90 Miles From Tyranny

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Sunday, May 12, 2019

Hot Pick of The Late Night

Saturday, May 11, 2019

8th Place: A High School Girl’s Life After Transgender Students Joined Her Sport

Girls With Guns

Make America.....

You Know The Rest...

Archeology Is Apparently VERY Limited....

What A Difference A Presidential Term Makes....

...and the difference is you...

I remember this song from my early childhood...(inspired the title of this post)

What Is Hate Speech?

Hate Speech Is Speech Leftists Don't Like.

Leftists Have NEVER Believed In Free Speech, It Is A Useful Tool When They Are Out Of Power, But Watch Out When They Have The Power To Suppress The Opposition To Their Destructive Ideas.

FLASHBACK: Biden Said Iowa Schools Are Better Than DC Because Of Low Black Population

That title is no joke.

Current 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden actually said exactly what is written in the headline above.

How does he keep getting away with this stuff? Well, it’s good to be a progressive Democrat.

From Daily Wire:

Declared 2020 presidential candidate Joe Biden’s lengthy record bit him in the behind again on Thursday, as racially charged comments from Biden back in 2007 began to recirculate online.

When Biden was asked by The Washington Post about the discrepancy in school performance in Iowa compared to schools in Washington, D.C., the Democrat cited the high population of African-Americans and other minorities in the D.C. area.

Biden said, “There’s less than one percent of the population of Iowa that is African American. There is probably less than four of five percent that are minorities. What is in Washington? So look, it goes back to what you start off with, what you’re dealing with.”

He added, “When you have children coming from dysfunctional homes, when you have children coming from homes where there’s no books, where the mother from the time they’re born doesn’t talk to them — as opposed to the mother in Iowa who’s sitting out there and talks to them, the kid starts out with a 300-word larger vocabulary at age three. Half this education gap exists before the kid steps foot in the classroom.”

reporter: why are schools in iowa are better than DC?
joe biden: lol black people of course

4,066 people are talking about this
Although Biden firmly remains the 2020 Democrat frontrunner, he may not find himself in that position for very long.

Day after day, year after year, the former vice president finds a way to commit a bigger gaffe.

For President Trump, Biden is the gift that keeps on giving.

From Free Beacon:

Former vice president Joe Biden cited his work in the Obama administration helping “women of color” from “the hood” learn how to code on Friday.

Biden, who announced his bid for the 2020 presidential nomination last month, told an Iowa audience it was important for American workers displaced by globalization to adapt to the new, tech-centered economy. To illustrate the point, Biden described a visit he made to Detroit, Mich., as vice president where he saw first hand how local entrepreneurs trained citizens from economically distressed communities to “code.”

Biden: “Through a program we had, through community colleges, we said look put together a program for us where we can teach people how to code. We went out, literally into the hood, and they found, turns out, 54 [individuals], they happened to be all women, the vast majority were women of color, no one with more than a high school degree, aged 24-to-54, and almost a third of them only had a GED.”


Back in 2014, Biden spoke at the U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce.

Joe made it abundantly clear, noting that illegal aliens are already American citizens.

No joke.

Biden: “You know, 11 million people live in the shadows. I believe they’re already American citizens. These people are just waiting, waiting for a chance to contribute fully. And by that standard, 11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view.”


RINO's Like Richard Burr....

What A Delusional POS

BREAKING, Establishment Republicans Betray President, Subpoena Donald Trump Jr

WINNING: Study Says China To Pay 75% Of Higher Tariff Costs While U.S. Will See Net GAIN

It’s the kind of reporting you won’t find in the regular far left media because that media is dominated by Chinese ad buys. China right now is hoping that a week or two of U.S. media-driven anti-tariff stories will be enough to make President Trump backtrack on his current tariff policies.

The president is showing no signs of doing that and in fact, indicated the higher tariffs would end up HELPING the U.S. economy and not hurt it as so many left-leaning media agencies are now spinning 24/7. Guess what? A new study indicates President Trump is right yet again and the so-called experts are, once again, DEAD WRONG.

Via: GB Times:

Chinese producers bear brunt of costs from US tariffs: research

Chinese producers will end up paying three-quarters of the costs coming from import tariffs imposed by the United States, while the American economy will see a net gain, a new European study says.

President Donald Trump’s administration has this year imposed higher tariffs on US$250bn worth of Chinese imports as part of an economic and strategic offensive against China, prompting Beijing to retaliate with counter-tariffs on US$110bn of imported American goods.

China has repeatedly warned that the trade war will not benefit anyone, with some US analysts also arguing that American firms and consumers will suffer more from the tariffs.

But according to a study by EconPol Europe, a research network in the European Union, the nature of Chinese goods being taxed harder will translate into higher costs for China compared to the US.

A 25-percentage point increase in tariffs is expected to raise US consumer prices on affected Chinese products by only 4.5 percent on average, while the producer price of Chinese exporting firms declines by 20.5 percent, it found.

The higher tariffs are expected to decrease Chinese exports of...

Hollywood Leftists Want Socialism Right?

More Leftist Lunacy From The Lying Loons Of The Left Coast...

Peter Fonda Wants A New Protege

10 Offbeat Stories You Might Have Missed This Week (5/11/19)

It is time, yet again, to look at some of the more unusual or unique stories that made their way through the news cycle over the last several days. Click here to check out last week’s offbeat list.This week’s list is feeling a bit intoxicated, as it has stories on beer, meth, and psychoactive drugs. There are also a few bizarre crimes to talk about, including a man who tried to deport his wife and a woman caught trespassing in search of “Agent Penis.”

10Will Japan Run Out Of Beer?

For the first time, Japan will be hosting the Rugby World Cup. Local businesses are only now finding out something that might become a problem later on: Rugby fans drink a lot of beer.The organizing committee for the 2019 Rugby World Cup had a planning meeting with Japanese business operators in which they raised concerns that Japanese bars and hotels will be unable to cope with the huge demands for beer from the approximately 400,000 international visitors expected to show up between September and November. This would cause bad publicity, upset traveling fans, and cost local venues substantial business.The committee informed them that, during the previous world cup hosted in England, beer consumption at the games was six times more than at football matches in the same venues.One prefecture has already taken measures by asking brewers to increase their supply and local bars to extend their opening hours. However, officials still say that, following the briefing from the rugby committee, a beer shortage is “a realistic problem.”[1]

9G.I. Joe Versus The Volcano

Last Wednesday, a man fell 21 meters (70 ft) into the most dangerous volcano in the United States and survived.The 32-year-old was a soldier deployed on a training mission on Hawaii’s Big Island. In his spare time, he decided to visit Kilauea in Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. He was part of a group that stopped at the Steaming Bluff overlook when the man decided to take a closer look down into Halema’uma’u Crater.There was a safety railing in place, but the tourist decided to climb over it.[2] The ground gave way under him, and he fell down a 90-meter (300 ft) cliff to his certain doom. However, it seems that Madame Pele, the Hawaiian goddess of fire who lives inside the crater, was feeling benevolent that day. Instead of plummeting all the way to the bottom, the man landed on a ledge.He was rescued a few hours later. He was seriously injured and was airlifted to a medical center. Since then, his condition has been upgraded from critical to stable.

8Take My Wife, Please

A man from Portland, Oregon, received four months in federal prison for trying to bribe an immigration agent to deport his wife.Last May, 48-year-old Antonio Burgos met up with an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officer in a parking lot in Vancouver, Washington. He then offered the agent $3,000 to deport the wife he was divorcing back to El Salvador, where the couple met.[3]The officer reported the incident and set up a sting operation. He recorded two phone calls in which Burgos repeated his proposition. During a face-to-face meeting, the man upped his offer to $4,000 if the agent would also deport his stepdaughter.Burgos was arrested and pleaded guilty to one count of bribery of a public official in November. He was sentenced this Monday.

7How To Party Shaman-Style

Photo credit: Jose Capriles, Penn State
A study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences presented the analysis of a 1,000-year-old pouch thought to have belonged to a shaman. Unsurprisingly, it revealed that people back then liked to get really wasted.Anthropologists found the pouch back in 2009 in a rock shelter known as Cueva de Chileno in Bolivia’s Lipez Highlands. It was made out of three fox snouts stitched together and contained traces of multiple psychoactive substances. Scholars believe it could represent the earliest known evidence of ayahuasca, an entheogenic brew used by shamans in spiritual ceremonies.A chemical analysis revealed the presence of dimethyltryptamine (DMT), benzoylecgonine (BZE), bufotenin, cocaine, and possibly psilocin.[4] Also at the site were other items, such as a headband, a snuffing tube, two snuffing tablets, two bone spatulas, and an anthropomorphic figurine. Researchers believe all of them were used in a burial ceremony, as Cueva de Chileno was once a burial site.

6Agent Penis Reporting For Duty

A woman was arrested for trespassing at the CIA headquarters in Virginia and demanding to speak with “Agent Penis.”On May 3, Jennifer Hernandez approached a security officer at the CIA’s visitor center. She wanted two things: to get back her North Carolina ID card and to speak with Agent Penis.A quick check of their records revealed to CIA officials that Hernandez had made multiple appearances over the last few weeks. Each time, she said she was there to talk with her recruiter regarding a job at the CIA. This wasn’t true, so she was told to leave because she was trespassing. The last time this happened, security officers accidentally kept her ID card after officially citing her.Hernandez received her ID back. Agent Penis, however, was unavailable. Other officers escorted her to the bus stop to make sure that she left the premises.[5] When the bus arrived, however, she refused to depart, even when told that she would be arrested otherwise. In the end, she was charged with remaining on an Agency installation after being ordered to leave.

5Across The Atlantic In A Barrel

Photo credit: AFP
People on the tiny Dutch island of St. Eustatius were surprised this week to see an oil tanker with a unique payload. It was carrying a giant, orange barrel with a 72-year-old French ex-paratrooper inside.Back in December, we talked about Jean-Jacques Savin and his plan to cross the Atlantic Ocean in a barrel. He set off....