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Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Poll Shows Media Attack on Trump over ‘Squad’ Tweets Backfired

Fewer voters believe President Trump is racist and more believe he’s attacked as a racist only for political purposes, according to a poll taken after the fake news media launched a jihad to destroy the president over tweets aimed at the extremist Democrats known as “The Squad.”

In a Rasmussen poll of 1,000 likely voters taken on Monday and Tuesday, a full day after Trump blasted the Squad — which is made up of Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) — all the important numbers have moved Trump’s way.

To begin with, Trump’s overall job approval rating moved a net eight points in his direction since Monday — from 46 percent to 50 percent approval; and from 52 percent to 48 percent disapproval.

Those who believe Trump is racist dropped from 50 percent in January of 2018, to 47 percent today. A plurality of 49 percent do not believe Trump is racist.

The most interesting number comes from those who say Trump’s “opponents are accusing him of racism only for political gain.” Since January of last year, that number surged from 43 percent to 49 percent.

Another fascinating number that puts all of this into some context is how those accusing Trump of being a racist define “racism.”

Incredibly, 32 percent of Democrat dummies believe it’s “racist for any white politician to criticize the political views of a politician of color.” Among the Republican Party and Independents, that number is 16 percent.

So even though there are millions of sub-literate morons who believe that only a racist disagrees politically with a non-white politician, Trump is still moving in the right direction on this question.

This is not the first poll to show that Trump’s bold truth-telling over the weekend about these hideous, anti-Semitic socialists has benefited him politically. A Reuters/Ipsos poll take over the same time period shows that Republican support for the president jumped five points.

So what we have here is another in an ever-growing list of massive establishment media failures.

Try as the fake news media will...

Girls With Guns

See The Problem America?

Can You Say: Personal Responsibility?

More Ronald Reagan:

There Is No Security, No Safety, In The Appeasement Of Evil...

The Biased leftist Media Is Fomenting Anarchy In America...

Poll: Clear Majority of Mexicans Say Migrants Should Be Deported Back to Their Home Countries

Narrative fail.

A new poll conducted by the Washington Post found that the clear majority of Mexicans think migrants should be deported back to their home countries.

The survey, which was conducted in partnership with Mexico’s Reforma newspaper, found that Mexicans are “deeply frustrated” with immigrants traveling through their country from Central America.

6 in 10 Mexicans say migrants are a burden on their country taking jobs that should belong to citizens, the poll found.

55 per cent of Mexicans also support deporting migrants who go through Mexico to the United States, compared to just 7 per cent who want to give them residency in Mexico.

The results of the poll completely contradict the narrative that wanting proper border controls and disincentivizing mass migration is a view only shared by “racist” Trump supporters.

The Washington Post acknowledges that the numbers “defy the perception that Mexico…is sympathetic to the surge of Central Americans” and that they prove “Mexicans have turned against the migrants transiting through their own country”.

Mexican citizens are more in line with Trump’s view on immigration than virtually every...

NPC Actually Faces the Consequences Of That Which He Advocates....

How To Anger An NPC Democrat...

‘Cut Heart Out Of Victim’s Body’: 19 Illegal MS-13 Gangsters Charged With Racketeering, Many Charged With Murders

Federal law enforcement officials revealed during a press conference on Tuesday that 22 alleged members of the notoriously violent MS-13 street gang have been charged in a federal racketeering case, many of whom prosecutors believe participated in a series of grisly murders.

"A 12-count indictment unsealed Monday afternoon alleges that members and associates of the gang murdered seven people over the last two years," the Department of Justice said in a statement. "The indictment charges gang leaders who allegedly authorized and coordinated the murders. Also charged are gang members who allegedly murdered and attempted to murder rival gang members, those who were perceived to be cooperating with law enforcement."

The DOJ noted that the indictment "focuses on a particularly violent subset of the gang known as the Fulton clique, which operates in the San Fernando Valley and has recently seen an influx of young immigrants from Central America." The statement says that youngsters who wanted to join MS-13 were "required to kill an MS-13 rival or someone perceived to be adverse to MS-13 to be initiated into MS-13."

CNN reported that 19 of the 22 alleged MS-13 gangsters "are in the country illegally and entered the country within the...

How Do You Starve A Leftist?

The Most Heinous Thing You Could Do Would Be To Allow A Leftist To Create A Socialist Utopia.

This Would Make You Complicit In Mass Murder.

Obama FBI knew 90% of Steele dossier was false in 2017 but used it anyway to spy on Trump aides, report

Fox News host Sean Hannity revealed that in 2017, the Obama FBI knew that 90% or more of Christopher Steele’s anti-Trump dossier was unverified and contained bogus claims, but they used it anyway to obtain sham FISA warrants to illegally spy on Trump campaign officials.

“They knew that 90%, if not more, of the dossier that was used as the bulk of information for the FISA application were debunked. They used it anyway,” Hannity said.

“The FBI kept a spreadsheet with information showing the dossier to be full of false claims — 90% unverifiable. The DOJ was warned that Steele hated Trump, the dossier is unverified, and also that Hilary paid for it, but they want ahead and used it anyway.”

The revelations were uncovered by investigative reporter John Solomon, who writes for The Hill.

“That is 100% accurate, Sean,” Solomon said. “It took until 2019 for the American public to get a definitive answer, when the Mueller report came out. But in early 2017, the FBI had begun a significant effort to assess the credibility of the Steele dossier. And here’s what they found: They interviewed one of its primary sources — a Russian living in the West — and they came to the assessment after the interview, which I believe was in January-February of 2017, that he was either intentionally misleading Steele or exaggerating in ways that caused Steele’s report to be grossly inaccurate.”

Solomon continued: “They then took every factual statement in the Steele dossier, put them in a spreadsheet and analyzed them. They came to conclude that the vast majority of them were either wrong or unverifiable despite all the intelligence the FBI had. That is the quality of what they had. And why is that significant? At the time, [the Obama FBI] were continuing to represent to the FISA Court that Christopher Steele was...

Bowling Alone: How Washington Has Helped Destroy American Civil Society and Family Life

Church attendance in the United States is at an all-time low, according to a Gallup poll released in April 2019. This decline has not been a steady one. Indeed, over the last 20 years, church attendance has fallen by 20 percent. This might not sound like cause for concern off the bat. And if you’re not a person of faith, you might rightly wonder why you would care about such a thing.

Church attendance is simply a measure of something deeper: social cohesion. It’s worth noting that the religions with the highest rate of attendance according to Pew Forum have almost notoriously high levels of social cohesion: Latter-Day Saints, Jehovah’s Witnesses, Evangelical Protestants, Mormons and historically black churches top the list.

There’s also the question of religious donations. Religious giving has declined by 50 percent since 1990, according to a 2016 article in the New York Times. This means people who previously used religious services to make ends meet now either have to go without or receive funding from the government. This, in turn, strengthens the central power of the state.

It is our position that civil society – those elements of society which exist independently of big government and big business – are essential to a functioning and free society. What’s more, these institutions are in rapid decline in the United States, and have been for over 50 years.

Such a breakdown is a prelude to tyranny, and has been facilitated in part (either wittingly or unwittingly) by government policies favoring deindustrialization, financialization and centralization of the economy as well as the welfare state. The historical roots of this breakdown are explored below, along with...

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Explaining The Motivations Of The Deep State And The Left...

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To Ban Guns Because Criminals Use Them Is To...."

Such an agreement is not voluntary and therefore cannot be considered a legitimate contract at all ...

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My Logic Is Undeniable