Ever since the mass of people — nearly 10,000 according to some estimates — began traveling out of Honduras, liberals have insisted that it’s America’s duty to accept them with almost no questions asked.
Considering that a high number of the migrants do not have passports or verifiable identification, questions have been raised about this plan, including by the president himself.
Of course, anybody who has dared ask how smart it is to bring a horde of unvetted people over the border has been labelled a racist or a heartless bigot.
An eye-opening video from Fox News correspondent Griff Jenkins may silence those critics. On Sunday, Jenkins shared a man-on-the-street interview he did with one of the thousands of migrants who are currently in Tapanatepec, Mexico.
To the reporter’s surprise, the man admitted that he had a major felony.
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“I want to enter and ask for a pardon,” the migrant answered in Spanish. The translator confirmed the statement. “He says he wants to apply for a pardon for the felony he committed.”
“What is your felony, exactly?” the translator asked.
“Number three,” Jose answered in English. “A third degree felony,” the translator confirmed.
“Intento de matar,” the migrant continued. Translation: “Attempt of murder.”
It’s worth pointing out that this was just one of thousands of people, many with unknown backgrounds, in the massive...