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Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Watching Leftists Freak Out....

Hillary Clinton Used Unsecured Blackberry Inside Russia; FBI Director Mueller Ignored Secretary of State’s National Security Breach

NEW EVIDENCE proves that Hillary Clinton used her personal cell phone inside Russia as Secretary of State, exposing her phone and private email server to extreme risk of hacking by Russian intelligence agencies in mid-October 2009, just 10 months into her 4-year term. Clinton would later lie to the public and the FBI about her security practices in Russia, after apparently forgetting that this photo ever existed.

The archived photo, taken during Secretary of State Clinton’s first official trip to Moscow, shows Hillary talking into what appears to be a rectangular-shaped, black-on-silver Blackberry smartphone. Her awkward hand position–with the length of her hand concealing most of the phone, and fingers wrapped around the top–could have been an attempt to conceal the device from being photographed. The Russian alphabet lettering in the background and caption accompanying the photo stating that Hillary had “traveled to Moscow” leave little doubt that the above photo was taken inside Russia.
Although it was initially published in a mainstream media outlet, there is no indication that the FBI ever knew of this photo’s existence at the time, while Robert Mueller was FBI Director, or later on, while then-FBI Director James Comey and Agent Peter Strzok were supervising the Clinton emails case.

This photo started the investigation, but the Russia photo could finish it.

This iconic photo of Hillary using a Blackberry on a military plane in 2011 prompted a State Department Freedom of Information Act official–but not Mueller’s FBI–to inquire about whether Hillary was using a government-issued device:
The Congressional investigations that followed revealed the existence of Hillary’s private server, her exclusive use of a private email system, and the fact that she never used State Department devices to conduct government business.

Despite all of this evidence, Hillary has squeaked out of Espionage Act and Obstruction of Justice charges by feigning ignorance of classification rules and blaming staff for her misdeeds. The media pushed these falsehoods by claiming that Hillary’s decades in government made her a dedicated public servant who never intended to violate a few minor rules. Hillary even uses the phrase “but my emails” to signify the insignificance of her actions:
With willing accomplices in the FBI, Hillary was able to beat the rap when Jim Comey shrugged his shoulders and concluded that none of her actions were intentional or even criminally negligent–only “careless.” That’s not the legal standard (which says “negligent” mishandling of classified information is a crime), but because people like Comey and...

The Reason For The Treason...

'Inside Edition' crew gets robbed while reporting on San Francisco Bay Area crime

An "Inside Edition" crew who baited "smash and grab" thieves in California's San Francisco Bay Area were the victims of a true robbery — resulting in the loss of thousands of dollars worth of equipment.

In an effort to report on rampant robberies in the area, "Inside Edition" employees filmed themselves planting GPS trackers inside items that were placed in a car parked in an area well-known for theft.

The trackers were placed inside of a $250 speaker and a purse just before reporter Lisa Guerrero explains "for [their] last trick," they also placed video cameras throughout the car in the event the products get stolen.

Sure enough, two people were soon spotted robbing the vehicle. A man was seen in the segment smashing open the car's back window, pulling out the handbag and throwing it to a woman sitting nearby before removing the speaker.

According to a man whose surveillance footage caught the incident, he said...

Deep State Unmasked: State Dept on Hidden Cam "Resist Everything" "I Have Nothing to Lose"

  • Federal Employee for State Department: “Resist everything… Every level. F**k sh*t up.”
  • Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Embedded in Federal Government Positions, Actively Resisting
  • Stuart Karaffa Does Work for DSA While on Taxpayer’s Dime: “I’m careful about it. I don’t leave a paper trail.”
  • “I have nothing to lose. It’s impossible to fire federal employees.”
  • Ethics Officer Fails to Recognize Breach on Ethics Form: “somebody just rubber stamps it and it goes forward…”
(Washington DC) Today, Project Veritas released the first installment in an undercover videoinvestigation series unmasking the deep state. This video features a State Department employee, Stuart Karaffa, engaged in radical socialist political activity on the taxpayer’s dime, while advocating for resistance to official government policies. In addition to being a State Department employee Stuart Karaffa is also a ranking member of the Metro DC Democratic Socialists of America (Metro DC DSA.)

Metro DC DSA is a socialist group that works to advance progressive causes in the metropolitan DC area.
Socialist Activism at the State Department

Mr. Karaffa’s loyalties seem to be with DSA, not with his employer.

Karaffa told an undercover Project Veritas journalist that he performs DSA activism while at work for...


President Donald Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. has trolled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s accuser by posting a meme to Instagram that likens the judge’s alleged high school behavior to a high school crush.

The meme specifically depicts a scrap piece of paper with childlike handwriting in crayons that reads, “Hi Cindy, will you be my girlfriend … Love, Bret.” Damn, that’s savage!

While I cannot defend this savagery, I can certainly cite the arguments and evidence that led Trump Jr. to believe Kavanaugh’s accuser, liberal California professor Christine Blasey Ford, is either lying or out of her mind.

Kavanaugh’s female peers defend him

According to Vox, 65 women who knew Kavanaugh personally during their time in high school signed a letter testifying to his good character and respect for women.

“We are women who have known Brett Kavanaugh for more than 35 years and knew him while he attended high school between 1979 and 1983. For the entire time we have known Brett Kavanaugh, he has behaved honorably and treated women with respect. We strongly believe it is important to convey this information to the Committee at this time,” they wrote.

Kavanaugh’s former girlfriends defend him

Two women who previously dated Kavanaugh also vouched for his character, telling Fox News that Ford’s claims about the Supreme Court nominee are the “polar opposite of the Brett Kavanaugh” they’ve known for decades.


Guy who allegedly stopped Kavanaugh from raping Ford defends him

Ford claims that a male peer by the name of Mark Judge inadvertently stopped Kavanaugh’s alleged sexual assault on her by jumping on them and causing all three to tumble to the floor. But he denies this ever even happened.

“It’s just absolutely nuts. I never saw Brett act that way,” he initially said.

“Now that the anonymous person has been identified and has spoken to the press, I repeat my earlier statement that I have no recollection of any of the events described in today’s Post article or...

Trump orders feds to declassify key FISA documents, text messages in FBI Russia probe

President Trump on Monday ordered the declassification of several key documents related to the FBI investigation of Russian actions during the 2016 presidential election, including 21 pages of an application for a renewed surveillance warrant against former campaign aide Carter Page, and text messages from disgraced FBI figures Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.

White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders said Trump had ordered the documents released by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence (ODNI) and the Justice Department "[a]t the request of a number of committees of Congress, and for reasons of transparency."

The documents to be declassified also include all FBI reports on interviews with Justice Department official Bruce Ohr and all FBI reports of interviews prepared in connection with all other applications to surveil Carter Page.
Trump also ordered the Justice Department to release text messages from a number of the key players in the Russia investigation "without redaction" -- including Ohr, Strzok, Lisa Page, former FBI Director James Comey and former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe.

The 21 pages only make up a small part of the 412 pages of FISA applications and warrants related to Page released by the FBI earlier this year in heavily redacted format. The June 2017 application was the last of four filed by the Justice Department in support of FISA court orders allowing the monitoring of Page for nearly a year.

According to the redacted version, three of the declassified pages involve information included in a section titled "The Russian Government's Coordinated Efforts to Influence the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election." That section includes reference to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #383

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Most Epic Weather Report Ever!

Monday, September 17, 2018
