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Saturday, March 19, 2016

Illegal Alien Who Raped 14 Year Old Girl and Killed Another Woman Pleads Guilty To Rape, Murder In Ohio Rampage

A Mexican national living illegally in the United States has pleaded guilty to murdering and raping a woman during a July crime spree in order to avoid a possible death sentence, Ohio prosecutors said on Tuesday.

Juan Razo, 36, pleaded guilty on Monday to 16 criminal counts connected to a July 27 rampage that began when he attempted to rape his 14-year-old niece, who fought him off, and went on to rape and murder 60-year-old Margaret Kostelnik, who lived nearby, after breaking into her home, police said.

He fled the home and went on to shoot and wound a woman walking with her two children and later shot at county sheriff's deputies while they were trying to arrest him, police said.

He pleaded guilty to counts including aggravated murder, attempted murder, rape, attempted rape and kidnapping, Lake County Prosecutor Charles Coulson said.

Lake County Sheriff Daniel Dunlap said deputies first encountered Razo on July 7 and alerted federal authorities that he was in the country illegally, but no order to detain him for immigration purposes was issued and Razo was released, Dunlap said.

Razo is scheduled to be sentenced next month and faces a maximum term of...

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, March 18, 2016

Girls With Guns

This Is What Germany Will Look Like In The Year 2050 ...

I have been to Germany in the summer (years ago), and walking around downtown the pretty girls are out shopping and eating ice cream, dressed in the latest fashion and usually walking around bra-less. As a young man, this was a joyous thing, Americans were rarely this free. These German girls, were pretty, thin, and ummm... bouncy. People watching was a stimulating and uplifting activity.

With great sadness, this will be a thing of the past. The German people have chosen cultural suicide and their future is a future of oppression, intolerance and subjugation.

Germans welcome in people who will not integrate with their society, who will produce babies far in excess of the German reproduction rate, will use liberal western laws to take advantage of the system, will use their minority status to shame and coerce to attain their goals and finally will become a majority and impose their ruthless will on the native population. A Pity.

Dieses ist, was Deutschland wie im Jahr 2050 aussehen wird. Schade.

Pamela Geller – Critical Mass May Still Save America – Merkel Taken Germany, Europe To Point of No Return

Icing The Infidels...

Minor Violations Of The Iran Nuclear Treaty...Whats The Big Deal?

Obama the Obstructionist

What a shock. 

Harry Reid's Changing Opinion On Presidential Appointees...

Senate Republicans Plan to Follow Joe Biden’s Advice on the Supreme Court Vacancy

Months before the 1992 presidential election, Joe Biden urged fellow U.S. senators to shut down the nomination process and block President George H.W. Bush’s judicial picks from a confirmation vote.

Today, Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, called on the Senate to follow what he dubbed “the Biden Rules.”

The lawmakers should leave Antonin Scalia’s seat on the Supreme Court empty until a new president nominates a successor, Grassley said.

“It’s the principle, not the person,” Grassley argued, quoting at length from remarks made 24 years ago by Biden when the vice president was a senator from Delaware.

Grassley said the Judiciary Committee should listen to Biden’s reminder “of the Senate’s constitutional authority to provide, or withhold, consent, as the circumstances require.”

In a floor speech June 25, 1992, Sen. Joe Biden, then chairman of the Judiciary Committee, argued that....

News Flash: Ted Cruz is the Lead Singer of Christian Metal Band Stryper

There’s a pretty good chance that Republican presidential candidate Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX)  is not the famed Zodiac Killer,  as some have theorized (we know that is Bernie Sanders) — but could he be the lead singer of ’80s Christian metal band Stryper?

That’s the theory circulating around social media this week after one Facebook user, author Michael Boulerice, posted a side-by-side photo comparison of the Texas senator and Stryper lead singer Michael Sweet.

The photo comparison quickly went viral, prompting a tongue-in-cheek response from Sweet himself:

Newt Gingrich: If You’re Not for Trump or Cruz, You Are for Hillary

Thursday on Fox News Channel’s “Hannity,” former House Speaker Newt Gingrich doubled down on a claim he had made earlier in the day regarding some in the GOP abandoning either of the leading two Republican presidential contenders, Donald Trump or Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX).

Gingrich warned that by not falling in line behind Trump or Cruz is effectively supporting Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton.

“Let’s be honest, if you want to help elect Hillary Clinton, then help elect Hillary Clinton and a radical Supreme Court, but don’t give us any pious baloney that...

Hot Pick - Camel...No....