90 Miles From Tyranny

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Saturday, April 27, 2019

Inspector General Report Findings are “Devastating”; Criminal Referrals Coming

The forthcoming Inspector General report will recommend “criminal referrals” and will contain “devastating” information about FISA abuses.

Former US Attorney Joe diGenova joined former Governor Mike Huckabee and Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani Wednesday night on The Ingraham Angle.

Thegatewaypundit.com reports: DiGenova told the panel the Inspector General report and a solo report on James Comey are coming out in about two weeks. DiGenova says the report will contain criminal referrals.

Joe DiGenova: The Horowitz report is coming out in May or early June. There’s another report that everyone has forgotten about involving James Comey alone. That will be out in two weeks. That report is going to be a bombshell. It is going to open up the investigation on a very high note and there are going to be criminal referrals in it.

On Thursday investigative reporter dropped another bomb on the upcoming Inspector General (IG) report.

According to PaulSperry, “FBI agents Joe Pientka and Mike Gaeta, along with DOJ official Stu Evans, are figuring prominently as witnesses in IG Horowitz’s investigation of department FISA abuses. The findings in the forthcoming IG report are said to be “devastating.”

Paul Sperry then added something we already knew, it appears Barack Obama and his administration had a heavier hand in interfering in the 2016 election than Putin!

Morning Mistress

The 90 Miles Mystery Box: Episode #604

You have come across a mystery box. But what is inside? 
It could be literally anything from the serene to the horrific, 
from the beautiful to the repugnant, 
from the mysterious to the familiar.

If you decide to open it, you could be disappointed, 
you could be inspired, you could be appalled. 

This is not for the faint of heart or the easily offended. 
You have been warned.

Hot Pick Of The Late Night

Friday, April 26, 2019

Girls With Guns

This Completely Boggles The Mind Right?

How To Know When You REALLY Need Guns To Keep Your Family Safe...

This Will Help Protect Americans From Terrorists...

FedEx Truck Hit By Train...

More Animated Gifs:

New NSA Anti Tea Party Weapon...

Wrong Wire Faisel

That's Gotta Hurt...

Can You Say, Adrenaline Rush?

I Know There Is A Sun Tzu Quote In Here Somewhere..

It's A Drive Thru Now..

Roof Surfing Fail..

..and don't miss:

Judge charged with obstruction for helping an alien criminal escape

We finally have a case with a judge arraigned for committing a crime. They usually do whatever they want, especially if it concerns illegal immigrants who have committed crimes. Bleeding heart judges don’t abide by the rule of law and they have sworn to abide by the law.

These judges who help criminal illegal aliens escape ICE have been getting away with it, until now.

Newton District Court Judge Shelley M. Richmond Joseph, 51, appeared in U.S. District Court in Boston on Thursday. She was arraigned on obstruction of justice stemming from an incident that allegedly took place on April 2, 2018.

Prosecutors claimed in court documents earlier Thursday that Joseph, along with 56-year-old court officer Wesley MacGregor, helped Jose Medina-Perez, a twice-deported illegal immigrant with a fugitive warrant for drunk driving in Pennsylvania, sneak out a back door after he appeared in court to be arraigned on drug charges, according to MassLive.com.

We wouldn’t want to lose him, we say ironically. What an upstanding citizen he’d make. What is wrong with these people and why do they find it so hard to simply abide by the law?

Authorities alleged that Joseph asked an immigration agent who was in the courtroom to leave, and said Medina-Perez would be released into the courthouse lobby.

But after the hearing, MacGregor led him downstairs to the lockup and out a back door, U.S. Attorney for the District of Massachusetts Andrew Lelling said.

If this man kills someone while driving drunk or drugged, this judge should be put on trial.

This case is a step in the right direction, back towards the rule of law. It’s a sorry state of affairs when judges make up the laws as they...

Iran Just Banned Americans From Vacationing In Their Country...

Stunning texts implicate Pence’s former chief-of-staff as a mole to ‘infiltrate’ WH admin. Trump sounds off!

Newly uncovered evidence suggests that disgraced former FBI special agent Peter Strzok and his paramour, former disgraced FBI lawyer Lisa Page, attempted in 2016 to recruit then-Trump transition member Josh Pitcock, who later went on to serve as Vice President Mike Pence’s chief of staff through early 2017, to help them in their surveillance efforts of President Donald Trump and his transition team.

Earlier this month Attorney General Bill Barr revealed to Congress that he intends to examine the FBI’s 2016 election surveillance efforts to determine whether the bureau’s indisputable surveillance of Trump’s election campaign and transition team officials had been on the up and up.

In a bid to assist Barr in his examination, this week two GOP Senate leaders submitted a letter to the AG that contained previously unrevealed texts from Strzok and Page.

“[I]n the course of our oversight work we have reviewed certain text messages that may show potential attempts by the FBI to conduct surveillance of President-elect Trump’s transition team,” Senate Finance Committee chairman Sen. Charles Grassley and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee chair Sen. Ron Johnson wrote in their letter to Barr.

In these texts from November 2016, Strzok and Page can be seen discussing recruiting the husband of someone named “Katie” to determine whether there were any officials within Trump’s transition team that the duo could “develop for potential relationships.”

While the identity of “Katie” isn’t revealed in the texts, renowned investigative reporter Sara Carter suspects that she may be Katherine Seaman, the wife of Pitcock.

According to Carter’s sources, Seaman worked “as an analyst for Strzok on the FBI’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private server” up until Trump and Pence accepted the GOP nomination in the summer of 2016. Then she reportedly recused herself from the investigation.

Given this finding, it seems as if Strzok and Page’s texts had therefore referred to the possibility of recruiting Seaman’s husband to help them surveil then-President-elect Trump’s transition team.

A screenshot of the relevant texts may be seen below, courtesy Carter:

“The nature of these communications, and the precise purpose of any attempts to ‘develop relationships’ with Trump or Pence transition team staff are not immediately clear,” Grassley and Johnson wrote in their letter to Barr. “Were these efforts done to gain better communication between the respective parties, or were the briefings used as intelligence gathering operations?”

“Further, did any such surveillance activities continue beyond the inauguration, and in the event they did, were those activities subject to proper predication? Any improper FBI surveillance activities that were conducted before or after the 2016 election must be brought to light and properly addressed.”

Speaking Thursday evening on Fox News’ “Hannity” about these newly discovered texts, the president expressed dismay, describing the discovery as...

Stop Obstructing Our Coup!