90 Miles From Tyranny

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Monday, April 15, 2019

Early Michelin Man, Santa Clara, CA 1926

Moar Great Photos:

Hot dog stand - Chicago 1962


Hollywood is in big trouble at the box office, and the numbers aren’t great at all.

The Hollywood Reporter reported the following Monday:
Through Sunday, revenue at the North American box office was an estimated $2.74 billion, the lowest showing since 2013 for the comparable time period, according to Comscore.

That’s down 17% from the same corridor in 2018 — when Black Panther opened — and 18% from 2017, home of winter and early spring hits Beauty and the Beast and Logan, among other titles.

The big question now is whether the box office can rebound and surpass the record $11.9 billion collected domestically in 2018, and an all-time best $41.7 billion globally.

These numbers aren’t great at all. There’s just no spin zone at all here. If you’re a person in Hollywood writing checks, you have to be...

It Burns, It Burns!!!

NY Dems Reject Tuition Aid For Gold Star Kids After Doling Out millions For Illegal Students

New York State Assembly Democrats denied hundreds of thousands of dollars in tuition money to relatives of Gold Star veterans on Tuesday but granted $27 million for illegal aliens' college tuition in a state budget earlier in April.

In a 15-11 vote, New York's Assembly Higher Education Committee decided not to allocate more money to a $2.7 million program that currently helps 145 students related to or dependent on disabled and deceased combat veterans to pay college tuition, the New York Post reported.
“We will make every effort to ensure going forward, we have some additional resources allocated to the program so that as an entitlement, it is not falling short of the needs of our military families,” Democrat Assemblywoman Deborah Glick said, according to the Post.

Not all Democrats opposed the veteran funding bill, however.
"I voted for the bill because I think it’s important, especially after that FDNY firefighter was killed in Afghanistan, so heartbreaking," Democrat Assemblywoman Judy Griffin said, reported the Post.

"But I voted yes knowing the bill would be held because it was a tough budget year and as the chairwoman said, there just wasn’t the funding in the budget. But now we know for next year, [so] we will make it a priority and hopefully pass it.”

New York Democrat Gov. Andrew Cuomo also signaled that he would support the bill, which provides merit-based awards with a $24,250 ceiling per student, if it made it past the Assembly, according to Stars and Stripes.

“We have a moral obligation, a social obligation to help those families who lost their provider, their loved one, in service to this nation,” Cuomo said, according to Stars and Stripes.

“Assemblywoman Glick should be ashamed of herself,” Republican state Sen. Robert Ortt, who sponsored the proposed funding, said.
“We set aside $27 million dollars for college for people that are here illegally...apparently $2.7 million is all that the families of soldiers who are killed, get. If you’re a child of a fallen soldier, you do not rank as high and you know that by the money.”

This comes after Campus Reform highlighted in a video earlier this week how a lesser-known federal statuteprohibits illegal immigrants from receiving "any postsecondary education benefit unless a citizen or national of...

5 Year Old Boy Thrown Off Mall Of America 3rd Floor By One Of Obama's and Ilhan Omar's Somali Muslims

In 2015, the Islamic al-Shabab extremist group based in Somalia called for an attack on the Mall of America and other shopping centers in a video. Al-Shabab fighters attacked an upscale Kenyan mall in 2013 in a siege that left 67 people dead. In response, the Mall of America said it was tightening security, and that some of the extra precautions would be noticeable to guests and others would not be.

Cher Is So Scared Of Illegals Coming To Her City She Starts Talking Like Trump

It is simple for celebrities to virtue signal about what they would do if they were you when they are telling you what to do.

It was in 2017 when singer and actress Cher was telling everyone that she would take an illegal immigrant into her home.

And more than that, she was advising that every American citizens take an illegal immigrant, or family, into their homes.

“Those Who Can Must Take a DREAMER In2 Their Home & Protect Them‼️I’m Ready 2 Do This & Others in MY BUSINESS WILL DO THE SAME‼️SANCTUARY,” she wrote on Sep. 5, 2017.
Those Who Can Must Take a DREAMER In2 Their Home & Protect Them‼️I’m Ready 2 Do This & 🙏🏻Others in MY BUSINESS WILL DO THE SAME‼️SANCTUARY
14.9K people are talking about this
But it has been a long time since that tweet was written and no Dreamers live in Cher’s house or her neighborhood.

Not particularly newsworthy as no one believed she would do it. But what she said on Sunday showed what a hypocrite she is.

Faced with the prospect of President Donald Trump sending illegal immigrants to the sanctuary city she calls home now she wants to care about Americans first.

“I Understand Helping struggling Immigrants,but MY CITY (Los Angeles) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN.WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+🇺🇸Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS.PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE,& HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS)How Can it Take Care Of More,” she said.
I Understand Helping struggling Immigrants,but MY CITY (Los Angeles) ISNT TAKING CARE OF ITS OWN.WHAT ABOUT THE 50,000+🇺🇸Citizens WHO LIVE ON THE STREETS.PPL WHO LIVE BELOW POVERTY LINE,& HUNGRY? If My State Can’t Take Care of Its Own(Many Are VETS)How Can it Take Care Of More
41.5K people are talking about this

I Prefer The Hardships Of A Free Man....

Are We Serfs Or Masters?


FORT WORTH, TX (The Daily Mail) – A woman has been charged with killing a man by running him over twice after an argument in a Texas bar.

Laura Rosas, 33, was arrested on Monday night for allegedly murdering Emmanuel Ramirez, 30, OK Corral, a Latin nightclub in Fort Worth, Texas.

She is accused of running him over twice in the parking lot in the early hours of Monday morning after an argument inside the club.

It is unclear how they knew each other or what they were fighting about.

Another woman who was allegedly in the car with her is yet to be named or charged.

Rosas is also being held on an ICE detainer but details of her immigration status are not known.

Police in Fort Worth say she and the other woman were in their car outside the nightclub when they saw Ramirez walk outside.

It is unclear if they had been lying in wait for him.

Rosas allegedly started driving towards him and knocked him over. She then ran him over for a second time before fleeing the scene.

Emergency services were called to the parking lot at around 2:30am to treat the man but he was pronounced dead.

Rosas was arrested on Monday night. She is being...


A group of around 350 migrants attempting to join a caravan on the way to the United States broke the locks and forced their way through a gate between Mexico and Guatemala on Friday.

The National Immigration Institute said the migrants, likely from Central America, behaved in a “hostile” and “aggressive” manner and even attacked police in the Mexican border village of Metapa, according to an AP report.

The group then merged into another caravan of around 2,000 migrants making their way to Tapachula on their journey to the United States.

One migrant, 43-year-old Honduran Claudia Jaqueline Sandoval, told press she has been “HIV positive for 16 years.”

Honduran migrants wait at the international border bridge in Ciudad Tecun Uman, Guatemala, as they wait to cross into Mexico on April 12, 2019. – A group of 350 Central American migrants forced their way into Mexico Friday, authorities said, as a new caravan of around 2,500 people arrived. (Photo by Rodrigo Mendez / AFP / Getty Images)

Friday’s action was the latest example of escalating tension on the border between Mexico and Central America. Earlier this week, a group of Cuban and African migrants staged a riot at a Tapachula immigration station in an attempt to prevent authorities from deporting them, according to...

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #592

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

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