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Ninety miles from the South Eastern tip of the United States, Liberty has no stead. In order for Liberty to exist and thrive, Tyranny must be identified, recognized, confronted and extinguished.
This brave woman voluntarily shares the story of her horrific event so that other women do not have to experience what she did. She found out when seconds mattered, the police were not a 911 call away. She also learned that the only person safe in a gun-free zone — like a college campus — is the criminal. She knows that law-abiding people have been disarmed in these gun-free zones by their government.He paused, then looked at the audience and said, ....
The brief makes a business argument for Obama’s 2014 executive actions on immigration, saying they have the potential to increase gross domestic product by hundreds of billions of dollars over a decade if allowed to go forward.
‘Instead of inviting the economic contributions of immigrants, our immigration enforcement policies have often inhibited the productivity of U.S. companies and made it harder for them to compete in the global marketplace,’ according to the brief.
‘We have a strange immigration policy for a nation of immigrants,’ Zuckerberg wrote Thursday in the Washington Post. ‘And it’s a policy unfit for today’s world.’ Zuckerberg has joined forces with top executives and founders from Google, Yahoo and LinkedIn to launch a new organization called, with the goal of influencing the current debate. Several top venture capitalists are also participating. ‘To lead the world in this new economy, we need the most talented and hardest-working people,’ Zuckerberg wrote. ‘We need to train and attract the best.’
The number of clients lobbying on immigration jumped in 2012, from 317 to 355, data shows. That’s the highest level since 2008. Just as in 2011, the tech industry was the most active on this issue. Out of the top ten organizations filing the most lobbying reports that mentioned the issue, six were tech companies or trade groups. Their big concern has to do with wanting more visas for highly skilled workers in the STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) fields. While the national unemployment rate remains high, tech companies continually face problems in filling all of their available positions.