90 Miles From Tyranny

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Thursday, April 27, 2017

I'm In The Mood For Something Hot...

Prepping: Vegetable Growing Cheat Sheet

Thanks El Chapo...

Ted Cruz Introduces EL CHAPO Act to Make Mexican Drug Lord Pay for Wall

North Korea vows to wipe out US and South Korea with '5 million nuclear bombs' carried by children

  • Youth wing of North Korea said it will react with 'slight provocation' from enemy
  • Warned that 5million are 'combat ready' to use nuclear weapons against its foes
  • News comes as South Korea allow US weapons on their soil, bordering the north 
  • Kim Jong Il yesterday did 'largest ever' live-fire artillery drills - with real weapons
Young supporters of Kim Jong Il are preparing to 'wipe out' the US and Korea with five million nuclear bombs, the head of the republic's youth league has said.

The chilling message from the Central Committee of the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Youth League warns that 'the Earth will break' if it launches an attack.

It promised to destroy the US and its South Korean neighbours if either shows 'a slight provocation,' as international tension reaches breaking point.

The warning came as South Korea announced on a high-altitude rocket system to be built on its own soil, giving allies the US powerful weaponry on the peninsula. 

North Korea's state-run Korean Central News Agency reported a spokesman saying the youths were 'keeping themselves fully combat ready to mercilessly wipe out with five million nuclear bombs the group of devils who are trying to bring a nuclear disaster to the inviolable country.'

The warning comes as North Korea fired rockets and torpedoes at...

Disgusting WSJ Reporter Laura Meckler Calls Honoring Illegal Alien Crime Victims, Their Families ‘F*cking Ridiculous’

Sources present at Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly’s Wednesday conference honoring families whose kids and spouses were murdered by illegals inform GotNews that Wall Street Journal reporter Laura Meckler repeatedly mocked the event before they were honored.

The victimized families were only people “pissed they [the illegal aliens] weren’t deported,” she said. She also called it a “total Trump campaign event” before repeatedly saying: “This is ridiculous. This is ridiculous. This is ridiculous. This is fucking ridiculous.”

Her Twitter Account: https://twitter.com/laurameckler
Her Facebook Account: https://www.facebook.com/LauraMecklerWSJ/

Not very ladylike, Laura! She later wrote on Twitter: “DHS appears to be borrowing Trump campaign technique of packing front rows of a news conference with supporters.”

During the solemn conference, Kelly honored individual families who suffered unimaginable horrors and silence from their government, promising them they will never be forgotten again. He ignored questions from the angry hive of reporters, including Meckler, who were muttering in outrage before...

Morning Mistress

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

BAMN Are A Violent Cult

Watch Berkeley Middle School Teacher Attack a Trump Supporter

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Girls With Guns

The Greatest Baseball Play Ever...

The Struggle Is Real...

Feminism Is Cancer

Rope A Dope..

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When You Are The Very Best, But Nobody Notices...

The Socialist That Killed 50 Million People...

Why Does Hillary Clinton Dress Like Chairman Mao?