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Friday, March 8, 2013

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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Lawrence O'Donell On MSNBC Calls Rand Paul, A "Ridiculous, Sick, Paranoid Messenger"

So I have been watching MSNBC all evening to get a feel of what the administration's message is and Rachel Maddow had a reasonable discussion about Rand Paul and civil liberties.

Lawrence O'Donnell follows Maddow and I may be the only person in the USA watching this odd toad-faced man whom I have seen before and every time it is a bit unsettling.  He has this kind of strident fervor of hatred for anything that is not obsequent to Obama.

O'Donnell is very upset with Rand Paul for defending civil liberties or perhaps more accurately making Obama and his corrupt administration look bad.  O'Donnell calls Rand Paul, A "Ridiculous, Sick, Paranoid Messenger" and then takes clips of sentences from Paul's thirteen hour dialogue in his filibuster to attempt to make him sound ridiculous, sick and paranoid in which O'Donnell fails miserably.

With O'Donnell, there is no such thing as reason or critical thinking, it is just attack stridently anything that challenges the agenda of the Obama administration.  He is simply, a useful idiot.

The Incomplete Resume

Perspective Is Everything...

On Squishy Republicans

At 18 years old, I registered as a Republican and then promptly and proudly voted for Ronald Reagan.  I was not big into politics back then and certainly the only way to get news back then was through the media and mine was further filtered by The US Military, The Stars And Stripes was our main newspaper as I was an Army brat living in Germany and TV consisted of one channel of programming trying to satisfy children, adults and everything in between.  To my recollection, I only remember Republicans and Democrats and a few tiny left wing fringe groups, but I digress.

I no longer consider myself a republican but it is not really possible to think of myself without still thinking as a republican.  When democrats criticize republicans, it gets me angry, so there is still something in me that identifies as republican, and I certainly vote republican as there is no choice other than socialists on the ballot (typically referred to as democrats).

So I think of myself as a right wing libertarian and a tea partier but that is just the closest thing to what I am.  There is no party that truly stands for everything that I stand for.  The republicans like McCain and Boehner are so squishy, I dislike their ilk so much; they make me sick but the alternative is only socialists.  Then they criticize Rand Paul for his heroic filibustering?  See here more about Rand Paul's filibuster.


Hugo Chavez 1 American Hero 0

Hiding In Plain Sight....