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Friday, May 10, 2019

It Must Be Hard To Oppose Roaring Success...

Two stunning revelations on Russia hoax investigation yesterday from DC superlawyers Victoria Toensing and Joe DiGenova

Washington, DC superlawyers Joe DiGenova and Victoria Toensing have consistently been ahead of the news on the course of the unfolding scandal of spying on the Trump campaign and administration. Appearing last night on Lou Dobbs’s Fox Business Network show, the 2 law and marriage partners revealed that DoJ Inspector General has already concluded that the last 3 of four FISA warrants were illegally obtained.

Moreover, with the revelation from John Solomon that that “Newly unearthed memos show a high-ranking government official who met with Steele in October 2016 determined some of the Donald Trump dirt that Steele was simultaneously digging up for the FBI and for Hillary Clinton’s campaign was inaccurate, and likely leaked to the media,” Horowizt is re-opening the investigation into the legitimacy of the first of four FISA applications.


Make no mistake: this means that crimes were committed and criminal referrals from the IG are coming. Those who signed the applications – a group that includes James Comey and Rod Rosenstein – face potential criminal prosecution.

The second revelation from the duo is, if anything, even more shocking: he FBI attempted to set-up a sting on George Papadopoulos by offering him $10,000 in cash – which he left on the hotel room bed where it was offered to him. The trap this represented was fully revealed when Papadopoulos returned to the USA and customs agents unsuccessfully searched for the $10,000. One of them told Papadopoulos “This is what happens when you work for Donald Trump.” They make the point that the rot at the FBI is not confined to a few appointees at the top. A large number of lower-ranked officials were involved in these stings and...

This Crazy Dude Tries To Jump On A Speeding Train

More Unbelievably Good Animated Gifs:

Cop Blocking Your Way? No Problem...

McCaul: U.S. Pushing Back on Chinese IP Theft and Global Aggression

The United States is finally pushing back against the mounting threats from China, including intellectual property theft, global expansion through coercive economics, and the attempted takeover of the South China Sea, a senior Republican member of Congress says.

Members of Congress in particular, from both parties, are waking up to the problem, said Rep. Michael McCaul (R., Texas), senior Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee.

"A lot of this has been under the radar and a game of deception, and I think a lot of members of Congress are starting to wake up to the fact this is a serious threat to the national security of the United States," he said in an interview with the Washington Free Beacon.

McCaul was chairman of Homeland Security Committee until 2017 and said he is well versed in Chinese cyberattacks through that experience. Those attacks involved the massive theft of American intellectual property from both government and private sector computer networks.


One of the most damaging attacks involved Chinese hackers stealing 22 million federal employee records, including millions with access to classified information. Security officials say the Chinese are using the stolen records for both cyber espionage and human intelligence-gathering efforts.

McCaul said several recent federal indictments of Chinese hackers are important steps in pushing back against the Chinese cyberattacks. "For the first time, you're seeing consequences to China's bad behavior when it comes to [intellectual property] theft," he said.

related: U.S. Indicts Two Chinese Nationals Over Global Hack Campaign

Prosecutors in Indiana on Wednesday indicted Wang Fujie, a member of what was described as a sophisticated Chinese hacker group that carried out the 2015 cyberattack against the healthcare provider Anthem that involved the theft of more than 60 million health records.

Curbs on China's data theft also are part of the ongoing U.S.-China trade negotiations, as the Trump administration seeks Beijing's agreement to stop illicit Chinese technology transfer.

McCaul also recalled how China sought to steal the 1996 election by funding Bill Clinton's re-election campaign. McCaul, a former Justice Department prosecutor, worked on the case of Johnny Chung, a California businessman who funneled more than $366,000 in funds to the Democrats, including money provided secretly by the People's Liberation Army intelligence service for the Clinton reelection campaign.

related: Justice Department accuses Chinese spies of hacking into dozens of US tech and industry giants

"I remember when I was in the Justice Department I prosecuted the Johnny Chung case and I saw what China was doing to steal our technology, and in fact our election," he said.

"The director of Chinese intelligence put money through China Aerospace into Chung's bank account, and he put it in to the Clinton campaign."

The election meddling operation involved PLA Gen. Ji Shengde, head of military intelligence. According to Chung's congressional testimony in 1999, the Chinese general told him "we like your president very much. We would like to see him reelected. I will give you 300,000 U.S. dollars. You can give it to the president and the Democrat Party." Chung would pleaded guilty to bank fraud, tax evasion, and campaign financial violations.

Investigators traced Chung's PLA connections to Lt. Col. Liu Chaoying, an executive at China Aerospace International Holdings, the Hong Kong-based subsidiary of China Aerospace Science and Technology Corp, a government space launch and missile manufacturer. Liu introduced Chung to Ji.

More recent Chinese election meddling surfaced in October. Vice President Mike Pence said in a speech that China is engaged in a comprehensive and coordinated campaign to undermine support for the president. "China wants a different president," Pence said Oct. 5.

McCaul said a recent example of Chinese technology theft involved the firing of three Chinese academics from the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston last month. The center is a leader in immunotherapy.

"We're seeing a systemic [operation] across the United States," McCaul said of China's effort to obtain U.S. medical research and development information. "I think you're going to see indictments coming down in the future. And it's not just limited to MD Anderson. It's going to be all over the...

Choose Your Favorite For Best Performance In A Politically Motivated Hate Hoax!!

Jim Acosta’s Press Pass to Be Suspended Again

CNN “journalist” Jim Acosta may soon find himself on the other side of the White House fence once more.

The establishment media operative, known primarily for a series of puerile stunts at White House press conferences and his outright political activism conducted under the guise of impartial journalism, could lose his press pass in two weeks.

Acosta’s White House privileges were already revoked in November after he attempted to take over a Presidential media briefing by demanding President Trump welcome a thousands-strong migrant caravan from Central America into the country. Acosta refused to yield the microphone when his time was up, pushing back from a White House intern who arrived to retrieve it from the career liberal media flack.
Yet, a judge ruled that the CNN showman was entitled to access the White House, a ruling that meant Acosta’s press pass was temporarily restored.

The stay preventing the White House from removing Acosta is set to expire, and the Trump administration seems willing to follow through on preventing Acosta from engaging in disruptive and self-promoting behavior during White House press conferences.

Acosta’s been sent a letter confirming that his press pass will be allowed to expire after the judge’s restraining order does the same, which will take place around the end of the month.

CNN has previously stated that it’s going to seek additional rulings on the matter from progressive activist judges, hoping to enshrine a de facto constitutional right for Acosta to waste time and...

Joe Biden Gets A Special Message From Margaret Thatcher!

More Thatcher:

An Illegal Immigrant Killed Her Son, a Police Officer. Here’s How This Mom Fights to Save Others.

A mother whose son died after a car wreck caused by an illegal immigrant with a criminal record who was drunk and high on drugs says his death left a permanent scar on her life.

“When he was taken from me, there was a huge part of my life that was taken,” Mary Ann Mendoza told The Daily Signal in an interview about her son Brandon, who served as a police sergeant in Mesa, Arizona.

Mendoza, a Realtor who now also calls herself an activist against illegal immigration, founded Angel Families with another woman who lost a daughter to an illegal immigrant and drunk driver.

Five years ago, Mendoza and her son had just celebrated Mother’s Day by having dinner together the day before the accident.

Brandon Mendoza was on his way home from work on May 12, 2014, when a vehicle driven by the repeat offender “slammed head-on” into his car in Tempe, she said.

Her son died in surgery about three hours later. He was 32.

Raul Silva-Corona, 42, the illegal immigrant responsible for the crash, was determined to be “three-times-the-legal-limit drunk, high on meth, [and] had driven over 35 miles the wrong way on the freeways here in Phoenix,” Mendoza said.

Mendoza wrote a letter to President Barack Obama in July 2014 asking for answers about her son’s death and why her son’s killer had not been deported.

Brandon was the only one of her four children who wasn’t married with kids of his own, she told The Daily Signal, so they used to travel and do other things together.

Mendoza, who is divorced and lives in Mesa, said she was awakened by a call about 2:45 a.m. to inform her that her son had been in a terrible accident:

I was woke up out of deep sleep, and I kept trying to call Brandon’s cell phone. He wasn’t answering, and a few minutes later the Mesa Police Department came to my house, rang the doorbell. I knew when we drove up to the hospital, the police presence there, I just knew that it wasn’t good. That’s the day that my life changed forever.

Silva-Corona, the illegal alien, reportedly was not deported in 1994 after being convicted of several crimes in Colorado. He also died from injuries sustained in the crash.

Mendoza, who met in March with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office, said her son had a generous heart.

“He spent a lot of time at the Boys and Girls Club at the Mesa Arts Academy, [and] made sure that the children knew the importance of staying in school, staying out of gangs, staying away from drugs,” Mendoza said.

Mendoza said Brandon “would spend his own money and go and get pizza or ice cream for them after he had spent his time off playing kickball with them in the park.”

Her son also bought presents for area children who weren’t going to be able to have much for Christmas.

Mendoza founded Angel Families with Michelle Root, whose daughter Sarah was killed in 2016 in Omaha in a car crash caused by Eswin Mejia, a 19-year-old illegal immigrant from Honduras who police said was driving drunk.

The two angel parents’ organization works to educate the public about crimes committed by illegal aliens and bring them to the forefront of society. “Angel parents” refers to those whose children have been killed by illegal immigrants.

Mendoza said her son’s death at the hands of an illegal immigrant underscores the increasing need for border security and...

You Oppose Free Speech?

The Real Fascists Call Anyone Who Opposes Them Nazi's And Fascists, And Anyone Who Champions Free Speech, The Same.

Why Does The Media Protect And Support These Fascists?

WATCH: Laura Loomer Projects Names of the Banned Onto Twitter Jack’s House, Brings Copy of Lawsuit

Loomer’s activism landed on Dorsey’s doorstep.

Conservative activist and journalist Laura Loomer, who was banned from Twitter last year after the Council on American Islamic Relations lobbied the big tech platform, projected the names of banned individuals onto the home of Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey this week to bring awareness to the tech censorship crisis.

Equipped with a laptop and projector, Loomer projected the names including Alex Jones, Infowars, Thomas Wictor, Meghan Murphy, Sabo, Anthony Cumia, Sargon of Akkad and others who have been purged from Twitter onto the garage door of Dorsey’s home. It scrolled through the various names, and the #StopTheBias hashtag popularized by President Donald J. Trump last year.

Loomer was banned last year after making comments critical of Rep. Ilhan Omar. Big League Politics reported that the tech giant was lobbied by CAIR to ban Loomer after the comments, and that Twitter complied with their wishes.

Police eventually arrived after a neighbor complained about Loomer’s protest, though they did not arrest her and instead merely asked her to reduce her volume and leave at a reasonable time. She had not broken any laws.

Loomer also brought a copy of the lawsuit she has filed against Twitter for banning her from the platform in a sealed envelope.

“I’m a generous person, I’m a nice girl,” said Loomer. “I decided to...

WINNING: Restrictive Mexican visas keep Central American migrants away from U.S. border

MAPASTEPEC, Mexico, May 9 (UPI) -- Mexico has released hundreds of Central American migrants from a makeshift migrant detention center near Guatemala's border, giving them restrictive visas that keep them far away from the United States.

Mexico's government formerly permitted caravans of undocumented migrants to pass virtually unimpeded on their way to the U.S.-Mexico border. But that migrant-friendly approach angered U.S. President Donald Trump, who criticized Mexico's laxity in March and threatened to close the border if the flow did not stop.

In response, Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obradoro said he did not want a confrontation with the Trump administration. The result has been stricter immigration enforcement, characterized by mass detentions of migrants in camps like the one just closed in Mapastepec.

The government closed the makeshift detention center at the city's municipal sports complex after it issued the migrants regional visitor visas -- and $200 in Mexican pesos for basic needs.

Migrants must wait in detention for Mexican immigration documents. Without them, they risk deportation to their home countries. Those who remained outside the camp Tuesday said they left their countries because of threats, persecution and violence.

"The gangs took my house and threatened my family, so we fled," said Brayan Rosales Hidalgo, 34, from Honduras, who had been traveling in a caravan with his 11-year-old son Anthony.

Rosales, who wants to join his brother in Tijuana, a city on the U.S.-Mexico border, said they had been in the camp since it opened in early April after federal police rounded up the caravan's members on a highway.

But for Rosales, strict immigration enforcement and regional visitor visas do not allow him to reach his brother. The regional visas are valid for only four southern states: Chiapas, Campeche, Tabasco and Quintano Roo. To reach the U.S. border, a migrant would have to travel at least 950 miles illegally, all the time facing the threat of capture and...

Morning Mistress