBI -- representing the US Government and as an agency of the Department of Justice -- targeted Papadopoulos and attempted to manipulate him into appearing to be a vehicle for Russian influence in the Trump campaign. The FBI had no reason to believe that Papadopoulos had any connections to Russian officials before they targeted him. The fact is, Papadopoulos's academic background and previous experience was in what could be broadly termed "Eastern Mediterranean" politics -- Greece, Turkey, Cyprus, Israel. Moreover, in his published writings he actually evinced a degree of hostility to Russian influence in that region.

When the FBI's attempt at framing Papadopoulos in this manner predictably fell flat, Papadopoulos was indicted on trumped up "false statements to the FBI" charges stemming from a harmless misstatement -- not a lie.

The entire interview is well worth listening to -- to capture Papadopoulos' personality -- and also worth reading closely for the details that emerge. Chuck Ross's digest is also useful as a summary. Bongino's tone is remarkable. He's well prepared for the interview and, as he goes into the details of how Papadopoulos was groomed to be a fall guy in the FBI's war against Trump, his tone is incredulous to the point of hilarity at times -- the FBI's setup is that transparent. Bongino has difficulty throughout in restraining himself from exclaiming at Papadopoulos' only too obvious naivete. For his part, Papadopoulos is naturally reluctant to portray himself as a complete dupe, but even he at a certain point ends up quoting his wife, who exclaimed to him: