90 Miles From Tyranny

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Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Leftist Dutch daily columnist admits to writing fake news about whites

Sylvia Witteman writes for a leftist Dutch daily. She recently gave a revealing interview about how she purposefully writes fake news... to the same newspaper.

Under the title “People of the Volkskrant talk about their dilemmas, fascinations and the drive to know more” Witteman goes on to explain how she, unlike a few of her colleagues, always finds something to write about.

Colleague columnists like Peter Buwalda and Marcel van Roosmalen often end up not knowing what do do halfway through the writing of their columns. “Yes, Peter is having a hard time. He lives in [the posh] Amsterdam-North, he calls it Reykjavik himself, and stays there all day long. Then he emails me that he has nothing to write about and then I always say: go to the fucking supermarket or something. Walk to somewhere where you can hear people talking. Because then you really have something. If you walk outside for fifteen minutes, you have three subjects.”

She then continues on how she distorts the truth when she uncovers a story about non-white Dutch people. If she experiences something that would make them look bad, she turns the non-whites into whites for the sake of her column.

She says the Volkskrant readers would rather read about bad whites instead. After all, Witteman claims she has to sell her writing and those columns mean money to her. So it is better to distort the truth for Volkskrant readers!

Witteman is not even ashamed to admit that she is writing fake news. “Certainly, I do a lot of self-censorship. I used to use the word ‘negro’, for example, but I have not written that for a few years because it has become a loaded word – and I do not want to hurt anyone.

“But it goes much further than that. When I see something on the street where someone who is black, Turkish or Moroccan is doing something rotten, I often change him to a white Dutch person. Because otherwise I am being called a racist.

“I once wrote about an annoying Moroccan woman on a scooter with a fat boy on the back with an iPad. I had to brake for a pigeon, so she also had to brake and then I landed in big shit. I wrote that down and a description of what she looked like: a woman with a headscarf and a fat boy. I got so much angry mail about it!”

Witteman says she would never write anything negative about non-whites. “About someone who is black, I would never again write that he is fat or ugly, because then I am a racist. I just write about white women with a figure like a dripping candle, that is possible. That self-censorship goes quite far, but yes, that’s the way it is.”

Sylvia Witteman has meanwhile responded to tweets by Joost Niemöller on her revelations about writing fake news.

She claims that she is allowed to lie because she is a columnist.

Strangely, the annual group photo of columnists at the Volkskrant for 2018, show no people of colour. They are missing altogether in a newspaper that preaches daily about anti-racism, diversity, inclusiveness and about the lack of...

Only In Hollywood...

With All The Rape And Pedophilia In Hollywood...

Jeff Bezos Shares His Wealth. (With Illegal Aliens.)

January 12th was the 54th birthday of Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon.com. Coincidentally, this seems also to have been the week in which Mr Bezos’ net worth crossed over from eight digits to nine. His personal wealth is now over a hundred billion dollars.

You’d think, wouldn’t you?, that having had the great good fortune to grow up in the U.S.A., where it’s possible to rise by honest means from humble beginnings to wealth beyond the dreams of avarice, you might think that Bezos would want to give something back to his country: some kind of fund or scholarship program for poor American kids, perhaps.

If you did think that you are pitifully naïve about the modern centibillionaire’s interest in nation-states, citizenship, or sovereignty.

Bezos is a citizen of the world, who scoffs at patriotism and respect for our laws. He has indeed established a 33 million dollar college scholarship fund … for illegal aliens.

As well as being a sneering slap in the face to his fellow citizens this is also, as several commenters have pointed out, a violation of federal laws against giving aid and assistance to illegal aliens.

How wonderful it would be to see this traitorous toad being led to the dock in an orange jumpsuit. Are we...

Who Won The Bet, Trump Or Putin?

Never Bet Against Donald Trump!

WATCH: Illegal Alien Who Murdered Two Cops Grins At Trial: 'I Wish I Killed More Of Those Motherf***ers'

On Tuesday, illegal alien Luis Bracamontes, 37, went on trial in Sacramento for murdering two Sacramento-area deputies in October 2014, a crime he has admitted to in court hearings. He also shot a motorist in the head to steal his car, and wounded another deputy.

At the trial, Bracamontes grinned and stated his only regret was “that I f***ing just killed two. I wish I killed more of those motherf***ers.”

As Bracamonte started ranting, Judge Steve White instructed the jury to step out into the hallway. Bracamonte continued, “I don’t f***ing regret that s***. Only thing that I f***ing regret is that I f***ing just killed two. I wish I killed more of those motherf***ers. … I will break out soon, and I will kill more. Whoever f***ing get in front of me, just like that. There’s no need for a f***ing trial.”

After Judge White warned Bracamontes that if he were not silent he would be removed from the courtroom, he ordered that the jury be brought back into the courtroom. Public defender Jeffrey Barbour said, “Before you do that, may I be heard on one issue? Thank you. We believe these outbursts and inappropriate laughter are part of the mental illness that we talked about earlier. At this point, we would ask the court to reconsider its ruling on the 1368 motion we filed; or in the alternative, let us declare a doubt, another doubt, under penal code 1368.”

Judge White: “Your motion is denied. We’ll address this at a later time.”

Later, as prosecutor Rod Norgaard recalled the ambush slaying of Sacramento County sheriff’s Deputy Danny Oliver, he described how Oliver’s partner, Scott Brown, came under heavy fire from Bracamontes as Brown emptied his...

164 Companies Credit Tax Reform for Bonuses and Pay Raises

One hundred sixty-four companies have gone on record stating they gave bonuses and pay raises to employees because of the new tax reform law, according to Americans for Tax Reform.

The list has been continually updated and jumped from 40 companies to 164 in 10 days, the Washington Examiner reports.

The businesses include American Airlines, AT&T, prominent banks and savings and loans, Boeing, Comcast, Pacific Power, and Visa.

The list shows what each company paid in bonuses and includes attached statements or press releases, saying tax reform was the catalyst for each company’s decision.

AT&T showed direct support for President Donald Trump in its statement and said it expects the changes to produce more jobs and “economic growth.”

“Congress, working closely with the president, took a monumental step to bring taxes paid by U.S. businesses in line with the rest of the industrialized world,” AT&T Chairman and CEO Randall Stephenson said in a statement. “Tax reform will drive economic growth and create good-paying jobs. In fact, we will increase our U.S. investment and pay a special bonus to our U.S. employees.”

Americans for Tax Reform tweeted the list and said companies also provided increased 401K contributions along with...

Dems ‘Terrified’ of Trump Cracking Black Vote, Civil Rights Leader Says

With infamous race card losing its potency, guests on 'The Laura Ingraham Show' say president's program threatens old alliances

Playing the race card is no longer such a powerful tool, a civil rights leader and conservative black intellectual said Monday on “The Laura Ingraham Show.”

Black unemployment has fallen to the lowest level on record, which may be why President Donald Trump’s standing among black men has improved somewhat compared to his performance on Election Day in 2016, according to a recent poll. This is one of the few demographic groups that view Trump more favorably.

“[Democrats] are terrified that this president gets somewhere north of 10 to 15 percent of the black vote,” said Niger Innis, spokesman for the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) (pictured above right, in red tie, in the image on this page). “And they’re terrified because, if that happens, then it is first of all, mathematically, electorally impossible for a Democrat to win.”

Innis added, “But more than that, it is because they are so invested in having a monopoly of the black vote, and that monopoly is based on blacks as forever seeing themselves as victims, forever seeing themselves as victims of racism, of economic depravity of the white man.”

Shelby Steele, senior fellow at the Hoover Institution, who wrote a column on the subject for The Wall Street Journal over the weekend, told host Laura Ingraham that Democrats and many of the traditional civil rights advocacy groups depend on racial strife.

“Racism is absolutely their only source of power on the American political scene,” said Steele (pictured above left). “And so they’re just hysterical with happiness when they find racism … The fact is, without racism, they would not exist. They would not be in power.”

Steele said African-Americans, after a long, historic struggle, now have ...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #139

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

LIMBAUGH: TV Journalists And White House Press Corps Are ACTORS

Girls With Guns